Hello everyone,
Though I read all of the posts that I receive via email, I don't post as often as I should. As for the progress of my hair, I think it's doing okay. I can't tell if I am maintaining or moving forward. I have not used any passes and I started a weekly routine back in January. My routine consisted of co-washing my hair twice a week ( Wed and Sun); one of the washes allows me to deep condition and work on my hairs excessive porosity and the other wash allows me to do a protein treatment.
For the past two weeks I have been a little lazy doing only one wash a week. I started getting tired of the bun for a while, so realizing that when my hair dries it gets a little curly I decided to go with the puffy curly look. I have permed hair or maybe from what I have learned on LHCF I have a textlax or texlax, either way, I got tired of that after about three weeks. So now, I am back to the bun. I am still only doing one wash a week, but I plan to get back to twice a week this week. I will post a picture later today or tomorrow when I take my hair down, I just thought that I better post because I had the time.
P.S. I really enjoy reading the posts. I am learning a lot from everyone...Thanks a MILLION!:notworthy