I thought I had signed up for this, but I guess I didn't, lol. I am in the Twist for Growth Challenge also, so it makes this a little easier I guess.

I am going to commit to 4 sessions of LHCF Bootcamp. My consequence for violating Bootcamp Rules will be no peanut M&M's for a week. Lord I love my peanut M&M's...
I'm been doing really good so far, but man, oh man! I'm 7 weeks post. I don't know how I'm going to make it!! lol
Yay! I know I missed the first session so i'll definitely join in the next session! My best wishes 2 ya ladies!! :2cool:

I am going to commit to 3!! sessions of LHCF Bootcamp. My consequence for violating Bootcamp Rules will be 1 hour of CARDIO!!!. I am excited to see the hair progress I will make by participating in this challenge!!


^^^^February 2009
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Checking in, still hanging in there, I haven't taken my free pass to trim yet, i'm gone to post a thread on rather or not I need a trim or how much I need trim, but I get my relaxer tommorow, so I will post hair pics this weekend in that thread.
Just checking in because I know I don't post as often as I should. I have been sticking to the rules lately, as I have not blowed dried since going to see Obama get sworn in back in Jan. I have been wearing protective styles and keeping up with my dc every week. I have been dusting every month because before I started the challenge, I was unaware of how much the cold Albany weather was killing my ends. Because of this, I probably will not notice as much growth on the first length check. So, although I have been signed up since day one, my starting length will be whatever length I am at at the start of the second section.
just checking in, used my cheat pass today, i blow- dried and flat ironed for an event, still staying in top of the rules..
I am very proud of myself!! One session of boot camp down and I have used NO heat on my hair!! Not even the hooded domes for my roller sets!! I will have to use of my passes though in three weeks for my sister's wedding to blow dry and falt iron my hair (not happy about that AT ALL) but I will use my pass to take a progress pic to post. I'm very excited about this challenge and even more excited about my results....

Here is my happy dance:

Reese's Update:

Well ladies, its been a struggle stretching my ear length hair. I stretched for the first time for 9 weeks. I did use heat (December and Feb) :nono: I know, I'm soo bad. But, for the most part I've stayed in braids. For this next session i will be braided up also. I wash once a week, moisturize twice daily, redo my edges every two weeks and apply my own growth mix (MN,MTG, AVJ and coconut oil). I plan to cut down on my heat use drastically this next session. My hair is long enough to roller set now! yah!!:yawn: Sometimes it feels like I'll never reach SL though :sad:

I've included some progress pics for this session


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Just checking in....I am holding onto the rules and doing well, but I must say that the absolutely no heat regimen that I was trying to hold onto does NOT work for my hair. I bonnet dryer is good for sure, but air drying messes up my ends like nobody's business.

They get crunchy IMMEDIATELY UPON DRYING!!! Has anyone else experienced this? I now know what other people mean when they say that their hair "likes" heat. Mine definitely does...at least some heat. If I were not here in this hard water, blow drying once per week and protective styling for the remainder would not be too much at all. I am grateful to have learned that a bonnet dryer is good enough and will protect my hair even more.


I dusted last week. My hair seems to be really happy to be out of the twists.

I have a couple more weeks before a new relaxer and then braids again until around June....

How is everyone else doing?

Blessings in Christ to us all!

OK.....just checking in. Month #2 of the first session. I have not used my pass as yet. I am saving it for my touchup and length check at the end of session #1 : March 30th.

Still washing 2 times per week, still DC'ing with heat each and every wash. Still bunning daily. My ng is a veritable forest:wallbash:, but I am looking forward to my march progress.

HHG ladies.!!!
I've been doing low mani and the occasional bun. I'm over twists so I haven't done but one or two sets since the new year started
Checking in... and still going very strong. I am currently wearing a sew in for about 6 weeks then I might get braids next but not sure yet though.
Checking in, I'm doing pretty good, haven't had to use a pass, my hair has been twisted or in a twistout for pretty much the whole time.
i finished my stretch,a week early :-\
my hair was waay too crazy to wait till march till relax, ( i was stretching since october)
when i got my hair done i had to clip my ends and for some reason even though i washed with all the right stuff and i conditioned with all the right stuff my hair was still being unruly. I must say, the no heat part of the challenge really helped

my progress is in my sig
Hello everyone,
Though I read all of the posts that I receive via email, I don't post as often as I should. As for the progress of my hair, I think it's doing okay. I can't tell if I am maintaining or moving forward. I have not used any passes and I started a weekly routine back in January. My routine consisted of co-washing my hair twice a week ( Wed and Sun); one of the washes allows me to deep condition and work on my hairs excessive porosity and the other wash allows me to do a protein treatment.

For the past two weeks I have been a little lazy doing only one wash a week. I started getting tired of the bun for a while, so realizing that when my hair dries it gets a little curly I decided to go with the puffy curly look. I have permed hair or maybe from what I have learned on LHCF I have a textlax or texlax, either way, I got tired of that after about three weeks. So now, I am back to the bun. I am still only doing one wash a week, but I plan to get back to twice a week this week. I will post a picture later today or tomorrow when I take my hair down, I just thought that I better post because I had the time.

P.S. I really enjoy reading the posts. I am learning a lot from everyone...Thanks a MILLION!:notworthy


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Ok, so I just read someone else is starting in April with the second session, so I'm going to join, and stop in the 1st session of the 2010 LHCF boot camp, I want the full benefits. So I'm going to do 3 sessions for this year and 1 for next year.......

I am going to commit to _3___ sessions of LHCF Bootcamp. My consequence for violating Bootcamp Rules will be no LHCF activity for one month. I am excited to see the hair progress I will make by participating in this challenge!!
Are there any daily or almost daily cowashers in the challenge? I just wondered if you could get into trouble with deep condish overload. Usually I wash 4-5 days a week if not more.
Are there any daily or almost daily cowashers in the challenge? I just wondered if you could get into trouble with deep condish overload. Usually I wash 4-5 days a week if not more.

i cowash everyday and love it. no problems. i just clarify with baking soda before i deep condition to avoid over-conditioning
2 weeks post and still going strong. I wore my hair str8 for a week and curlformers last week about to curlformer my hair again.
It's march and I've used two of my passes. One for heat and one for my mini-chop on Feb. 14. Otherwise I'm doing well with air drying and rollersets.

yay..my update: I haven't broken any of the rules yet or used my passes...however I have a banquet coming up this Sunday and my only heat pass will be used for it...plus I get the chance to check length and possibly get a trim :) After the banquet..back to no heat!!