Would you date/marry a man with a criminal record?

Infact it's funny you should ask.... b/c I'm seeing someone just like that. I believe in not judging people...(you know the saying only God can judge me). I feel like I've done things in the past that I'm not proud of and if a person who has a criminal record is sorry for what they have done in the past then why shouldn't they have forgiveness and a chance in all aspects of life?? Love being one of many.... and I know it's off the subject but I believe they should be able to vote.
You mean criminal record as in....any type of crime?? Even like embezzelment?? Not just rape, murder.....??? Because those would be deal breakers...rape/murder/assault

I don't know, it would be hard b/c the fact that they had a criminal record would mean they were at one time a completely different person with differing morals. If they were truly reformed and truly sorry, I guess it could be possible.
MissScarlett said:
You mean criminal record as in....any type of crime?? Even like embezzelment?? Not just rape, murder.....??? Because those would be deal breakers...rape/murder/assault

I don't know, it would be hard b/c the fact that they had a criminal record would mean they were at one time a completely different person with differing morals. If they were truly reformed and truly sorry, I guess it could be possible.

my sentiments exactly.

Where I am now in my lifetime(I now see things from a different perspective than years ago)..For me I Guess it would depend on what the crime was and also if the person was repentent... it could be somewhat possible.
hotlusciousl said:
I know it's off the subject but I believe they should be able to vote.

Do you mind if I ask you why?

To the OP, I would much prefer someone with a clean history with the law like myself. But, if I had to choose, I think it would depend on what type of criminal record we're talking about here. Criminal record as in violent crimes-- rape, molestation, assault, battery, incest, armed robbery... nope. Drug related crimes selling, possession, using-- nope. Criminal record as in forgery, embezzlement, white collar crimes-- I would just be hesitant to trust an individual like this, but if he was truly sorry and was working to redeem himself, sure. Criminal record as in unpaid parking tickets-- sure.
My first one star! "I'd like to thank the academy for recognizing my talents in making people uncomfortable, my Mom for teaching me not to care too much what people think, and last but not least I'd like to thank Allah."

My personal answer is also that it depends.
Yes, I would. A criminal record doesn't automatically mean murderer. There are plenty of misdemeanors out there that would cause someone to have a record...such as driving without a license, DUI, petty theft, etc. I do believe that depending on the situation, people can change for the better and use their wrong doings as learning experiences. Besides, they can get their record expunged, and no one can legally know that it exists.

To, hotluciousl, only people with felonies aren't allowed to vote. With a misdemeanor, you can.