Well-Known Member
I am mobile and I don't know if this topic has been covered already but how would you feel if a friend befriended your significant other on social networks? I'm asking because I have a friend who took it upon herself to follow my boyfriend on Instagram and twitter (before she met him) and she met him once in person when we all had lunch together one afternoon and those two barely spoke a word to each other. I just find it kind of funny. He brought it to my attention and I didn't say anything at first because I didn't think anything of it but now I feel some type of way especially since they don't know each other. He is attractive. He's offered to remove her and I want to confront her but I don't want to seem insecure. This really puzzles me because she's the type of female that will hound you if you make any compliments toward her guy (she's single now) but I've seen her in action with her ex. I don't know. I would never follow my friend's S/O even if I knew them out of respect.
If he was ugly would you feel the same way?
That comment makes it seems like you think she wants your man. Maybe you are not friends like you think.