2009 LHCF BOOTCAMP (Ladies get READY)


New Member
Hello Ladies,

It is almost that time of year again to get ready for LHCF Bootcamp 2009.:grin::woot:

I, TriniStarr will be your new faclititar for 2009 LHCF Bootcamp 2009!

However, i would like for us to take this time to thank Brownsugarflyygirl for her all her wonderful help and encouragement for Bootcamp 2008. Thanks Brownsugarflyygirl for your hardwork. Great hair BTW!

As we fastly approach 2009, I would like for us to think about these 5 questions as we all get ready for LHCF Bootcamp 2009.
1. What is your purpose for joining this challenge?
2. What is your current hair lenght?
3. Are you Natural or Relaxed?
4. What are your hair goals for 2009?
5. What is your hair reggie?

Brownsugarflyygirl will post the closing results for LHCF Bootcamp 2009 on Dec 15.

LHCF Bootcamp 2009 will start JANUARY 1, 2009. However, I will post details, rules and requirments for this challenge on Dec 20, 2008. That way LHCF ladies can work on whatever products or items is needed for this challenge.

:orders:~LET'S GO LHCF BOOTCAMP 2009~:band::bouncy:

Pls feel free to PM with any questions.

I would like to participant in the challenge, I wanted to know is this challenge for anyone ,regardeless of hair length?
:wave: I should be able to participate with no problem because I have just started doing the following:

  • Relaxing every 4 months instead of 3
  • Color touch ups every 4 months instead of 3 or 2
  • Wearing buns 6 days a week
  • Reducing rollersets to once a month, then pinning up the curls instead of leaving them down
  • Flat ironing and blow drying once every 1 - 2 months only
Here are my answers:

1. What is your purpose for joining this challenge?
To make it to full BSL, then MBL by Dec 09

2. What is your current hair lenght?
BSL when wet, 1/2 inch from BSL when dry :ohwell:

3. Are you Natural or Relaxed?
Relaxed and bleached highlights

4. What are your hair goals for 2009?
  • Continue to maintain healthy double processed hair,
  • wear buns a minimum of 5 days a week,
  • find attractive protective styles and experiment,
  • learn how to flat iron for a sleek style every 2 months or so,
  • reach BSL by May and MBL by December
  • use up the products I have and stop stockpiling!
5. What is your hair reggie?

  • Relaxer and color touch ups every 4 months (stretching)
  • Cowash 2 - 3 x a year in winter, almost every day in summer, and when I am 9+ weeks post
  • Rollerset every 3 - 4 weeks
  • Flat iron once/month (just started)
  • Bun 6 days a week
  • Leave in full strength conditioners, keeping my hair moisturized constantly.
LET'S DO THIS LADIES!!! :clapping::thumbsup::clapping:
This will be my first challenge.
I cant wait to start and begin reaping the wonderful benefits!
This is gonna be fun!
Thanks Trinistarr....
I'm in again.... The back of my hair was about SL last time I had it straightened a few months ago. Hopefully the sides and front have caught up by now. I haven't been wearing it down or straightened. I'll post a starting point picture when I get home.

1. What is your purpose for joining this challenge? I'm just trying to grow my hair out so that it'll appear longer with the shrinkage.
2. What is your current hair lenght? It's about SL
3. Are you Natural or Relaxed? Natural
4. What are your hair goals for 2009? Hopefully to reach full APL stretched by the end of the year.
5. What is your hair reggie? Wash and DC once a week. That's it.
I fell off last year...big time!! I'm coming back though babes!!!

As we fastly approach 2009, I would like for us to think about these 5 questions as we all get ready for LHCF Bootcamp 2009.
1. What is your purpose for joining this challenge?
I want long healthy hair that is MINE MINE MINE
I want to improve my overall appearance, and I look better with long hair.

2. What is your current hair lenght?
I'm going to say shoulder length. I am about 2 inches away from blunt APL.

3. Are you Natural or Relaxed?
I'm a relaxed head!!

4. What are your hair goals for 2009?
I'm not a newbie anymore. I've been in the game for a year now. I need to step it up, and find a regimen that I can consistently do everyday. I want to be able to stick to my regimen and *** what others say about bunning my hair up all the time.

5. What is your hair reggie?
Cowash Once a week (Wednesday) Any con I can find
Wash Once a week (Saturday) Keracare Hydrating Poo
DC after cowash and poo with Humecto of Conditioning Balm
Moisturize and seal once daily with Cantu Butter and African Pride Oil
Hair is down 3-4 days a week, bunning the other days.
Protein treatments when needed
Relaxer every 8-10 weeks

Starting Pic December 9, 2008
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Count me in ladies!

