you know you addicted to LHCF when...


Human being
you know you addicted to LHCF when...
-it's the first place you go in the morning and the last place you go at night
-you come here before doing anything including checking your email or do your homework
-your boyfriend is pissed cause you forgot to call him back cause you were too busy replying to messages...

alright ladies, feel free to add more to the list
You are up this late (Midnight) washing your hair and typing on a hair board when you ain't got but a snap worth of hair on your head!!

Good thing I'm off work tomorrow!! Oops. I mean today!
Everytime your boyfriend calls he knows that you are on the computer

When instead of taking a shower after work you go straight to LHCF

(I am ashamed to say of done this) Put off studying for a test that's scheduled for the very next day to read what's new on the forum
You tell yourself your going to stop going to LHCF for a month and you only last two days and those two day where driving you crazy.
caribeandiva said:
you know you addicted to LHCF when...
-it's the first place you go in the morning and the last place you go at night
-you come here before doing anything including checking your email or do your homework
-your boyfriend is pissed cause you forgot to call him back cause you were too busy replying to messages...

alright ladies, feel free to add more to the list

lol....good night ladies.
... You are totally pissed when the server is down and you get that infamous "white screen" and everyone in the house knows it's down because you start cussin'! (pitiful)

... You feel like you "know" the sisters on the board ... You know who's married, engaged, expecting, divorced, gay, straight, natural, textlaxed, texturized, using grease, using oil... using coconut oil... using castor oil... using Jamaican Black Castor Oil...
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BamaBelle said:
... You are totally pissed when the server is down and you get that infamous "white screen" and everyone in the house knows it's down because you start cussin'! (pitiful)

Yep, you said it!;)
A great deal of my free time is spent on LHCF. I check it first thing in the morning when I'm having my cup of MSM-laced coffee before work. I check it at night when I'm having my glass of MSM-laced orange juice before I go to bed :lol:

I always come here AFTER I check my email so I don't have any "to do" items hanging over my head and can surf at my leisure. I spend like 5 minutes rushing through deleting junk mail, replying to "featured selections" for various book, cd, and dvd clubs, and making sure my bill payments are scheduled. Then it's time for fun at LHCF :lol:
Everytime my 11 year old son comes in the room he says " you are looking at those ladies with the hair?"
I'm heading to Louisiana from the 21st of this month until August and made sure I'd have a computer to access LHCF and my husband's cellphone so I can take some pictures of my hair so LHCF can see them!
Oh yea, 1st thing in the morning, checking on the thread to see what's been happening.
Checking every few hours to see what has been said about interesting threads( i wanna read what everyone thinks:grin: )
I think that's it for now, but yea, I'm Hooked!!
LOL...I can't believe how addicting this site is. I've just recently joined and my computer cord went out Saturday and I was asking my husand my son let me borrow your computer, I sound like a junkie needing a fix it was sort of funny. :lol: or scarry:eek: get up at 4am to go to the bathroom and end up on LHCF to see whats been posted since the last time u looked before you went to bed. (I have to admit i have this habit bad)
You come here before you start your assignments at work and have to set time limits for yourself :ohwell: ...

You end up staying 15-30 minutes:eek: after work because you are on LCHF....

And if that wasnt still have to have a short peek before bed....:perplexed
When your post count is over 1000 and you joined last week. :)

When you wake up and haven't brushed your teeth or washed your face, but you are on LHCF. :eek:

When you dream about a good subject to talk about on LHCF. :nuts:
Last edited: start sentences with "my friends from LHCF...." spend more time on LHCF while you're at work, than doing actual work start reading stuff in other forums, that you know you're not interested in, just so you don't have to leave the site cut work phone conversations short so you can read and respond to posts
...your husband comes into the computer room to ask what you're doing, and you cover the screen and say "nothing"
- your bf sees you're on the site turns around and goes back upstairs b/c he knows having a converstion with you is impossible at this point:grin:

- when the server is down and you walk around the house sulking and sad then when it goes back up literally jump for joy:bouncy:

- wake up in the morning can't wait to run downstairs to get on the site;)

- out with friends and thinking to yourself that you are missing all the good stuff on the site

- your friends call on the phone and can't have a conversation with you b/c you're to busy typing replies on the site

- replying to this thread and not being ashamed of a darn thing mentioned above:lachen:
OMG, I can relate to just about every Post. I know I am addicted because:

Every time I think about my hair I think about something from lhcf

When I see a product on the shelves and I want to get it, i think about who uses it on lhcf

I get irritated if anyone calls me or interupts me when I am on lhcf

I rush through my work/school work just so I can have more LHCF time.

When you dead seriously thank GOD for introducing you into this site.

I love this site!!!
msbrown76 said: start sentences with "my friends from LHCF...." spend more time on LHCF while you're at work, than doing actual work start reading stuff in other forums, that you know you're not interested in, just so you don't have to leave the site cut work phone conversations short so you can read and respond to posts
...your husband comes into the computer room to ask what you're doing, and you cover the screen and say "nothing"

:lachen:THATS ME RIGHT NOW:lachen:
when you're here instead of getting ready for work.
when your sister comes in and rolls her eyes cause you're looking at hair pics.. again!
When you do something major with your hair and only care about "what will the girls think" :lol:
Oh yeah forgot one,
When you refer to everybody's thread and regimens by their nick name like you know these pple in real life. (I know my friends and family be like who the heck is she talking about) :lol:
When you wish your guests would LEAVE already so you can check the forums...:cool:

When you send ur bf on phantom errands so you can check the forums without him asking when he will be able to get on

When you start conversations like this;

"My friend Candy C says..." or "Guess what happened on the forums today":look:

When you tell your friends on the phone that "you gotta go" because a new thread just popped up...:perplexed
When my husband ask me why I can't comb or pick out my fro? I told him, he don't want to know, and he said, "yes I do." I replied, "Because I'm in the GHLW challenge."
MzTami said:
When my husband ask me why I can't comb or pick out my fro? I told him, he don't want to know, and he said, "yes I do." I replied, "Because I'm in the GHLW challenge."

LOL!!! :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: