you know you addicted to LHCF when...

When you associate people by their hair type.

Me sittin in church:
O she's a 4a, she needs moisture.
Pastor so and so's wife could do with a DC.:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

o, your boss comes to your desk to compliment your typing speed and you are typin a reply to a thread on LCHF!:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
LOL I identify with most of these...

Ok heres one..When you are at a friends bbq on a Saturday night, and you catch a laptop out of the corner of your eye..LOL while everyone is outside having ask if you can get on the computer real quick to check out LHCF! It was only five min but mannn I felt so guilty...My name is BrwnSugaBabee and I'm an addict. *sigh
crlsweetie912 said:
When you associate people by their hair type.

Me sittin in church:
O she's a 4a, she needs moisture.
Pastor so and so's wife could do with a DC.:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

o, your boss comes to your desk to compliment your typing speed and you are typin a reply to a thread on LCHF!:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

So funny and so true. Guilty!!
crlsweetie912 said:
When you associate people by their hair type.

Me sittin in church:
O she's a 4a, she needs moisture.
Pastor so and so's wife could do with a DC.:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

o, your boss comes to your desk to compliment your typing speed and you are typin a reply to a thread on LCHF!:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

ROFLMAOOO!! :lol: :lol:

Me sittin in church:
O she's a 4a, she needs moisture.

OH MY GAAAWDTTT! I DO THIS TOO! LMAO! I'M SO ASHAMED! :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

lmao @ the typing speed!

Also...when you see someone with split ends or dry hair---you are just DYING to give them some hair advice like doin the baggie method...

oh my goodness! yawl have me crackin up!
You get back from a trip and leave your bags in the kitchen because they slow you down from getting to LHCF:lachen: :lachen: Hey, a lot can go on here in a week!

You have insomnia and decide checking a few threads can help you sleep:D

You have hair dreams and you wanna tell LHCF:grin:
i knew i was hooked when i cut down on doing google searches. everything i want to learn about (even if not related to hair) i search here first.
...You keep a very involved Excel spreadsheet open while on LHCF so you can quickly click back to it and pretend you’re working on something important when your boss or co-workers walks by. :D

Believe me, once they see the spreadsheet, they'll keep on walking.

But I wouldn't know anything about that.... :look: :look: :look:

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
When you come in from a long almost 10-hour day at work and the very first thing you do when you get home (before you check your voice mail, e-mail, use the bathroom, fix your dinner, put all your bags down, change clothes, take a shower, or do ANYTHING), you turn on your computer and pull up LHCF to see the latest and greatest!!

(I have been feening b/c I just started a new job and won't go on at work - not just yet; got to get settled in first!:lol: )
MzTami said:
When you taking pictures of your hair with your cellphone. :Flahsssss
screamin'!!!:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

...Or when you leave your laptop on your nightstand so as your husband/bf/so is snoring the night away, you can check the board. Hell, you can't sleep through all that noise anyway!
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BamaBelle said:
screamin'!!!:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

...Or when you leave your laptop on your nightstand so as your husband/bf/so is snoring the night away, you can check the board. Hell, you can't sleep through all that noise anyway!
Brilliant! why didn't i think of that?
When I can still do my computer work, answer the phone, answer the door and a question while still on LCHF and then go home and get back on all the hair boards. :grin:
Legend said:
...You keep a very involved Excel spreadsheet open while on LHCF so you can quickly click back to it and pretend you’re working on something important when your boss or co-workers walks by. :D

Believe me, once they see the spreadsheet, they'll keep on walking.

But I wouldn't know anything about that.... :look: :look: :look:

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

Girl I so feel you!!!! Im doing that rightnow. LOL.....
When you see yourself in 95% or more of the responses before yours :lol:

When you keep IE opened in a tiny corner of your screen at work all day and you have to do tremendous scrolling just to read the threads. :sekret:

When the post you are typing right now is being made while you should be working :look:

When you have to scroll real fast through all the beautiful long haired ladies pics in the posts so people don't see what you are looking at. :lol:

When you are on LHCF at 3am knowing you planned to get up at 6am. :eek:

When you are staying late at work on LHCF reading posts knowing you have a computer at home that you will be checking out when you get there :lol:

When you check for new posts by the minute :eek: :look: :lol:
I'm a newbie (longtime lurker). Ya'll are killing me, because you can't tell me I don't know most of ya'll here and can relate to ALL the responses. Cause I am totally addicted, I work 12hr shifts and I unwind with LHCF (then I shower and CO wash my hair:D) Yeah, I learnt that from ya'll and my hair thanks you too!!!!:grin: (I am like soooooooooo glad I found this site)
Hibiscus30 said:
I'm a newbie (longtime lurker). Ya'll are killing me, because you can't tell me I don't know most of ya'll here and can relate to ALL the responses. Cause I am totally addicted, I work 12hr shifts and I unwind with LHCF (then I shower and CO wash my hair:D) Yeah, I learnt that from ya'll and my hair thanks you too!!!!:grin: (I am like soooooooooo glad I found this site)
when you gonna open an album? girl over here we nosy (you should know that by now).
I am a newbie and I check this more than my email..

This is sick..I went to bed at 1am and really couldn't sleep because I wanted to continue reading the board..

Been at work since 9am and still on this board..I need to get work done..:lachen:
This is tooooooo funny! I was thinking about this recently when I needed to go to the bathroom and did an about-face and went in the other room to get my SidekickII so that I can come on LHCF while I'm sittin' and relaxin' in the bathroom (sorry to be so graphic, but I had to show the LCHF addict in me :lol: :lol: ) Yes everyone, I can actually see you all (pics) and read your questions/responses on my phone, now you know that's bad!
Nice & Wavy said:
This is tooooooo funny! I was thinking about this recently when I needed to go to the bathroom and did an about-face and went in the other room to get my SidekickII so that I can come on LHCF while I'm sittin' and relaxin' in the bathroom (sorry to be so graphic, but I had to show the LCHF addict in me :lol: :lol: ) Yes everyone, I can actually see you all (pics) and read your questions/responses on my phone, now you know that's bad!

:eek: :eek:
SIDEKICK IN THE BATHROOM!!! :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
LMAO.......THIS TOPS THE CAKE!! :grin:
You know you're addicted to LHCF when...

after you've looked at and posted in all the threads of interest to you.... you still stay on LHCF for the heck of it ...hoping to find something of interest to you while you're bored at work! :grin:
I get on my sidekick too!!!

When I'm at work, you cannot visit photo albums and some pictures do not show up, so I get on my sidekick to view them. :weird:
Poohbear said:
I get on my sidekick too!!!

When I'm at work, you cannot visit photo albums and some pictures do not show up, so I get on my sidekick to view them. :weird:

I know...isn't it great! I go all over the web to the places I need to go on my phone.
If all the back of ur heads were put in a line up i could name which hair belongs to who!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm so addicted!!!!
You know you're addicted when you check in on vacation and yes i do check this site out if i'm up at night because of the baby and in the morning ooooooooooooooo i need help.