Your thoughts: Married 5 years and you discover your DH's "secret" son

I would have to leave. If you'll lie about a baby, you'll lie about anything, and that's putting my life in danger if you'll lie on that level. I'm cool on that...yeah, till death do us part but you ain't the one gon kill me!
A family member recently called me to tell me about her Fiancée “surprise” son (the same age as his teenaged son from his ex-wife) that he found on My Space. When I asked how she felt about this – she said that it was a one-night stand and the woman moved away without telling him. When I commented that this is the SECOND time a woman got pregnant by him (.........supposedly the same thing happened with the mother of his 8 year old son) and did not tell him about it.

I guess I was asking too many questions, because then the story “changed” – supposedly he has been paying child support for 17 years which I doubt.:nono:
I don't think I could ever forgive something like that. The more and more I read about other people's lives, I feel like telling all of my single friends to get background checks on people.

I do background checks on everyone I'm interested in. I need to know!!! Becuz if I get a surprise down the line; it will be hell to pay!
If DH would of told me we could have made it work. But keeping a secret we very likely would have seperated
It's the fact that he lied and that he had both of his children lying to me that would make me have to leave...

I have never been the able trust again after trust has been broken. I have honestly tried. But in reality, I was just lying to myself.
Despicable! DH would be discovering my secret aluminun bat! Some women can forgive this type of thing. I am not of that sort.
HELL NO... Jesus needs to drop kick her husband in his damn head. Unbelievable. That's why I support background checks. I don't care how transparent my relationship with the hubby is, I will have a very detailed background check done before any marriage papers are signed.
UPDATE: Recently, we have had a lot of threads where people say that what you believe about marriage, its nature, and outcomes can affect if/when you get married. Please read on...

Well, I can go into a little more detail now. I learned that the "hidden" son was conceived during the husband's separation from Wife #1. The current wife, my older friend, came along over a decade later when the divorced had been finalized. The question that I finally asked my friend is why DID she stay. (We know each other like that, so was personal, but she talks to me straight about life and marriage). She said that she wanted her children to grow up in two-parent home. All of her peers were getting divorced left and right, and their children were being scarred visibly and immediately. She described some of the things that their children experienced after their divorces, and they were heart-wrenching. Because of that, she wanted her children to have a better experience.

The question is "Why am I reopening this thread?" I will admit that stories like this can leave a bad impression on singletons. I am already reserved by nature, and hearing about all of these situations is not helping me with my trust issues.

Have any of you had trust issues based on the experiences of friends, relatives, or yourself that you were able to overcome and now you are married or engaged with a date? How did you overcome your trust issues?

ETA: I looked at some of the later responses. My friend is in her mid-to-late fifties, so this occurred before the Internet hit the mainstream. Therefore, she COULD HAVE hired a private detective before marrying old dude, but she had no reason to do so.
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