Your friend befriending your S/O on social networks.


Well-Known Member
I am mobile and I don't know if this topic has been covered already but how would you feel if a friend befriended your significant other on social networks? I'm asking because I have a friend who took it upon herself to follow my boyfriend on Instagram and twitter (before she met him) and she met him once in person when we all had lunch together one afternoon and those two barely spoke a word to each other. I just find it kind of funny. He brought it to my attention and I didn't say anything at first because I didn't think anything of it but now I feel some type of way especially since they don't know each other. He is attractive. He's offered to remove her and I want to confront her but I don't want to seem insecure. This really puzzles me because she's the type of female that will hound you if you make any compliments toward her guy (she's single now) but I've seen her in action with her ex. I don't know. I would never follow my friend's S/O even if I knew them out of respect.
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I don't see the problem. My friends follow my husband and I follow theirs. Maybe y'all are not really friends?
I don't see what the problem is. I follow a bunch of my friends SO on social media and they follow me as well. We have drinks, dinners, etc and converse but its an issue if I follow you on Instagram?
What would you confront her and say?

Since both you and your bf seem uncomfortable with it, let him remove her as he suggested and KIM.

I don't find it weird but you do and that's what matters. The confrontation part may be a tad bit overboard though.
Your man is trying to fix the issue that you obviously have a problem with. If he suggested to remove her...let him. Problem solved.
I understand op and would be weirded out too to be honest. I will say it depends on the friend. Some I know are just nosey, some it could be just innocent, others I know have ulterior motives. This is similar to the thread about friends who call or text your s/o
If she's the type to friend everybody and they mama cool but if she isn't that would be weird.

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So the real issue here is you don't trust your friend to some extent. Now, this is where we as women can sometimes blow nothing into something>>>he told you, he said he'd remove her, you said no its ok.

To be honest, yes to a degree you are being insecure. Social sites are just that...its what people do on them that makes for good or bad experiences. If it bothers you so much, let your man handle as he offered and let it be.
Whilst I don't mind my friends adding my SO if they've met and I add some of my friends SO's, I do get the OP.

I do believe adding someone's partner before meeting, or making plans to meet is a bit unusual.

I would probably find it amusing and just leave the situation be to let her be nice and natural:lol: You have a good man and you will know if things turn out to be dodgy anyhoo. I'd only confront her (and ditch her) if she tried to make a move.
If she's the type to friend everybody and they mama cool but if she isn't that would be weird. Sent from my S3 using LHCF

She's not the type. She hasn't friended any of my other exes or any of my other male or female friends that she has met. If this was a habit then I wouldn't feel the way I do.
it wouldn't bother me. its just friending someone in cyber world. not like you saw a message for them to meet up and you know
I told him that he didn't have to prior because he asked if she was my friend when she first initially requested him and I didn't think anything of it. Another friend (who introduced me and my beau) and who has met my friend too pointed it out. I am just trying to get other's opinions on the matter. Thanks for the responses.
get your SO to remove her. From the tone of your post, it sounds you have trust issues with her, it's better to nip this in the bud before some other drama ensues.
She's not the type. She hasn't friended any of my other exes or any of my other male or female friends that she has met. If this was a habit then I wouldn't feel the way I do.

Yea just tell him to delete her. She would get the side eye from me tho.

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I'm Facebook friends with my bestfriends man. She is also friends with my dh. I don't see the big deal. Do you think she is going to start contacting him on the side or something?
women get so obnoxious when they have "boos"..just ugh

if the girl is smart she'd block both of you.

Maybe a little harsh, but in general, yeah. It's nothing personal op, I just think it's a little much to be concerned about it. If she were sending him messages or trying to actually connect with him, that'd be something different.
Is she the type that asks everyone to be her fb friend ? Did he just happen to come up as a suggested friend on her feed? Does she want to feel closer to you two so she doesn't feel left out? These reasons seem innocent enough to me.

I trust my friends. Now if my boyfriend sent my friend who barely talked to him a friend request, I may feel some type of way.
Obviously, her instincts are warning her about this girl. Since when do we advocate ignoring our feminine instincts, I hope she does remove OP and her boyfriend. It could be the best thing to happen to them.I think you need to think and respect your instinct. This is not a matter of being insecure it is a matter of being a wise woman protecting her relationship.
Is she the type that asks everyone to be her fb friend ? Did he just happen to come up as a suggested friend on her feed? Does she want to feel closer to you two so she doesn't feel left out? These reasons seem innocent enough to me. I trust my friends. Now if my boyfriend sent my friend who barely talked to him a friend request, I may feel some type of way.

No to all of your questions. Her and I aren't even close friends but maybe.
She's not the type. She hasn't friended any of my other exes or any of my other male or female friends that she has met. If this was a habit then I wouldn't feel the way I do.

Oh I didn't read this. I think you should casually ask her why she added him, or mention that you saw she added him, and gauge her reaction. Then make an assessment from there.
Whhat? Me and my BFF always befriend our boos on social networks! Whats there to hide? If you share more on Instagram and Facebook about your relationship to your friend/a human that may be a bigger issue.