Why the heck is Ateya ripping out her hair like this?...

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Do we know for sure she ripped out her hair? I'm assuming some folks haven't heard that popping/snapping sound once upon a time or two. Well I have and guess what... I wasn't ripping my hair out.

She has been stretching her relaxers a lot longer, using less heat, more protective styles- can she not get any love for that? Sometimes people just don't see the good only the mistakes, the bad. Damn if you do, damn if you don't.

So what if she wasn't detangling/combing her hair as if it was silk. I sometimes don't either. I mean is it really that serious?

For the person who thinks her hair length has been the same length, go back and watch her vids again. She had a setback and has had great progress since that setback.
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I notice hair that's easier to manage than my own, as a good grade of hair. Has nothing to do with anyone else, it was more so personally so I did use poor choice of words, I guess. & I respect you for being the mature one & trying to understand, or maybe you can even enlighten ME as to why people act like headless chickens to certain words or phrases. I feel like instead of jumping down my throat what most of you could have done was let me know , as a grown woman should, what's right or wrong, or if im being offensive. I wouldn't have had any problem apologizing and revising my comment.

Well, I appreciate you taking the time to respond to the question. And I don't think others who responded negatively are behaving like "headless chickens"....I think they were responding to a culturally offensive term; one that they would expect that someone who is a member of this forum would know was offensive.

Terms like "good grade [of hair]", "good hair" and "pretty hair" are offensive because they have been historically used as a way to further divide people of color, particularly women of color. For example, your "grade" of hair- 4a/b (taken from your siggy), would historically be considered "bad" because it is coarser and less silky (and further from the European standard of beauty) than someone with type 2 or 3 hair. I'm sure you know that ALL hair is "good" and "pretty", no matter the texture, as long as it is properly cared for.

Thanks again. And oh, not to get all "big sister" on you, but maybe an apology/acknowledgement/ETA is in order? :grin: :bighug:
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I never knew something as mundane as this could get so many people riled up. I can imagine it now, behind the computer screen typing viciously with a protest sign in hand. :-/ Don't care for Ateyaaa or her practices but she can do whatever the hell she wants to do, more important things in life.
@SparklingFlame, well from what I knew before this good/mixed hair phenomenon was established, a good grade of hair was thick, long, vibrant hair that looked healthy and was not easily damaged, regardless of whether the owner was 3b or 4b.
I notice hair that's easier to manage than my own, as a good grade of hair. Has nothing to do with anyone else, it was more so personally so I did use poor choice of words, I guess. & I respect you for being the mature one & trying to understand, or maybe you can even enlighten ME as to why people act like headless chickens to certain words or phrases. I feel like instead of jumping down my throat what most of you could have done was let me know , as a grown woman should, what's right or wrong, or if im being offensive. I wouldn't have had any problem apologizing and revising my comment.

I agree w/ you and I have always felt like this. My hair can not get her swang swang b/c she has a better grade of hair.(texture)LOL Sorry people jumping down your throat and all-acting like they don't know what you're talking about.
I agree w/ you and I have always felt like this. My hair can not get her swang swang b/c she has a better grade of hair.(texture)LOL Sorry people jumping down your throat and all-acting like they don't know what you're talking about.

And just when I thought all was well..... I give up. :giveup:
"Grade" of hair can be synonymous with "texture" of hair and we all know that what is good for one "grade/texture" of hair is death to another.

Well, I appreciate you taking the time to respond to the question. And I don't think others who responded negatively are behaving like "headless chickens"....I think they were responding to a culturally offensive term; one that they would expect that someone who is a member of this forum would know was offensive.

Terms like "good grade [of hair]", "good hair" and "pretty hair" are offensive because they have been historically used as a way to further divide people of color, particularly women of color. For example, your "grade" of hair- 4a/b (taken from your siggy), would historically be considered "bad" because it is coarser and less silky (and further from the European standard of beauty) than someone with type 2 or 3 hair. I'm sure you know that ALL hair is "good" and "pretty", no matter the texture, as long as it is properly cared for.

Thanks again. And oh, not to get all "big sister" on you, but maybe an apology/acknowledgement/ETA is in order? :grin: :bighug:

I can understand why its offensive. I do have 4 b hair, & if I seen someone else with 4 a/b hair but its easier to handle than my own, I would still say [blank blank blank]… like I said it was more so a personal comment. Its not about the actual texture, look length etc. & I am still new to this board, still learning alot, like just now :)
"Grade" of hair can be synonymous with "texture" of hair and we all know that what is good for one "grade/texture" of hair is death to another.


See, this is how I believe people use it. This is how I use it and take it when other people use it. So I really don't see what all the fuss is about.
"Grade" of hair can be synonymous with "texture" of hair and we all know that what is good for one "grade/texture" of hair is death to another.


