Will You Ever Give Up On Finding Love???


Well-Known Member
I always told myself that I would give up at 40....just wondering does anyone feel the same. I've always thought if you are not married by that age it's not going to happen. I don't have kids and I never got married. I was proposed to in my early 20's a few times but I just wasn't interested then...now I look back and think I should have just did it . I noticed that my view on love has changed so much. I use to be so optimistic and had all these expectations of what love was and what I wanted out of a relationship. Now I'm just a scorned old biddy. Heartbroken and cheated on time and time again. I rarely even look at guys and get excited anymore. No matter how fine or charming they are, I just see right through it. I just see life for what it really is now. I've learned that I can't trust anyone and not to expect much so I wont be disappointed in the end.

Just wondering if anyone plans on throwing in the towel at a certain age.
Give up for what? No mam...I'm convinced my ability to not give up on love is what makes me the happy, loving and sensual person I am.

The very thought of love and being open to love keeps you young....I think.

When you give up on something you're meant to experience it's like giving up a part of you. I'm head over heels in love with someone in love with me...he just happens to be the wrong dynamics. I left a perfectly good man because I had no feelings for him...no where even close to what I feel for this guy...I want the explosions...not the damn firecrackers...lol.

Yet, I still feel like one day I will be someone who will be a perfect match....explosions and all...or it could be that I keep hanging out with this cat and the dynamics change. Either way...I'm here for it!
I always told myself that I would give up at 40....just wondering does anyone feel the same. I've always thought if you are not married by that age it's not going to happen. I don't have kids and I never got married. I was proposed to in my early 20's a few times but I just wasn't interested then...now I look back and think I should have just did it . I noticed that my view on love has changed so much. I use to be so optimistic and had all these expectations of what love was and what I wanted out of a relationship. Now I'm just a scorned old biddy. Heartbroken and cheated on time and time again. I rarely even look at guys and get excited anymore. No matter how fine or charming they are, I just see right through it. I just see life for what it really is now. I've learned that I can't trust anyone and not to expect much so I wont be disappointed in the end.

Just wondering if anyone plans on throwing in the towel at a certain age.

I have at 30. I just live & enjoy life as it comes. Nothing more, nothing less.
Never give up, my DH came along when I was least expecting it. I was living alone and talking back to the tv one day when I just made a prayer to God to bring me someone. I then forgot about it. One day I was walking down the street from work when this guy followed me and tried to talk to me. I was about to ignore him like I usually did when I heard an audible voice say "talk to this one". I immediately relaxed my face and talked to him. We are now married with 2 kids.
I hate when someone (not you but just in general) says this. What is it supposed to mean especially when you're doing everything you can to try and meet someone.
For years I wanted to be a part of a couple, I wanted to be married to the point I was almost depressed. When I stopped and just enjoyed life my soul mate appeared. I just today posted my "I said yes" post on Facebook. I wasn't really looking nor expected anything when I went on that site, but there he was when I lest expected it
I hate when someone (not you but just in general) says this. What is it supposed to mean especially when you're doing everything you can to try and meet someone.

What you (in general) should be going in making your life as beautiful as possible (how ever you define creating a beautiful life) and while you are focused on that, when you least expect it, an amazing man will appear. The energy that you are radiating will attract the man that will fit into your life.
OP (@ZapMami ) PLEASE whatever you do, don't give up on love... :nono: I've seen sooo many women find great love no matter how old they are or what they have been through in life.
LOVE is out there. It's all around us. :yep: It may be harder to find that right "special person" for some people, but that doesn't mean that it's impossible or will never happen. I think that as long as you keep yourself (and your heart) OPEN for love, keep looking your best, continue having a social life, etc, love WILL find you eventually. :yep: It may not come at the time when WE want it, but it WILL come.

Have you ever read a book called "Calling in the One"?? I haven't even finished the book yet (it's INTENSE!!), but it has definitely changed my WHOLE outlook tremendously. :yep:

I hate when someone (not you but just in general) says this. What is it supposed to mean especially when you're doing everything you can to try and meet someone.
I know what you mean, and I used to HATE this saying too! :wallbash: But now I finally understand what it means.

