Would You Date A Pastor Of A Mega Church...any Church?


Well-Known Member
Lol....I'm laughing to myself as I type this. So my cousin is a pastor of a small church. He's been blowing up my phone of late and I finally answer it thinking let me get this donation call out of the way, so he can stop calling me.

So after a few pleasantries he tells me he has a pastor friend who wants to meet me. I've said before I ain't nobody's first lady and ain't trying to be. He tells me this guy is a very wealthy pastor of a well to do church in Texas and that he is looking for a wife. Who does that...right?

Anyway he goes on to tell me the guys stats...he actually has two churches, kids in college. And that he sent the guy my pics and this pastor is now wanting to get my number. He knows better than to do that but he's trying to get me to come over to his church Sunday and then for all of us to go to dinner.

Apparently the guy doesn't want to date anyone of his congregation...I can get that...but he also has some very strict requirements. Which he seems to think I fit from what my cousin shared about me. So...I declined...then my cousin's wife called with her sister on the phone to tell me to please please reconsider and that this guy is very attractive. So curiosity got the best of me and I looked him up....Dear Jesus Lawd a Mercy....he is everything my cousins said and then some.

Now I don't know what to do...I wish I could posts of picture of him...but see...the way this board is set up...

Any who...would you date a pastor? My fear is that if we did click I will again be rushed to the altar and any talk of marriage to me is a direct turnoff.
It can't hurt to go meet him. After reading the real life LHCF tea thread, I can see why you'd hesitate to date a pastor, any pastor.

I guess I missed that thread. Well I just think that pastors don't date they have a wife and are righteous OR they have a wife and perhaps some subordinates...lol. But I don't see me sitting up in church every Sunday trying to beat off the wanna be subordinates with a stick either.
I wouldn't because I do a lot of secular stuff like salsa dancing in clubs. If I was born again and serious in my walk with Christ, I would date him a little bit just to gage how he juggles his time. If he can make adequate time for me, no pies being delivered to him on the sly and no phone calls after a certain time unless someone is dying or are on fire, then I'd seriously consider him. I would also expect him not to want any nookie while we are dating. If he pushes then you'll know he is not a true servant of the church which is a major character flaw.
I wouldn't because I do a lot of secular stuff like salsa dancing in clubs. If I was born again and serious in my walk with Christ, I would date him a little bit just to gage how he juggles his time. If he can make adequate time for me, no pies being delivered to him on the sly and no phone calls after a certain time unless someone is dying or are on fire, then I'd seriously consider him. I would also expect him not to want any nookie while we are dating. If he pushes then you'll know he is not a true servant of the church which is a major character flaw.

Coffee just spit everywhere....:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:OMG this was funny...but I know I know...I'm sooo not the one. I'd be like Lucille...when I was younger in the church my cousin now pastors we got this new pastor from New Orleans. He and the children came before the wife arrived. She showed up one Sunday morning on the steps of the church wearing the highest stilettos I've ever seen in a red dress so tight you could read the label on her pantyhose. She was standing there smoking a cigarette with a hat that covered her face wearing bright red lipstick.

We thought it was someone standing in the need or prayer. When she walked in later (and she was stacked) and he said and here is my beautiful wife now...chillle them Baptist liked to died. She wound up getting pregnant from one of the deacons and had a son. But if I tell you she was the sweetest most loving person ever...but would curse you out while eating a piece of fried chicken. I adored her...really everyone did.

It was crazy even the deacon's wife seemed to like her. She later died of cancer and even till this day I smile when I think of her. Now I wouldn't be that type of first lady...but I always think about her when I see real hat wearing first ladies.
Be careful now. You done "backslid" one time. This time the Holy Ghost gone singe your hot pants if you distract his servant.

Admittedly...I did...and while I don't regret the feeling I do regret now not being able to say it's been however long since (if asked). But to my defense I've been with this guy and only this guy sexually since my divorce last year and I just didn't want to start over with someone new.

I fell for the okedoke and went over because he just wanted talk...okay I knew what I was going to do.

But let me add...if IF this turned out to be anything I wouldn't because I don't know him like that. With my ex we'd been together a year and I knew him prior to.
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No need to explain yourself. I was just kidding with you. Sorry if it came out judgmental. We've all been there one time or the other.

Oh no harm taken. I've said it too many times I'm weak for this man, but realize I need to break that bond because the relationship is not going anywhere. I try to be strong...:cry3:honestly I do.
Oh no harm taken. I've said it too many times I'm weak for this man, but realize I need to break that bond because the relationship is not going anywhere. I try to be strong...:cry3:honestly I do.

It will happen with time. You done won the Kentucky Derby. Try your hardest not to go back for the Preakness and the Belmont Stakes. The further away you move away from the Triple Crown, the better for your heart in the long run. Meet the Pastor and go out on a casual date. That could give you the jump start you need to move on from Jockey Man.
It will happen with time. You done won the Kentucky Derby. Try your hardest not to go back for the Preakness and the Belmont Stakes. The further away you move away from the Triple Crown, the better for your heart in the long run. Meet the Pastor and go out on a casual date. That could give you the jump start you need to move on from Jockey Man.

:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:Leave me alone!!!!! You are killing me over here...I am intrigued tho...but this guy is almost too good looking to be taken seriously. I mean like why are you single...why are you divorced...what's wrong with you boo.

If I could just find that middle ground where I unlatch from the thoroughbred and don't get attached to the pastor...I'd be goot!!!!

I might. I don't really know as I never dated anyone who currently was a pastor of a church let alone a mega church. After the end of my first relationship, I started dating for the first time (only went on about one or two dates before the first guy wanted me for his "wife"), I dated a theology major. The highly religious men have also been attracted to me become of my demeanor although I am not religious. How crazy is that? However, it has prevented some of them from asking for marriage and a few did not care including the first guy. The theology major was a definite no. My most recent date I don't know if he owned a church because I did not get all the details. The guys I date seem to like that I don't ask all the details up front so I don't (I let them volunteer). He said eventually he hoped to have a large church. He would take me to mega churches. I think he is too religious for me though. I like my alone time so I probably could marry one but not the cheating ones.
He would have to be Lutheran like me. Lutherans don't do the whole "First Lady" of the church thing and I'm not interested in being in a church that does.