Why the heck is Ateya ripping out her hair like this?...

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I've first started watching ateeya when she started 3 years ago, and had she been taking proper care of her hair it would be waaay longer/healthier. Im not saying she can't do what she's doing, because its her hair & she can do what she wants, but she's not going to make it past apl. I stopped watching once she started the lacefronts, that's a nono for me. But ateeya has a good grade of hair which explains the "swang" and alot of people don't realize that, & try to follow her regimen. She has "swang" even when she doesn't have a relaxer. 3 more years down the line her hair will be the same, & people still won't notice. Lmao


the "good grade" of hair a bone straight relaxer and heat, any "grade" of hair can achieve the same "swang" with a relaxer, minimal products and heat
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Ateeya, Shima and good grade of hair have all been mentioned in this thread. All we need is "who shall not be named" and I'm in for the countdown of the lock. :rofl:
But ateeya has a good grade of hair which explains the "swang"

And I have the nerve to wonder why my daughters' friends have been begging their moms for relaxers since they were 6 & 7 years old. Why wouldn't they if they weren't blesed with that "good grade of hair" ?? :rolleyes:

Well gee. didn't know I would strike an artery. Lmao why so serious? Because I stated something that's true? She has a good grade of hair! Her hair is a good grade. Why do people act as if those words are cursed? Im not afraid to say it at all. & if someone caught offense owell, build a bridge & get over it straight like that.
Well gee. didn't know I would strike an artery. Lmao why so serious? Because I stated something that's true? She has a good grade of hair! Her hair is a good grade. Why do people act as if those words are cursed? Im not afraid to say it at all. & if someone caught offense owell, build a bridge & get over it straight like that.
I heard that!!!!
Well gee. didn't know I would strike an artery. Lmao why so serious? Because I stated something that's true? She has a good grade of hair! Her hair is a good grade. Why do people act as if those words are cursed? Im not afraid to say it at all. & if someone caught offense owell, build a bridge & get over it straight like that.

Quit while you're ahead - tis about to get ugly in here...:nono:
But ateeya has a good grade of hair which explains the "swang" and alot of people don't realize that

lol Here girl...you gon' need this...

*hands you a tub of vasaline for your face*

'cause them fighting words 'round here. You 'mines well take off yo' ear'rangs while you at it too.

*stands back and watches*
^^ Esp when her NG doesn't look like it's passing class any better than any other type 4 black woman I've seen.
Well lets turn this into a positive: What exactly is a good grade of hair?

When I hear that term not only does the 3a range of hair come to mind but also hair that can take a beating and stay on your head. Hair of steel, if you will.

Am I trying to save a sinking ship, here?
Well gee. didn't know I would strike an artery. Lmao why so serious? Because I stated something that's true? She has a good grade of hair! Her hair is a good grade. Why do people act as if those words are cursed? Im not afraid to say it at all. & if someone caught offense owell, build a bridge & get over it straight like that.

I was in the process of sending you a PM, to explain why your choice of words would offend many, but since you decided to take this approach, I'll give you an opportunity to instead respond here.

Maybe we're all misunderstanding you....maybe you have some other definition for "good grade" of hair. Do you mind enlightening us?
Not sure if you meant "you" as in me specifically or the general "you"; however, I am not asking that anyone follow my hair advice.

Nonetheless, natural hair can be blown out and flat ironed with one pass to achieve a straight look. As many of us have seen (Pinkskates pressing comb and stove come to mind), pressing hair is about technique not the amount of heat used. Since you pointed it out, relaxed hair (like Ateyaa's) does not need more heat than natural hair to achieve a straight look.

Ok, I was addressing you and what you said about the pass of the flat iron, not Ateeya. I'm aware of the techniques that can get the hair straight, particularly blow drying. You were making a statement about what works for you and I was simply giving another perspective. Your hair may get straight in one pass of the flat iron, after using a blow dryer, but mine does not and I attribute that to a number of things, including my hair texture. I'm not gonna battle about techniques and whatnot because at the end of the day, I don't straighten my hair on the regular and I don't care for straight hair personally. You shared your opinion and I shared mine. The main thing to gather from this is that what works for some may not work for everyone.
Boingboing officially has me over here DYING. You can't get on this board and not know that saying "good grade of hair" is finna get you told off. LOL!

I also want to know how her hair is "good." If you mean that it can take a lickin', yea, I'll give you that. But I also don't know how you get the swang from that...
I was in the process of sending you a PM, to explain why your choice of words would offend many, but since you decided to take this approach, I'll give you an opportunity to instead respond here.

Maybe we're all misunderstanding you....maybe you have some other definition for "good grade" of hair. Do you mind enlightening us?

I notice hair that's easier to manage than my own, as a good grade of hair. Has nothing to do with anyone else, it was more so personally so I did use poor choice of words, I guess. & I respect you for being the mature one & trying to understand, or maybe you can even enlighten ME as to why people act like headless chickens to certain words or phrases. I feel like instead of jumping down my throat what most of you could have done was let me know , as a grown woman should, what's right or wrong, or if im being offensive. I wouldn't have had any problem apologizing and revising my comment.
I notice hair that's easier to manage than my own, as a good grade of hair. Has nothing to do with anyone else, it was more so personally so I did use poor choice of words, I guess. & I respect you for being the mature one & trying to understand, or maybe you can even enlighten ME as to why people act like headless chickens to certain words or phrases. I feel like instead of jumping down my throat what most of you could have done was let me know , as a grown woman should, what's right or wrong, or if im being offensive. I wouldn't have had any problem apologizing and revising my comment.

Personally, I got what you were trying to say.
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