I think back in the past when I was "looking" and "searching" for love, I was in a state of "lack" and desperation. :nono: I know not everyone believs in the LOA, but I really honestly believe that sometimes we attract to us things that we don't want simply because of the "vibe" we're emitting. I think when you're looking for the one coming from a place of "lack" and desperation, it will be very HARD to attract someone into your life. Or, you may attract someone, but they may not be the right person for you.

But when you are busy just living your life to the full, having fun, being OPEN, carefree, POSITIVE, and HAPPY, I think THIS is what will attract you to the love of your life in time. :yep:

I used to be very anxious, depressed, feeling so worried about finding a husband in the past, but now I've finally come to a place of peace and happiness where I have finally given everything up to God and have decided that I'm going to live my life FULLY with or w/out a man. :grin: I have started to focus on MYSELF and I am happier than I've ever been in a very long time. :yep: Maybe I just have way too much going on to even entertain a man, but it's amazing just how care-free I am with all of this. I used to be really scared that I wouldn't find anyone. When I gave up the fear and just started focusing on MYSELF, being OPEN, friendly, loving men in general, staying positive, and working on improving myself, that's when I started being happier. And you know what?? I have actually met more guys in the past couple of months than I did the whole year or two when I was stressed and anxious!

Never give up, my DH came along when I was least expecting it. I was living alone and talking back to the tv one day when I just made a prayer to God to bring me someone. I then forgot about it. One day I was walking down the street from work when this guy followed me and tried to talk to me. I was about to ignore him like I usually did when I heard an audible voice say "talk to this one". I immediately relaxed my face and talked to him. We are now married with 2 kids.

:lol: I'm sorry but this made me chuckle lol. :giggle: I live alone too and sometimes the TV and my dog are all I have for company lol. But you know what?? I'm HAPPY. I'm finally happy where I am in my life, and I think this is making the biggest difference in who I attract into my life. :yep:

Congrats on your finding your husband. :yep:

What you (in general) should be going in making your life as beautiful as possible (how ever you define creating a beautiful life) and while you are focused on that, when you least expect it, an amazing man will appear. The energy that you are radiating will attract the man that will fit into your life.
^^THIS!!! Said in a nutshell. :yep:

You know what else helped me to loosen up? It's when I STOPPED trying to make things happen with guys, and just let guys come to me. When I stopped being the pursuer, and started to get the mindset of the pursued, that's when I truly came to be happier and less stressed lol. :lol:

Now I'm friendly to everyone, and I'm engaging, but I don't chase men, call them, or ask them out on dates. :nono2: I noticed that whenever I was actively pursuing a guy, it made me very anxious. Like, it wasn't fun at all. :nono: I think for men it's fun, but for women it's stressful! :dizzy: Now that I have let go, I'm now seeing who truly is interested in me, and who is NOT. I'm not saying I don't flirt or be easy-going... I just don't chase after a man. It has definitely made me happier.
I really honestly believe that sometimes we attract to us things that we don't want simply because of the "vibe" we're emitting. I think when you're looking for the one coming from a place of "lack" and desperation, it will be very HARD to attract someone into your life. Or, you may attract someone, but they may not be the right person for you.

Your whole post was on point, but this really struck a cord, especially the bolded. This is the story of my life.
I hate when someone (not you but just in general) says this. What is it supposed to mean especially when you're doing everything you can to try and meet someone.

I can totally understand and relate to this sentiment 100%. When you want something you go after it, or when you sit back and be patient and you see nothing changing for the better you become doubtful and incredibly frustrated. It's really much easier said than done.

What you (in general) should be going in making your life as beautiful as possible (how ever you define creating a beautiful life) and while you are focused on that, when you least expect it, an amazing man will appear. The energy that you are radiating will attract the man that will fit into your life.
I agree with this in theory... it's hard to put into practice. There's always that lingering fear, when will it be my time? Then you look around and see women who are older than you and still haven't found their fit and they've been single for a while, or you come across men who are simply nowhere close to a viable option, you know you want to get married and have a child(ren) and you're getting older... you're no longer late 20s.. it's a different type of anxiety when you're closer to 35. It really takes concerted effort to refocus your mind, your thoughts, energy when the outside around you doesn't look hopeful.