Checking in: I am still doing very well with my extension braids and only used one pass for the last session but have no idea what I'll be doing for the duration of this session. I do know that I will still be wearing braids and cornrows with wigs possibly.
Ms B, your hair is just so pretty, black and thick right now. Just keep doing what you're doing and before long your hair will be bsl.

Aww thanks Aggie, I like that my hair can fool ppl cause it not thick at all:lachen:. But yea I hope that I will be BSL soon but I gotta get APL first:rolleyes:.

Today makes me 4 weeks post, I added 2 step and coconut oil to GVP Nexxus Humectress and now Im under the dryer chilling.....
Update. I used my pass for this quarter on Tuesday--I just had to trim my hair. I took off about an inch and it looks and feels better. I don't plan to do an official length check until the end of the challenge, but I may post an updated photo in the very near future. I'm trying to fix the USB port on my computer right now.
ok, i'm a little late. not straightening, but here is my updated pic. its right after my texlax, so, sorry it's kinda wet and blah.

Aww thanks Aggie, I like that my hair can fool ppl cause it not thick at all:lachen:. But yea I hope that I will be BSL soon but I gotta get APL first:rolleyes:.

Today makes me 4 weeks post, I added 2 step and coconut oil to GVP Nexxus Humectress and now Im under the dryer chilling.....

You're welcomed sweetie.
I am still holding on to these braids and trying to for at least another 2 weeks before taking them down for a week of DCing and possibly wig wearing before I reinstall my extension braids.
Re-installing a new set of braids after 2 weeks of loose hair (twists, braids, TOs and BOs). No heat used, no trimming, just TLC and love. I'm happy to say this challenge is pretty much the norm for me right now and isn't too much of a challenge, and my hair's rewarding me by looking good and healthy and winning me some serious compliments! I'm absolutely loving it!
Can't believe it's the 3rd session already! I haven't updated my fotki since the end of May, but my hair is looking good so far.
I am in kinky twists now. I am trying to keep these in for three months, but obviously, heat or cutting will not be a temptation for the next few months
Ladies, I am going to forgo Session 3 and maybe Session 4 of Bootcamp. With my transition it is much easier to trim monthly instead of once a quarter. As far as the other rules, no direct heat, deep conditioning, protective styles...no problem. I will continue with those until my transition is complete. Good luck to all of you!!! :)
I gotta do something to my freaking hair b4 I yank it all out.

I am feelin' you ms b. I need to take my braids down,. I was trying to make these extensions last, but I really don't think they'll make it another 2 weeks:nono:. They need to be redone like yesterday.
I am feelin' you ms b. I need to take my braids down,. I was trying to make these extensions last, but I really don't think they'll make it another 2 weeks:nono:. They need to be redone like yesterday.
I wish I could get some braids right about now......:nono:
Hello everyone. I know I have not checked in like I should...but we just moved house from the UK to the UK and it's been a lot of work getting our new home together and getting back to work again.

Anyway, I have no pictures to post to show progress from my BC in March...was it March or Feb? I have to go back and see...but when I pull on it, I can tell there is definite growth. I can pull the back down to the base of my neck and the sides now come approximately 2 inches below my ears. I will flat iron with Sabino to length check soon. Other than than, I have put absolutely no heat of an kind in my hair and have been following the rules.

Mostly, I wear a WNG puff with shea butter and AVG or a twistout done on wet hair. Braidouts look crazy on me right now.

One thing I am starting to notice is that I NEED to keep my hair twisted more in order to not have those weird knots on the length of my strands. There are only a few, but I notice them and now that I know what they are, I am paranoid about what will happen to my hair as it grows if I don't immediately search and destroy. I have not dusted to get rid of them yet, but I know I have to do it soon.

Still building my Picasa album. Other than that, nothing.

I love the women on this site and will update pics in the next few weeks.

Blessings and healthy hair growing to us all!
I wish I could get some braids right about now......:nono:

I did it ms b, I took my braids down on Monday afternoon and did an overnight henna treatment, followed by another night of deep conditioning which I just washed out this morning. I have my hair in 4 big braids right now to wear my wigs for now until I can get my braids redone. For now, I will be treating and deep conditioning it for strengthening purposes.
Just checking in ladies,

Things are going good on my end. I am staying on top of my moisture/protein/porosity and it is paying off. I am needing to get a corrective relaxer done and have not decided if whether or not I will do it myself or go the salon. I fear that the stylist will not handle my hair with care and stretching for 6 months and someone ripping through my hair would be pure evil! I plan on only deep conditioning 2-3 times a week for the remainder of the challenge. I have been bagging/sealing daily and keeping my hair covered at all times(the only time my hair is out is when I shampoo it).My goal is to stretch for 6 months and relax in Oct for my birthday. However, after seeing so many naturals post update thread, I may get braids in Oct. and bc in Jan. 2010 and transition to natural.
I am going to commit to 1 sessions of LHCF Bootcamp. My consequence for violating Bootcamp Rules will be no new hair products or nail polish. I am excited to see the hair progress I will make by participating in this challenge!!
I used my second pass last saturday. I am doing the bootcamp for the full 4 rotations and I dont plan on using heat aging this year. My hair loves this no heat thing and it is also helping me retain my lenght.

I plan on making this a way of life!
I picked up Freestress Sante Fe Girl half wig.... I will have pics within the upcoming week, we are having a meet up and I gotta look fly.