1. What is your purpose for joining this challenge? To improve the health, strength, thickness, & length of my newly relaxed hair.
2. What is your current hair length? I am getting a corrective relaxer done next Friday along w/a precision cut so I won't know how long my hair will be until then.
3. Are you Natural or Relaxed? Relaxed(bone straight)
4. What are your hair goals for 2009? To improve the health, strength, thickness, & length of my newly relaxed hair.
5. What is your hair reggie?
-poo & dc(w/steam) once a week
-oil scalp w/Nexxus botanic oil
-moisturizer hair w/KBB hair milk(unscented)
-seal hair w/KBB hair cream(unscented)
-protein treatments when needed
-relaxer every 3-4 months
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This challenge was definitely good for my hair this year, so I'm definitely signing up for another year.

1. What is your purpose for joining this challenge?
To maintain healthy undamaged hair

2. What is your current hair lenght?
I am currently somewhere between BSL and MBL, I can't check until Dec. 15, lol.

3. Are you Natural or Relaxed?
Relaxed and lovin it

4. What are your hair goals for 2009?
To maintain thick happy hair
To reach full WL
To find the perfect moisturizer or if all else fails, make my own

5. What is your hair reggie?

*Once a week:
Pre-po with Amla Oil overnight
Make a paste of one of these: Shikakai, Brahmi, Amla, Aritha, or Henna powder
leave-in, seal and style

*Next day oil

*Relax every six months
I am joining this year. Here's my answers to the questions:

1. What is your purpose for joining this challenge?
Discipline and continued progress. This will help me remain focused.

2. What is your current hair length?
Longest layer is APL stretched. The majority of the rest is shoulder length.

3. Are you Natural or Relaxed?
I am natural.

4. What are your hair goals for 2009?
BSL, less shedding/breakage, even healthier hair

5. What is your hair reggie?
Cleanse once per week with black soap or mild aloe vera shampoo, follow up with conditioner of the week and my coffee rinse!
Twice per month rhassoul clay mask
Moisturize daily/every other day with shea butter/aloe vera concoction and seal with castor oil
Twists/braids in an updo to be worn for two weeks at a time, detangle during takedown and restyle.
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1. What is your purpose for joining this challenge?
I'm joining to grow healthy and thick hair.

2. What is your current hair length?
Waist length

3. Are you Natural or Relaxed?

4. What are your hair goals for 2009?
My main goal is healthy hair, but hip length would be nice as well :grin:

5. What is your hair reggie?
-Cowash 5-6 days a week.
-Wash and deep condition once a week.
-Buns and ponytails most of the week.
-Mega-Tek whenever I remember
-And of course moisturize and seal everyday.
I'll join. :)

1. What is your purpose for joining this challenge?
To continue using good hair practices to grow my hair and learn new ones along the way, to grow my hair to APL in 2009.

2. What is your current hair lenght?
Shoulder length stretched.

3. Are you Natural or Relaxed?

4. What are your hair goals for 2009?
- to continue to keep it as simple as possible
- to learn how to do more protective styles so I won't be so dependent on others
- to keep my hair healthy
- to retain more length

5. What is your hair reggie?
- bun (at least) 5 days out of seven
- prepoo/detangle/deep condition 1x a week w/a midweek cowash if hair calls for it
- henna every other week on DC days
1. What is your purpose for joining this challenge?
I'm joining so I can get my hair out of this length rut it's in. I've had shoulder length hair nearly all my life. I also want to improve the health of my hair.

2. What is your current hair length?
My hair grows in layers, so I'll just call it flip level instead of shoulder because it's not full shoulder.

3. Are you Natural or Relaxed?

4. What are your hair goals for 2009?
-To stick to Ayurvedic
-To see if I can increase the amount of growth I get a month
-To retain all or most of the growth I do receive
-To reach APL and hopefully, BSL

5. What is your hair reggie?
I'm still re-working it, but I think it'll look something like this:
-Wash hair with Amla/Shikakai/Neem mixture 2x a week
-Follow the powders with an overnight deep condition (2 hours if I can't do overnight)
-Use Vatika oil to twist/bantu knot hair
-If I don't protective style, I may co-wash daily for the week
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If this Bootcamp is for four sessions/quarters, I'd like to join for at least the first two (january through June, 2009). Perhaps longer, if braidouts/buns are permitted.:grin:

1. What is your purpose for joining this challenge? To gain and keep as much hair as possible!
2. What is your current hair lenght? barey shoulder length
3. Are you Natural or Relaxed? Relaxed
4. What are your hair goals for 2009? To hopefully reach APL or get really close to it! To keep my hair healthy and moisturized, and gain thickness...
5. What is your hair reggie? Crown and Glory braid regimen. wash once a week, deep condition once a week, moisturize daily with braid spray/Infusium23, OCT applied to scalp only 3xweek.
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1. What is your purpose for joining this challenge?

