Still going strong in this challenge myself. No rules broken for this session and no passes needed either. I was going to get my hair dusted before getting my extension braids this coming Thursday, but I changed my mind. I won't get it dusted until after taking them down in October.
IDK if this will help at all, but try to just focus on the care of your hair. If you continue to care for it properly it will continue to grow. You're suffering from that watched pot syndrome. :grin: I'm kind of on the set it and forget method. I set my goal length, take care of my hair, take pics one or twice a year, and keep it moving. As long as it's longer at the end of the year than it was at the beginning I'm happy, because I know that I'm not going to see that 1/2 inch per month growth increase in length on my natural hair in less than six months unless I straighten.

GoldenBreeze, Thanks for all that you said. I really appreciate your encouragement.
Well I have been so bad and have not had any LHCF for months. I hope to start now so that I can at least do the last leg of the challenge. I was able to do the first session and half of the second, missed the third altogether but I am in for the fourth if it's okay. Will post fresh pics this weekend.
I don't even know what session we're in but I haven't broken any rules.

We are in the third session, which will end on September 30th. The sessions coincide with the monthly quarters of the year.:yep:

Awesome that you have reached the 3rd quarter without breaking any of the rules,or using any of your passes :woot:
We are in the third session, which will end on September 30th. The sessions coincide with the monthly quarters of the year.:yep:

Awesome that you have reached the 3rd quarter without breaking any of the rules,or using any of your passes :woot:

Oh no I just meant currently. I did use passes and I may have had a punishment last session. This session I used a pass on the first day because that was my texlax day.
I totally agree this is not even a challenge for me now. I dc 1-2 times a week, I only dusted once (March) and will again this month if needed. I have only used heat twice (March and July) and I wont use direct heat any more this year. My hair is loving this and it is now a way of life. I have also been doing the C&G challenge and I am 52 weeks post. I will be relaxing the end of this month.

I may post pics but I dont want to be put to shame by all the long haired beauties here.
I totally agree this is not even a challenge for me now. My hair is loving this and it is now a way of life. I have also been doing the C&G challenge and I am 52 weeks post.
I may post pics but I dont want to be put to shame by all the long haired beauties here.

I was thinking about the same thing the other day. Not using heat, PS, DC'ing...this are all things that have become a way of life for me. This year, I have used direct heat ONCE! It isn't a challenge anymore because it isn't hard! :grin:

SouthernStunner, do you know how many ladies are waiting for your update!! Girl, you better get to posting or :bat: !!!!
I totally agree this is not even a challenge for me now. I dc 1-2 times a week, I only dusted once (March) and will again this month if needed. I have only used heat twice (March and July) and I wont use direct heat any more this year. My hair is loving this and it is now a way of life. I have also been doing the C&G challenge and I am 52 weeks post. I will be relaxing the end of this month.

I may post pics but I dont want to be put to shame by all the long haired beauties here.

SS, I totally agree with you and Jax. This is now a way of life. I find that caring for my natural hair without heat is easier. I don't manipulate my hair as often as I used to and combing and brushing are becoming special occasions for me. I just hope I remember how to use a heated appliance once this challenge is over just to measure my progress LOL. HHG to all.:drunk:
Moving right along toward the end of the year. Going strong with no passes used this year, so far. I do plan to heat straighten during the last week in Dec for the length check. I'll go right back to bootcamp hair care in Jan whether we have an official 2010 bootcamp or not. I love the simplicity. :)
Still doing very well this session and so far I haven't used any passes and will not need to either as my hair is all braided up until the middle to the end of October.
Almost at the end of this session #3.....can't wait for my relaxer & length checks!! :woot: Will be using this session's pass for it!
I kinda stretched my hair out and I believe I will make it to APL by Dec. MMMMMMmmmm Im so close I can taste it.
Am still going strong. It is 33 weeks since my last relaxer, I have lots of new growth, happy with my hair so far. I have been keeping my hair braided up, it is just to thick to manage at this time. At the end of the year am going to flat iron to see how much growth I really got.

Used this session's pass to end my 13week stretch, and length checks!!


Although I am please with the health and shine of my hair...I can't for the life of me, understand why I could not reach APL at the end of a 3month stretch:wallbash::wallbash:

Here's to hoping for Full APL by december 31st, 2009...*sigh*:wallbash:

Could you PM me you password, pleaseeee!!

Now, you know that the SL - APL jump can be difficult for some of us. :yep: Just breath, relax, and keep doing what you're doing. I'm sure it will be fine. Your hair is healthy, and that's the most important thing. It's possible that your hair is in or entering it's resting phase. The length will come.
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Could you PM me you password, pleaseeee!!

Now, you know that the SL - APL jump can be difficult for some of us. :yep: Just breath, relax, and keep doing what you're doing. I'm sure it will be fine. Your hair is healthy, and that's the most important thing. The length will come.

LOL!!! That's what they keep telling me...LOL!
Still Bootcamping out. I have not used any passes this session ad won't use one until maybe next session, not sure yet. I am wearing my extension braids for a while, I have about 4 - 5 more weeks to go.
No rules broken, but I did use my heat pass to length check. Should have waited because my hair is nothing to sneeze at yet. :lachen::lachen: It was longer than I thought, but not long enough for me to want to post pics.

I know: This Thread is Nothing Without Pics.

I'll update soon...

HHG to everyone!
