I have done very well during this first part. No rules broken. My hair is doing very well. I am loving this challenge!
I'd like to sigh up for the second session of this challenge. I'm going to commit to one session right off, and my punishment will be to do twice my normal workout for two weeks. I'm getting a relaxer on tuesday, so I'll post a starting pic after that.
Hair braided up for session 2. super excited!

I signed up for 4 sessions...but I am might wear my hair out this summer, disqualifying me for session 3. I'm not sure yet.
Well I've scanned through this entire thread and I've seen people joining along the way. So I'm gonna join too.

I am going to commit to 3 sessions of LHCF Bootcamp. My consequence for violating Bootcamp Rules will be not buying hair products for 2 weeks . I am excited to see the hair progress I will make by participating in this challenge!!

I will be back to post a starting pic. I hope I can figure out how to resize. This is 85% air dried hair. It is from about 3 weeks ago.

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Wow, session one is over already. That went by soooooooo fast.:yep: It went well for me, and like MHP I didn't break any rules. I hope this session goes equally well for me.

Stay encouraged for session two ladies, and let's grow some HEALTHY hair.:spinning::yep:
I will not have pics for this first session but I will try to have some by the end of the second session, but still no guarantees. I am wearing protective styles that hide my hair, ie, braids and cornrows...
I am so proud of myself to have completed session one with no rules broken....bring on session two.

Congrats MHP. For session one, I got a 3" trim and will be getting another one for session two:yep:, but I am allowed one pass each session and that's what I'm using my passes for because I don't think you can accrue passes....can you:grin:?
Well I've scanned through this entire thread and I've seen people joining along the way. So I'm gonna join too.

I am going to commit to 3 sessions of LHCF Bootcamp. My consequence for violating Bootcamp Rules will be not buying hair products for 2 weeks . I am excited to see the hair progress I will make by participating in this challenge!!

I will be back to post a starting pic. I hope I can figure out how to resize. This is 85% air dried hair. It is from about 3 weeks ago.


Ooooh Shay, your hair is growinnnnnng:yep:. Awesome prgress honey...keep it up.
OMG, how did I ever not see this and sign up for it? Can I still sign up for the challenge? Timing's perfect - I could start in April and commit to 3 sessions. Please, pretty please, let me in???? ;-)

Editing to sign up:

I am going to commit to 3 sessions of LHCF Bootcamp. My consequence for violating Bootcamp Rules will be water only fast for 3 days. I am excited to see the hair progress I will make by participating in this challenge!!

Okay, that water fast is something I need to do anyway but been putting it off because I just do, lol. Must stay on track though so when I do it it's not punishment but rather a blessed opportunity to detox...

Here's my starting point pictures: Hope to fit more hair into that ponytail and that my front hair reaches my top lip at the end of this session.

Added starting pics - I'm so stoked!!!
i know i'm late with my updates. but the photo is in my signature. i have gotten about 3/4" of growth since Jan '09. i hope everyone is having great progress. see you all on the next update. HHG!!!
I joined bootcamp late in Feb. I haven't used any passes. I think I'm going to use my first heat pass on April 17th for a wedding on the 18th. All the new growth I have now, I'm sure by then I won't be able to do much to my hair to make it 'presentable' for the affair.
Ok. Jumping in with both feet. It seems people are joining along the way, so here I go.

I am going to commit to 3 sessions of LHCF Bootcamp.
My consequence for violating Bootcamp Rules will be no hair products for 1 month.
I am excited to see the hair progress I will make by participating in this challenge!!

Here goes nothing. Although I got to admit, my hairdryer is calling me. Gonna give it to my hubby to hide from me.

I did not take a starting pic in Jan 2009 but here is pic for my 1st session. I'v been very good following my pledge but I may fall short for the second b/c I have split ends :perplexed. Wish Me Luck!

So session two I will be focusing on my hair starting at my ear on down..This is my hardest section to retain because it is tight coiled and doesnt take moisture well, and I get frustrated easily here is my starting pic of the back for session 2

I got my hair cornrowed yesterday. My niece did an OK job I think because I really really like it. I haven't taken pics of it yet but hopefully I'll get my other niece to take some pics of them tomorrow so I can upload them in my fotki album:yep:.
I was mia for session 1. But I am ready for session 2. Starting pic is in my siggy and was taken 2wks ago. C.urrently I am in individuals
Okay, so I'm in, so far so good, HOWEVER, on the 30th, I hennaed my hair and went on to wear a shrunken wash and go for 2 days - BIG MISTAKE! My hair became a tangled mess, and being beyond 4C, it took all my will and patience not to be rough but couldn't help ripping hairs apart at times. Started detangling on the 1st and continued on the 2nd as I decided to twist as I go. I still have a section at the back to finish off but will handle it when I'm ready for it. i feel I may have to straighten and have a good trim at some point but time will tell. We have a pass each for both of these, right? I'll see how my hair looks in a couple of weeks or more when I get these twists out - if I have loads of splits and knots then I will need a good trim. If I can deal with it, I'll just dust frequently. If I get a trim I'll straighten so it's even. These past few days have been the worst I've had with my hair since my journey started. Moral of this post - Never wear your hair loose and shrunken Jac! Never again!!!!! I'm angry, my hair is angry and it's a lose, lose situation. Anyway, back on track now, just need to get those 4 braids at the back into small twists and I'll begin loving my hair again (disliking her so much right now, sigh).
Sorry so late and I never did post in here that I used a pass to get my hair flat ironed at Aveda- which was a bust btw... So I tried to be a DIY (pic in my fotki).

