Well-Known Member
Letitia said:Now I will dodge the rocks.....Qhemet Alma Heavy Cream. Nawh Dawg, this stuff was just not for me. No matter how hard I tried to love this, it was a no go. It now has a happy home with a Qhemet Heavy Cream Lover.
***faints and falls to the floor!!***

My to the max dislikes:
Lusters Pink Oil...haven't used this in more than 15 years and I still can't stand the thought!

ORS Conditioner Packets (whatever that mess is called)...hard, tangled hair.
Humecto in da Tub did Nada, tried this routine twice, ended up shipping that is to Florida to a loving home!

Miss Key 10 en 1...what's it good for? Absolutely nothing, say it again!
Honorable mentions Include: ELASTA ManGo Butter, Infusium Leave In and Lekair Cholesterol! I stick with the tried and true (though I have to come out of the closet and admit I am Phyto Curious!)