Ok, so i just wanted you lovely ladies to know that I am styill in the bootcamp. I have not been on lhcf for a while because of final, comprehensive exams, and graduation. I promise to have pics posted by the end of the week, and to get back in bootcamp mode then also.
I'm still going strong :grin:. I haven't used any direct heat since December 2008. I plan to use my a heat pass (blow drying) next week.
On 6/11 I will be getting a relaxer for an update and a dust/trim no more than 1/2 inch. See you guys soon......
Yall know what I relaxed yesterday with nairobi, and my hair has to be at BSL, I took pictures of my hair wet/and will take the dry pictures tommorw, I have made great progress, and I think I reached my goal of BSL, I will share photos with you all on here in my siggie,and fotki soon as I upload them. I'm so proud of myself, I took one pass to trim couple months ago that I mention,and it growed back... and some.
I know I have been MIA on this challenge, but I am hanging in there. I haven't used my heat pass and is currently in twists. I will post update pics at the end of month.
Checking in - no heat, but I have got to finds some better low-manip than buns. Braidouts don't seem to work for my fine hair. It come out dry and frizz and I get breakage. Need to find something better if I am going to make it till the end of the year.
Hey there, everyone....just checking in.

No rules broken at all, but I deleted my Fotki. I am working on my Picasa website and hope to have it up soon. In the meantime, my hair is the most healthy it has ever been!! Thanks, cousins!!

I'm still in extension braids and will try to use this protective style until the end of the year alternated with cornrows and wigs.
Hey girls. I am still bunning and cowashing. I am going on 13 weeks post here. I am working with three textures and I am starting to get some lovely tangles. I will sit it our for maybe two more weeks, then I am going to get some kinky twists to help me stretch longer. My goal is to texturize at 24 weeks, but might do 20 if things become unbearable.
still in braids. think i got the washing/cleaning and moisturising worked out now. still working on how to incorporate regular ayurveda and deep conditioning to it, but happy with what i'm managing at the moment. will wear braids indefinitely with a week or 2 loose every 5-8 weeks or so for proper washing, dc-ing, etc.

So far, no rules broken. loving bootcamp!

I used my quarterly pass to end my 13week stretch. I have updated my fotki.....unfortunately, APL still eludes me.....:wallbash::wallbash:

Anywhoo...I am back on my bootcamp for another session!!! Glad for the progress nonetheless..:yep:

Happy hair growing to all.
Just checking in ladies,

So far, my hair and I are best buds. I am staying on top of my moisture/protein/porosity and it is paying off. My goal is to stretch for 6 months and relax in Oct(although now that I think about it this would make it 7 months) for my birthday and getting color. Lately, I have been deep conditioning/dcw three times a week, bagging/sealing daily, and keeping my hair covered at all times(the only time my hair is out is when I shampoo it). Hopefully, I will be all one length when I self-relax in Oct.
WHEW.....the end of yet another Boot Camp Session..... :clap:

I have used this session's pass to end my 13week stretch and do my length check. (...in my fotki...).:yep:

I am pleased with my progress, but would have been happier if I had truly achieved APL this session.:wallbash:

Nonetheless, In a few days, session 3 will start, and I just can't wait. :clap: This Boot Camp has been a blessing for my hair.!!!

Happy Healthy Hair Growing to all!!!:grin:
I am 22 weeks post my last relaxer and still rocking my braids so I won't be needing to punish myself this go round for breaking any bootcamp rules because of them. I just washed my hair this morning using FAST poo and Joico Lite Conditioner, and finally used Joico Altima Moisturizing conditioner as a leave-in.
2 weeks post and Im thinking about going to 24. I gotta see how my hair starts to act....Usually I get lots of breakage at the demarcation line, but we shall see when that time comes around.
Jeez, time just seems to get away from me! I haven't post in here for quite a while. Things are still going great, and I'm staying on track with bootcamp. I haven't used any passes, so far. In the beginning of May I did my once every 4 months dusting, and took off about 1/4 inch. Next time will be the beginning of Sept.

I hope all is going well with my fellow bootcamp sisters. Be strong ladies half the year is almost gone already. It will be December before we know it!
It's been a while since my last post. Initially, I had my hair braided in mid-April, and although the braids were large, the hair strands in the front were too thin, so I took them out after one month. I used my pass in mid-May to blow dry my hair for a henna application. I later figured out I could have put the henna in my wet hair (but it was my first time using henna and I didn't want to mess up anything). Unfortunately, the indigo left my hair extremely dry. In the beginning of June, I applied the Aphogee 2 Step Protein Treatment. This worked very well, but I followed someone's suggestion to wash with a moisturizing shampoo immediately afterward. This was a mistake. My hair was over stripped and extremely dry. Over the course of the next several days, I applied intense moisture to my hair to try to revive it. One June 22nd, I dc'd with a combination of moisturizing conditioners. This finally softened my hair. I then cornrowed my hair with Jane Carter's Leaving-in-Conditioner and Nourish and Shine. One June 24th, I freshened up the cornrows and my hair was still moisturized from the JC products. (I have found a keeper). Last night I took the cornrows out (my hair is still moisturized) and later today, I will wash, DC and cornrow it again. I apologize for the long post, but this is what I get for not posting on a regular basis this quarter.
June Length check in fotki. Picture quality isn't great but I did gain an extra inch of growth since March 30th.:yawn:
June Length check in fotki. Picture quality isn't great but I did gain an extra inch of growth since March 30th.:yawn:

good job! .

I am gonna try rollersetting this quarter. Just to mix things up a bit. I'm going to use my infusium 23 and probably coconut oil on the ends when I wrap it. Trying to stay away from the heat(hands shaking)...
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Session 3 already! Time does fly! I haven't used any passes yet.I am 14 weeks post and would like to stretch to at least 2o weeks.I need 2 to 3 more inches by the end of December to be able to claim APL.