To maintain the health of my and help me get past the SL-APL hump
2. What is your current hair length?
About an inch past SL
3. Are you Natural or Relaxed?
Relaxed (texlaxed)
4. What are your hair goals for 2009?
APL by March 21, BSL by Septemer 17th. But if I can just get to APL next year I'll be cool.
5. What is your hair reggie?
Shampoo once a week with Intense Cleanse (mizani) or a poo bar then follow with a moisturizing shampoo, follow with a DC 30-60 min, rinse and apply conditioning rinse. Then moisturize and seal with oils. Apply megatek and oil or a light oil to scalp rotating every other day, nightly massages and buns in the morning oh yeah Relax every 10-12 weeks:yep:
I'm in. Thanks for getting this started.

1. What is your purpose for joining this challenge?
this challenge will keep me focues and motivated
receive and share idea's with likeminded sisters

2. What is your current hair lenght?
current hair length - back touches top of shoulders. sides and front come a little past my chin.

3. Are you Natural or Relaxed?
I am relaxed. Thinking about transitioning - again.

4. What are your hair goals for 2009?
make decision about transitioning
work on overall health of hair

5. What is your hair reggie?
cowash 2-3 week with WEN

either bun or cornrow for wig
deep condition 1x a week
clarify when needed
I'm in...so in..

1. What is your purpose for joining this challenge?
~I actually want to participate in a challenge I sign up for. No more BS. This is for real.

2. What is your current hair length?
~My current length unstretched is my collarbone in the back and front.

3. Are you Natural or Relaxed?
~I am natural and have been so for 17 months.

4. What are your hair goals for 2009?
~Get to APL by December 31, 2009 or as close as possible. Aim for the moon, so I will at least hit stars.
~Just to take beter care of my hair
~To keep in mind that health comes before length and not to obssess about it...constantly...

5. What is your hair reggie?
~Shampoo every week (my scalp needs it) with CV Bars and clarify every two weeks
~Condition weekly with TJ Nourish and Aphogee 2 Minute Mix
~Will rinse out once, and leave in the rest
~Wear two strand twists of my own hair (My hair and braiding/weaving hair DO NOT mix) using QB AOHC or QB OAHB with HBTG or CTDG with HBTG (I'll mix it up)
~Use BT Balm/Afroveda Shikakai Growth Elixir mix on my scalp
~Spray hair with water/Giovanni conditioner mix
~Seal hair with castor oil and coconut serum mix
That's it. It's more simplistic than it reads.
Bootcamp!!! I love it!!! Looking forward to it! And, I can actually take 'real' progress pics this go around!

1. What is your purpose for joining this challenge?
To assist myself in growing and retaining a maximum amount of hair during 2009.
2. What is your current hair length? A little past shoulder length stretched.
3. Are you Natural or Relaxed? Natural.
4. What are your hair goals for 2009? Healthy APL in back, past SL in front. Figuring out the lowest possible manipulation while still avoiding tangles and dreads.
5. What is your hair reggie?
Nightly - massage with coffee oil & MT.
Wed - DC overnight
Weekend - DC with steam, detangle, retwist.
Constant protective styling
Low manipulation.
1. What is your purpose for joining this challenge?
The purpose of joining this challenge is to get from APL to BSL (including the nape), and to achieve full healthy hair.

2. What is your current hair lenght?
My current length is APL

3. Are you Natural or Relaxed?
I’m Relaxed

4. What are your hair goals for 2009?
My goals are:
• Relax every 10-12 weeks
• Up my DC’s to 3 times a week
• Apply a conditioner, moisturizer, and oil to my nape every night!
• Comb my hair gently and not be so rough with it when I have new growth
• Protective styling 5 days a week…

5. What is your hair reggie?

• Relax every 10 weeks (trying to make it 12 weeks)
• Wash and Condition my hair twice a week
• Roller set my hair twice a week
• Usually wear it out, but more recent started to wear buns