you know you addicted to LHCF when...

caribeandiva said:
ok i got a new one. this happened earlier in fact.

-when you're in a computer superstore and log on through a model laptop with other customers all around you but you don't care.

whoa this one did not happen to me yet but who nows i have issues with my ipod and i have to go into the apple store:D:D:D
LOL....I do this exact thing!!!

frankie said:
when you look at the clock and it says 2:16am and you tell yourself ok, you gotta get off by 3am...knowing that when 3am rolls around you'll give yourself another half hour 45 mins...cause you ain't finish yet!

When you start dreaming about LHCF
When you meet someone on the street and you just want to tell them about LHCF
When you feel sick because your computer dosent work, so you cant go to the board
When even though the board is not working, you still go to the chat room, just so you can stay on the site.
Saida said:

When you start dreaming about LHCF
When you meet someone on the street and you just want to tell them about LHCF
When you feel sick because your computer dosent work, so you cant go to the board
When even though the board is not working, you still go to the chat room, just so you can stay on the site.
Lol!! EXACTLY!:lol:
MzTami said:
When your post count is over 1000 and you joined last week. :)

When you wake up and haven't brushed your teeth or washed your face, but you are on LHCF. :eek:

When you dream about a good subject to talk about on LHCF. :nuts:
OMG, this is me right now!! Yeah, I guess Im addicted.:(
Okay, I know I'm addicted because LHCF is now "my thang"!
I feel as if it has become my profession, my new career.
It's like working from home: my laptop is always on and this site is always up....I NEVER log out!
In the morning, I strap on my robe, run downstairs, grab my cup of coffee, and hit it!!!!!
You'd I think I'm being compensated from some unknown source, cause I am so doggone dedicated!
Heck, I'm so proud, I'm gonna go buy myself a plaque and hang it on my dinning room wall!:lachen:

I won't even buy a hair care product until I come here first and do a search to see weither the ladies on this site give it a thumbs up or a thumbs down.

Also, I suffer from extreme PJism! I'll be in class, just daydreaming about getting out so I can go hit up the BSS or The Vitamin Shoppe!

The other day I was picking up all kinds of vitamins, came home and placed some orders on line for some more vitamins. Then I started thinking about all that I'm about to be putting in my system. So I started praying, " Lord, please don't let me hurt myself!":look:

Just yesterday, I was at a girlfriends house, and I saw her Suave Citrus products on the kitchen sink. I was like, "Oooo, I see you got Sauve. How does this citrus one compare to the milk-n-honey? I actually like their coconut even better. You still use Herbal Essences? I remember seeing Fruit Fussions in your bathroom. You now they have the new line now, don't you? Yeah, girl, with nine different types of shampoos and conditioners. Girrrrrl, I love the one in the blue bottle! The Hello Hydration, have you tried it?....."

So she turns around and gives me this blank/perplexed look. That's when shame set in. I had revealed myself. I just turned and left the room!

At this moment, I'm supposed to be studying for a french test next week. I gotta be at church by 11:00am. I'm supposed to read a couple of scriptures this morning. It's a quarter till 10:00am! I called myself getting up in enough time to allow for LHCF, ( I got up at 7:40am )and then read my bible and study my french, but things didn't pan out that way.
I'm running behind.:perplexed

My French book is sitting here to my left and my Bible is sitting here to my right. Haven't cracked open either one of them.
Nope, just sitting here typing away on LHCF..........
Man, I love you guys. I really feel like we are a family. Im gonna leave cause Im starting to get teary-eyed :cry3:
dkbeauti said:
Okay, I know I'm addicted because LHCF is now "my thang"!
I feel as if it has become my profession, my new career.
It's like working from home: my laptop is always on and this site is always up....I NEVER log out!
In the morning, I strap on my robe, run downstairs, grab my cup of coffee, and hit it!!!!!
You'd I think I'm being compensated from some unknown source, cause I am so doggone dedicated!
Heck, I'm so proud, I'm gonna go buy myself a plaque and hang it on my dinning room wall!:lachen:

I won't even buy a hair care product until I come here first and do a search to see weither the ladies on this site give it a thumbs up or a thumbs down.

Also, I suffer from extreme PJism! I'll be in class, just daydreaming about getting out so I can go hit up the BSS or The Vitamin Shoppe!

