I am still doing good. No broken rules. However, i am considering getting my hair straightened for my bridal shower in a couple of weeks. I have never allowed it to be straightened as a natural. I am kinda nervous!

Please post some pics if you do! Wed love to see it straightened:yep:
braids still in situ. I'm itching to take them out after only 3.5 weeks, sigh. Will push for another week and take them off by next weekend. Or maybe I ought to re-do the edges and give them a fresh feel.....

Anyway, still sticking with the rules, so it's all good, I guess.
Ladies as you see in my siggie and fotki, I have finally reached BSL, Its filling in well to full. I already have a inch of new growth since my last relaxer. I have been co washing, DCing,Protective styles,staying away from direct heat, taking Hairfinity and Biosil vitamins,keeping up with drinking more water,I'm now ready for another sew in extensions. I'm doing good ladies, I wish yall luck at your goals also.

I can't wait to get to MBL.................................. Long term goal is to be WL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :yep::yep::yep:

I'm loving bootcamp!!!
Ladies as you see in my siggie and fotki, I have finally reached BSL, Its filling in well to full. I already have a inch of new growth since my last relaxer. I have been co washing, DCing,Protective styles,staying away from direct heat, taking Hairfinity and Biosil vitamins,keeping up with drinking more water,I'm now ready for another sew in extensions. I'm doing good ladies, I wish yall luck at your goals also.

I can't wait to get to MBL.................................. Long term goal is to be WL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :yep::yep::yep:

I'm loving bootcamp!!!

Ladies as you see in my siggie and fotki, I have finally reached BSL, Its filling in well to full. I already have a inch of new growth since my last relaxer. I have been co washing, DCing,Protective styles,staying away from direct heat, taking Hairfinity and Biosil vitamins,keeping up with drinking more water,I'm now ready for another sew in extensions. I'm doing good ladies, I wish yall luck at your goals also.

I can't wait to get to MBL.................................. Long term goal is to be WL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :yep::yep::yep:

I'm loving bootcamp!!!

Wow DDP, I am so impressed with your amazing progress. You have done extremely well in such a short time. Keep up the good work honey:yep:.


I ordered a bottle of Biosil early this morning incidently:grin:. I had stopped using it for a while because I couldn't find it, now that I found it again, I will never be without it for as long as I can help it.
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Ladies as you see in my siggie and fotki, I have finally reached BSL, Its filling in well to full. I already have a inch of new growth since my last relaxer. I have been co washing, DCing,Protective styles,staying away from direct heat, taking Hairfinity and Biosil vitamins,keeping up with drinking more water,I'm now ready for another sew in extensions. I'm doing good ladies, I wish yall luck at your goals also.

I can't wait to get to MBL.................................. Long term goal is to be WL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :yep::yep::yep:

I'm loving bootcamp!!!

Congrat! Girl, if you continue your current rate of progress you will be WL before you know it. Great job! :)
Thank you ladies. I need to get some more garlic in my regimen, it seems everytime I get to stretching my relaxers, I get to shedding like a dog,lol. :nono::lachen::nono:
I am lurking in this challenge, but have done one full session and am working on the next two. I find that adding garlic oil (sans the alcohol if you can find it) into my conditioner really helps with shedding, which I get from my MT/MN mix. I add, as needed, part of a dropper full to whatever deep conditioner I'm using, and it really helps stop the shedding in its tracks. HTH!
Still bunning and cornrowing under a wig. I am thinking about strethching to the end of this challange. I will get micros in Oct and hopefully that will last me til the end.
Checking in: Still wearing full wigs until next month. I wil be wearing braid with extensions.
WOW....congrats on reaching BSL!!!

I hate that I cannot really tell my progress since I BC in March...but I pray that by the end of the year I will be able to see real growth since my BC.

No rules broken.
I am now in kinky twists...not sure if I will be happy I did this or will live to regret it. Regardless...I am PSing and happy for the moment, even if I do look like Bonquiesha's cousin with two-tone brown and black twists. LOL

How is everyone else doing?

Still hanging in there, no broken rules. I'm in twists at the moment after wearing twists and twist outs for a week. Will carry on till I feel tired of weekly/fortnightly refreshers then I'll install a new set of braids.
Checking in: No rules broken, still protective styling with my wig, trying a new product Roux Phase 2 with a ph of 2.5 to see if that helps with porosity.
I am lurking in this challenge, but have done one full session and am working on the next two. I find that adding garlic oil (sans the alcohol if you can find it) into my conditioner really helps with shedding, which I get from my MT/MN mix. I add, as needed, part of a dropper full to whatever deep conditioner I'm using, and it really helps stop the shedding in its tracks. HTH!

