you know you addicted to LHCF when...

Nice & Wavy said:
This is tooooooo funny! I was thinking about this recently when I needed to go to the bathroom and did an about-face and went in the other room to get my SidekickII so that I can come on LHCF while I'm sittin' and relaxin' in the bathroom (sorry to be so graphic, but I had to show the LCHF addict in me :lol: :lol: ) Yes everyone, I can actually see you all (pics) and read your questions/responses on my phone, now you know that's bad!

this is toooooooooooooooooooooo funny ha ha ha
BamaBelle said:
... You are totally pissed when the server is down and you get that infamous "white screen" and everyone in the house knows it's down because you start cussin'! (pitiful)

... You feel like you "know" the sisters on the board ... You know who's married, engaged, expecting, divorced, gay, straight, natural, textlaxed, texturized, using grease, using oil... using coconut oil... using castor oil... using Jamaican Black Castor Oil...

LOL, yes, u hit the nail on the head with that one.....
I'll be ranting and raving when I get that white screen! :lol: Like somebody done stole from me......

And yes, I know too much about people on this board, lol to say I never met them.....

But I Love it.... :)

LHCF Addict for life!
....when it's 2am in the morning you're so tired the back of your eyes hurt, you have to be at work at 7am......but you just gotta read one more post!:fan:

....When you try to start a convo about something interesting you read in a post with a coworker, family member, or friend and realize they don't give a damn bout no MTG!...."What the hell is that? Horse oil?! Like Mr. Ed? know you gon start eatin hay salads right...that's what horses eat."
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when you look at the clock and it says 2:16am and you tell yourself ok, you gotta get off by 3am...knowing that when 3am rolls around you'll give yourself another half hour 45 mins...cause you ain't finish yet!
- when you still got sleep in your eye, turning on the the PC - trying to wake up......
- Just yesterday I was talking to my Dad at the sametime I was on the forum. I said "So Dad, how was your hair", instead of "So Dad, how was your day". Next thing I hear him screaming to my Mom, "Diane, tell her to leave that hair stuff alone. She's on that hair stuff again. Fist you and now your sister". :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

rinygirl6 said:
....when it's 2am in the morning you're so tired the back of your eyes hurt, you have to be at work at 7am......but you just gotta read one more post!:fan:

....When you try to start a convo about something interesting you read in a post with a coworker, family member, or friend and realize they don't give a damn bout no MTG!...."What the hell is that? Horse oil?! Like Mr. Ed? know you gon start eatin hay salads right...that's what horses eat."

I laughe out loud at work...I'm still laughing as I type this.:lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
plove said:
You tell yourself your going to stop going to LHCF for a month and you only last two days and those two day where driving you crazy.

That is SO me! :lachen: I've tried twice now. I always tell myself I'm not going to log on when I'm braided.... as I sit here posting in braids.

I have one. When you complain about your braids being too big your husband comforts you by saying "But, you know how much your hair likes bigger braids." WTH?

You offer to make side-by-sides for other members when you're bored with your own progress.
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When I'm in a meeting. At my new job!!!! Foolin' around with ya'll.... Boy they think I'm taking some serious note in this meeting :)
When before you discovered LHCF, you knew nothing about MSM.
You developed a disease called "PJISM" and went out and bought MSM.
When the side effects of MSM kick in, you start having alot of vivid dreams about actually meeting members of LHCF in person.

When this know you are out there pretty bad!!!!
MSLONG said:
When the side effects of MSM kick in, you start having alot of vivid dreams about actually meeting members of LHCF in person.

i've had that happen to me the other night!! i can't remember which member i dreamed about though.
anatomicallycorrect said:
When it's your homepage!:)
Wait a min we can do that? :lol:
When your mad at your cheap job cause they don't have internet, :ohwell: so you can't check LHCF, use of sidekicks and handhelds will get your stuff confiscated. :perplexed
...when you go in the store and ask for NTM or ORS instead of "Neutrogena Triple Moisture" or "Organics Root Stimulator" because you're so used to seeing it on the board. Yes I've done it!
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When you know the text codes for all your fav smilies so you don't have to find and click them each time. :eek:
When your supervisor gives you some work to do on your computer and you get pissed off because now you won't be able to be on LHCF website!!
sareca said:
When you know the text codes for all your fav smilies so you don't have to find and click them each time. :eek:

you know them all?? i bow to you cause it takes me forever to find the appropriate one.
ok i got a new one. this happened earlier in fact.

-when you're in a computer superstore and log on through a model laptop with other customers all around you but you don't care.
You know you're addicted to LHCF when you've become a PJ in only 2 days. I have to slow down....NOT!

When you read all( I mean all) doggone 89 posts on why you and everybody else is addicted (and just about 97% of them apply) when you read like 57 of them before you went to bed at 2 am and then sarted your day to read the rest.

I love ya'll but I haven't been this obsessed about a thang in a long time!
Now that is the ultimate addiction, :lol:
caribeandiva said:
ok i got a new one. this happened earlier in fact.

-when you're in a computer superstore and log on through a model laptop with other customers all around you but you don't care.
caribeandiva said:
ok i got a new one. this happened earlier in fact.

-when you're in a computer superstore and log on through a model laptop with other customers all around you but you don't care.

you got it you got it BAD!!!!!! :lachen: :lachen:
MissFallon said:
:lachen:THATS ME RIGHT NOW:lachen:

I can relate to this as well. As a newbee... when I hit New Posts and it says, you must wait 30 seconds and I'm thinking "30 seconds!!!" I can't wait that long.:lol:

I love this site.:)
.... your wash day items include:
shampoo, conditioner, leave-in, EOs, magnetic rollers, towels, digital camera

msbrown76 said: spend more time on LHCF while you're at work, than doing actual work

This is so me, its not even funny. I have had a couple of days like this!