HEre is my starting pic again:


and my most recent updated pic is in my siggy below (it was taken late in March so...). I got my hair colored beg of last month and as of this date I have gotten 1/2 inch of new growth. I will try to keep better track this next session and I'm not trimming/cutting/nada until JUly. I may be ready to use my pass for this session to flat iron my hair b/c I think it may be easier for me as I am going to be in labor.....soon I hope :rolleyes:

This was/is a great challenge! The no heat part is fine with me b/c I am lazy and impatient with those kinda things. I mostly did twistouts and just started doing braidouts. When all else failed I tried to bun or wear a phony pony or my best go to- wig it baby! I realized I may have to shampoo 2x/wk sometimes and I think I will have to really detangle more often. I'm really trying to KISS though.

Thanks ladies! :grin:
Okay I promised that I would come back and post pics of my cornrows that my niece did for me, but I gatta tell ya ladies, my new growth is so thick, the braids look a little frazzled, I don't know if that's a word, lol...



Hello Ladies, I'm posting the end of my first quarter results. Since I am natural, this turned into a no heat challenge for me as well. I spent 99% of the first quarter in wet buns. However, I did use my pass on March 31st to tension blow dry and flat iron for a length shot. I got some really good growth during this first quarter and my hair is much thicker now. I desperately needed a trim, so I had a friend do it for me later that same day. (It was done after the photo was taken).

I DC'd with Silk Elements Hair Mayonnaise and sat under the dryer for approximately 45 minutes. I washed with a mix of Ovation Color Therapy and Pantene Pro-V Breakage Defense Shampoos. I conditioned with a mix of Ovation Cell Therapy and Pantene Pro-V Breakage Defense Conditioner. I squeezed the excess water from the ends of my hair and applied CHI Keratin Mist and CHI Thermal Defense. I left both of these in my hair. I tension blow dried my hair and then flat ironed with CHI Silk Infusion. After I was done with using heat on my hair, I applied EVOO to give it a sheen.

I guess since I haven't been using heat for the last three months, I forgot how long it takes to do my hair. I started at 11:00 AM and didn't finish until 4:00 PM. I may never go back to using heat on a regular basis again.

I plan to get my hair braided for most of the second quarter. I will use the Crown and Glory method to care for my braids.

Best Wishes to everyone and keep up the good growth.
Okay, so I'm in, so far so good, HOWEVER, on the 30th, I hennaed my hair and went on to wear a shrunken wash and go for 2 days - BIG MISTAKE! My hair became a tangled mess, and being beyond 4C, it took all my will and patience not to be rough but couldn't help ripping hairs apart at times. Started detangling on the 1st and continued on the 2nd as I decided to twist as I go. I still have a section at the back to finish off but will handle it when I'm ready for it. i feel I may have to straighten and have a good trim at some point but time will tell. We have a pass each for both of these, right? I'll see how my hair looks in a couple of weeks or more when I get these twists out - if I have loads of splits and knots then I will need a good trim. If I can deal with it, I'll just dust frequently. If I get a trim I'll straighten so it's even. These past few days have been the worst I've had with my hair since my journey started. Moral of this post - Never wear your hair loose and shrunken Jac! Never again!!!!! I'm angry, my hair is angry and it's a lose, lose situation. Anyway, back on track now, just need to get those 4 braids at the back into small twists and I'll begin loving my hair again (disliking her so much right now, sigh).

Hi Jax,

From one natural to another, if your hairs dries before you have had a chance to detangle it, just wet it again and put more conditioner in it. Massage this through and then gently detangle your hair in the shower with your fingers and a wide tooth comb. Rinse the conditioner out and you will have soft, tangle free hair that is much easier to work with.

I saw your pics and I am amazed at your results. Keep up the good hair growing regimen.
Hi Jax,

From one natural to another, if your hairs dries before you have had a chance to detangle it, just wet it again and put more conditioner in it. Massage this through and then gently detangle your hair in the shower with your fingers and a wide tooth comb. Rinse the conditioner out and you will have soft, tangle free hair that is much easier to work with.

I saw your pics and I am amazed at your results. Keep up the good hair growing regimen.

Thanks NG, for the tip and for the comment about my progress. I'll try and keep going! I do detangle whilst wet/damp. I keep a spray bottle with water and condish for the task as it takes too long - my scalp can't take a complete session - plus doing it in bits keeps me calm when I start getting angry and start thinking of chopping or ripping it all apart, sigh. My shower is crap - no pressure at all. Basically, my deduction is to never ever let my hair wet and loose at the same time - detangling traumatised me as a kid. Hell, detangling this past week has traumatised me some more! My hair is still the same... the kinks will never change. Learning how to accept and care for my hair well is what will make a difference. I've learnt that loose + wet simply doesn't work for me. Not if I want long, healthy hair. So, wash and goes - never again! Unless I'm on braids or twists.

BTW, I still have 4 bigger braids at the back of my head that need detangling and twisting but I'm in no hurry. No one has commented but even if they do, well, it's my unique style, lol! I'll tackle them when I'm ready.

Aggie, your cornrows look fabulous! Your niece did a wonderful job!
Okay I promised that I would come back and post pics of my cornrows that my niece did for me, but I gatta tell ya ladies, my new growth is so thick, the braids look a little frazzled, I don't know if that's a word, lol...




Aggie - I am diggin' those cornrows !!! Girl that second pose is something else - lookin like somebody about to be dealt with!!:lachen::lachen:
Aggie, your cornrows look fabulous! Your niece did a wonderful job!

Thanks JH. Now that I can really see the pics, they don't seem so bad afterall. I thought they were looking a little frizzy from all that new growth under there, lol.
Aggie - I am diggin' those cornrows !!! Girl that second pose is something else - lookin like somebody about to be dealt with!!:lachen::lachen:

Thanks sqzbly, and that's only my bossy-looking Bahama Mama pose. The real stance is much more FIERCE:lachen:.