Very true...but I'm still confused as to how texture = swang? I've seen coarse haired ladies get swang, as well as finer haired. I thought you got swang from having moisturized hair that isn't weighed down by product?
Very true...but I'm still confused as to how texture = swang? I've seen coarse haired ladies get swang, as well as finer haired. I thought you got swang from having moisturized hair that isn't weighed down by product?

I dont have an answer for that one. Anybody with healthy hair can get some swang.

Hmmm...so that must mean Ateeyaaaa has healthy hair then....:scratchch
Very true...but I'm still confused as to how texture = swang? I've seen coarse haired ladies get swang, as well as finer haired. I thought you got swang from having moisturized hair that isn't weighed down by product?

That's what I was confused about too.
*Reads thread title, automatically looks left for padlock icon... none! Triumphantly heads into thread to register attendance before the inevitable lock*

On behalf of Ateyaa's PR and Management teams, I would like to thank you all for a couple hundred more hits on our channel today. Thank you for this gift that will keep giving-- for years to come lurkers and members will see this thread, click the link, and send us more money in the bank.

Thank you for your self-righteous comments, and the humorous posts. You ladies support healthy hair practices on LHCF, and do an even better job of ensuring that our employer's questionable (?) practices will remain standing via your indirect funding for years to come. Because of your actions, we will reach out to more naive, HHJ-ignorant people and make sure they're jacked up so bad they'll have no choice but to join your coochie cream bandwagon and be so sure of being the "right" one that every other view point must be WRONG.

Maybe if some of you are serious about taking us down, you could start by ignoring our videos, and investing your time and self-righteousness in another avenue-- say supporting those who do things the way you like. But NAH, y'all can't help yourselves. Click away, post away, you are much appreciated.

Till the next Ateyaa thread, we bid you a hearty farewell and see ya later.

Ateyaa's team
*Reads thread title, automatically looks left for padlock icon... none! Triumphantly heads into thread to register attendance before the inevitable lock*

On behalf of Ateyaa's PR and Management teams, I would like to thank you all for a couple hundred more hits on our channel today. Thank you for this gift that will keep giving-- for years to come lurkers and members will see this thread, click the link, and send us more money in the bank.

Thank you for your self-righteous comments, and the humorous posts. You ladies support healthy hair practices on LHCF, and do an even better job of ensuring that our employer's questionable (?) practices will remain standing via your indirect funding for years to come. Because of your actions, we will reach out to more naive, HHJ-ignorant people and make sure they're jacked up so bad they'll have no choice but to join your coochie cream bandwagon and be so sure of being the "right" one that every other view point must be WRONG.

Maybe if some of you are serious about taking us down, you could start by ignoring our videos, and investing your time and self-righteousness in another avenue-- say supporting those who do things the way you like. But NAH, y'all can't help yourselves. Click away, post away, you are much appreciated.

Till the next Ateyaa thread, we bid you a hearty farewell and see ya later.

Ateyaa's team

This post just gave me EVERYTHING. :grin:
I can understand why its offensive. I do have 4 b hair, & if I seen someone else with 4 a/b hair but its easier to handle than my own, I would still say [blank blank blank]… like I said it was more so a personal comment. Its not about the actual texture, look length etc. & I am still new to this board, still learning alot, like just now :)

I'm not buying this "I'm new ish...- are you telling me that you are not aware of the negative connotations attached to the good grade of hair statement you made? This good hair debate has been going on since Diana Ross was a Supreme so I don't understand why you are surprised that people are reacting the way they are.
I'm not buying this "I'm new ish...- are you telling me that you are not aware of the negative connotations attached to the good grade of hair statement you made? This good hair debate has been going on since Diana Ross was a Supreme so I don't understand why you are surprised that people are reacting the way they are.
Now how you not gonna give her the benefit of the doubt about this, yet OP claims she never seen an Ateeeyaaaaaa thread in her LHCF life?
*Reads thread title, automatically looks left for padlock icon... none! Triumphantly heads into thread to register attendance before the inevitable lock*

On behalf of Ateyaa's PR and Management teams, I would like to thank you all for a couple hundred more hits on our channel today. Thank you for this gift that will keep giving-- for years to come lurkers and members will see this thread, click the link, and send us more money in the bank.

Thank you for your self-righteous comments, and the humorous posts. You ladies support healthy hair practices on LHCF, and do an even better job of ensuring that our employer's questionable (?) practices will remain standing via your indirect funding for years to come. Because of your actions, we will reach out to more naive, HHJ-ignorant people and make sure they're jacked up so bad they'll have no choice but to join your coochie cream bandwagon and be so sure of being the "right" one that every other view point must be WRONG.

Maybe if some of you are serious about taking us down, you could start by ignoring our videos, and investing your time and self-righteousness in another avenue-- say supporting those who do things the way you like. But NAH, y'all can't help yourselves. Click away, post away, you are much appreciated.

Till the next Ateyaa thread, we bid you a hearty farewell and see ya later.

Ateyaa's team

Ive always felt this way....y'all post vids of these Youtube Partners and they gets PAAAAAY-DA!
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