Thank you sweetie, can you link me to where I can purchase it. :grin:
Hi Fellow bootcampers!!
No rules broken. My hair is in kinky twists, but I am soooo bored, I just want to take it out and play with it. I am stretching though, so playtime will have to wait until December :)
Coming swiftly to the close of another month. :woot: Still haven't broken the rules. However, I'm looking forward to using my quarterly pass at the end of September to end my stretch, and do my length checks!! :dance7:
Checking in:

Just want to say that I am still doing well with this challenge. I did dust my ends a couple of weeks ago myself but nothing to talk about. I don't want to cut it just yet. I'll let my stylist take care of that perhaps in a couple of months. I plan to end this 3rd session with extension braids.
Just checking in and impressed with everyone's progress. I am still weaved up and can't wait for my 10 yr naptural anniversary coming up this Nov. I'm thinking I may want a Dominican Blowout--I've never had one before--mainly to measure the length of my stretched out hair, and to treat myself :-)
Ladies as you see in my siggie and fotki, I have finally reached BSL, Its filling in well to full. I already have a inch of new growth since my last relaxer. I have been co washing, DCing,Protective styles,staying away from direct heat, taking Hairfinity and Biosil vitamins,keeping up with drinking more water,I'm now ready for another sew in extensions. I'm doing good ladies, I wish yall luck at your goals also.

I can't wait to get to MBL.................................. Long term goal is to be WL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :yep::yep::yep:

I'm loving bootcamp!!!

How long did it take for you to get to bsl from apl??
I put in kinky twists and I hate them. I forgot that I wrote that I would never get them again. I think I need to dust my ends but I don't want to do it. I've been saying this for a couple of months now.

Since my BC, no rules broken...still going strong...but these twists are horrible....

Hello All, just checking in as another month is upon us. Can you believe how fast 2009 is slipping by? I just started using JBCO and hope to experience more growth. My daughter tells me my hair is growing, but I think I have hair anorexia--I just can't see it!
Anywho, no rules broken. Keeping my hair moisturized and in box braided buns for the time being. Good growth to all.
Pretty soon, I will be able to say that I graduated from Boot Camp 2009. I am in kinky twists now and will be through September.
I'm still going...

However, I'm here trying to get over profound disappointment. I took down my cornrows this weekend, and I still haven't reached APL. It has been 3 years and 3 months since my BC -- 39 months to be exact, and I'm still just "past shoulder length." During that time I had one trim (0.5") and one cut (approximately 1.5"-2.5". That's it. I wear protective styles 99% of the time, and keep my protein moisture balance in check. For the first time in a looonnng time, I'm questioning whether it's even possible for ME to reach BSL. I reached full shoulder length in December 2007.

I'm so frustrated, I don't even want to see my hair for a while. I'm going to keep this set of cornrows in for 12 weeks (instead of four), otherwise I would be tempted to do something crazy! Sigh

ETA: I'm so glad that I took my avatar pic this past June. Because, even though I'm feeling frustrated and angry, I feel better whenever I look that picture. My hair looks good in it, and I'm still amazed that my natural hair actually grew that long. I probably would appreciate my hair more if I wasn't so focused on reaching APL and BSL.
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OT--MJ I love that quote in your siggy. I write quotes that really speak to me in a journal. I will be adding that one. I really needed to see that one today.
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I'm still going...

However, I'm here trying to get over profound disappointment. I took down my cornrows this weekend, and I still haven't reached APL. It has been 3 years and 3 months since my BC -- 39 months to be exact, and I'm still just "past shoulder length." During that time I had one trim (0.5") and one cut (approximately 1.5"-2.5". That's it. I wear protective styles 99% of the time, and keep my protein moisture balance in check. For the first time in a looonnng time, I'm questioning whether it's even possible for ME to reach BSL. I reached full shoulder length in December 2007.

I'm so frustrated, I don't even want to see my hair for a while. I'm going to keep this set of cornrows in for 12 weeks (instead of four), otherwise I would be tempted to do something crazy! Sigh

ETA: I'm so glad that I took my avatar pic this past June. Because, even though I'm feeling frustrated and angry, I feel better whenever I look that picture. My hair looks good in it, and I'm still amazed that my natural hair actually grew that long. I probably would appreciate my hair more if I wasn't so focused on reaching APL and BSL.

IDK if this will help at all, but try to just focus on the care of your hair. If you continue to care for it properly it will continue to grow. You're suffering from that watched pot syndrome. :grin: I'm kind of on the set it and forget method. I set my goal length, take care of my hair, take pics one or twice a year, and keep it moving. As long as it's longer at the end of the year than it was at the beginning I'm happy, because I know that I'm not going to see that 1/2 inch per month growth increase in length on my natural hair in less than six months unless I straighten.

Wow, ladies! I can't believe that we are almost on the last month of the 3rd quarter of bootcamp. I'm still going strong with no passes needed. Keep going everyone, because you are all doing a wonderful job. :D
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I am still holding strong at 51 weeks post and I have only used heat 2x this year! I cant even believe that. I will be relaxing in about a month and getting a dusting. I cant wait to see my hair in all of its glory!!!!! Anyway I am going to keep on keeping on.