Why would a man move in with his gf


New Member
and pay almost all the bills, he proposed to her, takes care of her, supposed to be in love-spend nearly all his time with her, but when she's at work look up escort services websites online?

Is it that he plans to go or just using that as porn? I have no idea, but she found the sites when she got on the computer after him. And even still how would you address this situation?

(Me, I've been threw my share of effed up relationships, that I would just have to leave....honestly not sure any excuse could make me stay...)
Because men want sex from multiple women. He wants to have a decent woman in his life... and he wants to smash slores on the side. That's why. Nothing deeper than that. At least, to find one shard of decency here, he's not stringing a decent woman along pretending he's single. The professionals know what's up.

I hope your friend leaves. Usually though, the man will spout some BS lies "oh, it was research for a work project" or "my friend dared me to just look" or some such BS.... complete with puppy dog eyes and "Don't you TRUST me???" The woman often falls for it and stays.
He may not actually be seeing the escorts. It's possible that he was only looking because he was curious or horny.

There's no way to know what's going through his head. Your friend should just be upfront and ask him. She should trust her judgement, if she thinks that he's lying to her and really smashing other women on the side, then she should leave!
Is it that he plans to go or just using that as porn? I have no idea, but she found the sites when she got on the computer after him. And even still how would you address this situation?

That's not just fodder. He plans to go. He's just in the plannings stages just now.
Maybe he has a madonna whore complex, or he could be into something really freaky that a woman would only do if she was paid to.

I'd leave. The porn excuse doesn't make sense to me. Why wouldn't he just go to a real porn website if he wanted to look at porn? I guess I could understand it if the escorts are naked on the site.
That's not just fodder. He plans to go. He's just in the plannings stages just now.

Maybe not. I get a kick out of looking at the CL casual encounters even though I have no intention of having an anonymous internet hookup. I'm just fascinated to see what other people are doing. Maybe her boyfriend has the same curiousity.

Escorts are an expensive hobby. Has she seen any evidence of him spending large sums of money lately? Another dead giveaway of an upscale escort habit is him coming home smelling freshly showered.

If he is having sex with prostitutes, he's putting her health in danger. She may need to cut him loose and get tested immediately.
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It *could* be any number of things from idle curiosity to physical cheating to sex addiction; she can't know but love and cheating are not in any way mutually exclusive, especially for men, who tend to feel that love and sex are not intertwined. Your friend should definitely have herself tested for STD's and stop having sexual contact with this man until she ascertains the truth. She should also absolutely not marry this man until she finds out the truth and they have extensive counseling. Even if he's using this as porn, he's been lying to her if she doesn't know about it and that is a huge issue. A prostitute can be had for very little money so there won't necessarily be a money trail, particularly if he's going to women who work on the street. I hate snooping but a private eye or other surveillance activities (like tracking his online activity) may be a good idea, too.