Would you think a guy was shady if...


In college I had this friend who was dating this guy. She was one of those "my boyfriend this that" type girls, which kind of made me hate the guy a little on principal because those kind of relationships are obnoxious and irritating to me. So I never really talked to him even if we were all hanging out. Plus, I'm extremely sensitive about friends and boyfriends because some chicks are simple and stupid enough to not be able to manage both simultaneously.

So they dated for pretty much the last two years of undergrad and it was a serious enough relationship that I think she may have been considering marriage. However they broke up shortly after graduation... and at some point after that he started messaging me on facebook. Actually he may have messaged me a time or two for chat while we were still in undergrad.

I think about a year later he'd wanted to exchange numbers and kept wanting to make plans to hang out with me in person. Once he asked me something about how when we were in school what did I think of him or if I ever thought of him or something like that. I was like uhhhh... not really. :lol:

Anyway, I think it's weird that he'd even talk to me, even though I'm pretty much not friends with the girl anymore (haven't seen her since college) and he didn't do it until a year or so after their relationship.

Would you think this is a shady type guy?
Why is that shady? He sounds like he noticed you back when and now has a chance to talk to you.
i don't really think there is anything wrong with it. it's not like he tried to hit it when they were together.
Idk, I just stay so far away from friends' boyfriends that they seem off limits forever. Like, I never thought of you that way so you shouldn't have ever thought of me that way.
Idk, I just stay so far away from friends' boyfriends that they seem off limits forever. Like, I never thought of you that way so you shouldn't have ever thought of me that way.

He's shady if you have that "code". Some people dont but I always thought it seemed kind of thirsty to be going after used goods like that or your exes friends. Plus you get with him & 2 years later he's hitting up your other associate asking her what she thought about him while you all hung out.:perplexed
*** that