The other day I was picking up all kinds of vitamins, came home and placed some orders on line for some more vitamins. Then I started thinking about all that I'm about to be putting in my system. So I started praying, " Lord, please don't let me hurt myself!":look:

Just yesterday, I was at a girlfriends house, and I saw her Suave Citrus products on the kitchen sink. I was like, "Oooo, I see you got Sauve. How does this citrus one compare to the milk-n-honey? I actually like their coconut even better. You still use Herbal Essences? I remember seeing Fruit Fussions in your bathroom. You now they have the new line now, don't you? Yeah, girl, with nine different types of shampoos and conditioners. Girrrrrl, I love the one in the blue bottle! The Hello Hydration, have you tried it?....."

So she turns around and gives me this blank/perplexed look. That's when shame set in. I had revealed myself. I just turned and left the room!

At this moment, I'm supposed to be studying for a french test next week. I gotta be at church by 11:00am. I'm supposed to read a couple of scriptures this morning. It's a quarter till 10:00am! I called myself getting up in enough time to allow for LHCF, ( I got up at 7:40am )and then read my bible and study my french, but things didn't pan out that way.
I'm running behind.:perplexed

My French book is sitting here to my left and my Bible is sitting here to my right. Haven't cracked open either one of them.
Nope, just sitting here typing away on LHCF.........

:lachen::lachen::lachen: LMAO!!! i've done everything you described almost to a T! heck i should be studying for my chemistry class right now but my book is sitting on my bed unopened... i need help.
You know you're addicted when you see ladies with long hair and wonder to she a member here???
you know you're addicted when you can guess what products and what method of styling a person does just by looking at their hair, dominican? check, affirm relaxer and rollerset?'s sad and i'm clearly obsessed but i'm getting pretty good...hmm now if only i could somehow get paid for it :look:

oh yeah and when u start describing people by their hair like, "you know that girl with the armpit length hair" and you don't realise what you've said until you see the perplexed look on people's faces, wondering why the hell you're refering to this poor girl's armpits...:look:
-you're logged on past midnight
-you try to come up with threads to start while at work

(Yes, I know this is a thread from 2006, but it was either bumping this one up or starting one with the exact same not crucify me for violating an LHCF pet peeve, peace)
You're sneaking at work to check the boards as if you didn't check it right before you left work and when you went on your lunch break.

When you dream about what new tip or tidbit you'll learn to improve your hair growth and health at night

When you start speaking LHCF "talk" to your husband like he knows what you're talking about. Especially since he's bald! :lachen:
When all my Hair Fell Out and I began my HHJ -- I was spending so much time at work combing the Threads desperately looking for help I had to invest in a PC at home so I could stay fully connected 24/7. Being late for meetings, wanting to come into the office when I was sick to see what was going on etc...:lachen:

People coming into my office trying to see what I was looking at. The Whole Nine.

I would find myself wondering when I left work on Fridays what was going on, what was I missing, what were they talking became highly intoxicating.:lachen:
You are up this late (Midnight) washing your hair and typing on a hair board when you ain't got but a snap worth of hair on your head!!

Good thing I'm off work tomorrow!! Oops. I mean today!

That's Me. Ain't Got A Snap !:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen: Up all hours of the night trying to figure it out.
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You've memorized some of the words that go with the smilies so you don't have to always pull up that long list! :lachen: start sentences with "my friends from LHCF...." spend more time on LHCF while you're at work, than doing actual work start reading stuff in other forums, that you know you're not interested in, just so you don't have to leave the site cut work phone conversations short so you can read and respond to posts
...your husband comes into the computer room to ask what you're doing, and you cover the screen and say "nothing"

OMG! It's like you know me :lachen::lachen::lachen:

-You can click on just about any thread and you have responded to just about each and every one of them.
-Your telling your boyfriend a story about something that happened to a "friend" of yours and he realizes your talking about you LHCF family
-Thank God for this thread becuase you thought it was just you.....
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your DH gets mad because you're "looking at those ladies hair again" and not paying attention to him

you consult the ladies of LHCF before buying hair products

you about have a fit when the internet goes out for .34 nano-seconds because you feel like you missed some important topic
hide your phone under some papers on your desk so you can check the site in between accounts or subscribe to half the topics so that the alerts come straight to your phone when someone posts something new on the topic! :look: (Where dey do dat at?)
hide your phone under some papers on your desk so you can check the site in between accounts or subscribe to half the topics so that the alerts come straight to your phone when someone posts something new on the topic! :look: (Where dey do dat at?)

I do this:lachen: I also come on here when I can't sleep and I nearly had a fit when the internet went down and I couldn't access the site