Checking in also: Like aa9746, I have not broken any rules for this session either. I am so proud of myself this go round:yep:.
This is session 3 for me and I have not broken any rules either. I am so proud of myself! I have only used direct heat twice March and July. I dont plan on using it again this year. My hair is loving me for it. She and I are BFF now. :yep:
Ditto here. No rules broken, my hair's rewarding me for it too. Still don't have the balls to straighten anyway, so suits the challenge perfectly! It's lkinda the norm for me now, rather than a challenge, and I plan to carry on indefinitely till I reach goal.
I'm still in this challenge. My hair is now APL when I stretch it down the front of my body, but I'm not sure it's APL when I stretch it down my back. It has been three years since my big chop. At this rate, it may take another three years before I reach BSL. Regardless, I will achieve this goal :).

In June, I used my first heat pass (blowdryer). However, last week I used the blowdryer on medium heat to "set" my aphogee treatment because I don't have a hard bonnet hooded dryer. Does this count as using direct heat (a heat pass)?
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Hey there. I have my Picasa web album up now...in my signature.

My growth has been good as far as I can tell...more on the sides than in the front, but I am still expecting the sides to get to the top of my shoulders by year's end if I keep doing what I am doing...we'll see....

No rules broken...can't believe it's the 3rd session. I can't wait to get to the end of the year and post results.

You can see 4 months of growth from my BC if you'd like..

HHG to us all!!!

I'm still in this challenge. My hair is now APL when I stretch it down the front of my body, but I'm not sure it's APL when I stretch it down my back. It has been three years since my big chop. At this rate, it may take another three years before I reach BSL. Regardless, I will achieve this goal :).

In June, I used my first heat pass (blowdryer). However, last week I used the blowdryer on medium heat to "set" my aphogee treatment because I don't have a hard bonnet hooded dryer. Does this count as using direct heat (a heat pass)?
I dont think it count because thats not really direct.....:look:
Checking in:

I am still using wigs as my protective style and haven't broken any rules for this session as yet.
I started wigging it up yesterday.....Here she is SanteFe Girl Freestress.


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Doing good. No broken rules. Have not used heat, and only dusted once this session so far. I am thinking about using a pass though and getting a trim because my ends seem thin. We will see.
The first month in session 3 is done! Wow - time flies. I'm happy to say I'm still hanging in there! Waiting 'til the last month of this session to use my pass, when I do my touch-up & length checks. I :love: love this bootcamp to death! :love2:
Another month has gone by and we should all be so proud of ourselves for not quitting. As a natural, it was very difficult in the beginning to avoid using heat on my hair. However, I have survived and thrived without it. I just want to encourage everyone to keep on progressing. December will be here before you know it.:grin:
Well me im still wigging just in a different way.....


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Checking in...I know it's been a long LONG time since I posted. Well, my hair is doing fine. Switched from wigs to braids for the summer. But my edges are sortof paying the price for that. But good thing my hair is short...so I cut the braids to neck length to stop the strain on my edges. My hair is growing slowly but surely. And my regimen is still the same. Good luck to all the participants. See you at the end.
Checking in:

No rules broken, wearing my wig, baggying nightly, resisting the urge to use heat, & and trying to stay the course
Still going strong ladies, and I'm glad to see so many of you doing the same. Great job! :) Does it seem as though this year is flying by? Wow, August already.
I am still going strong myself but I may need to use a pass in Septmeber when I may need to give myself a blowout to get my hair braided before my sister arrives from canada for her 50th birthday.
I am still doing good. No broken rules. However, i am considering getting my hair straightened for my bridal shower in a couple of weeks. I have never allowed it to be straightened as a natural. I am kinda nervous!