Why the heck is Ateya ripping out her hair like this?...

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To answer your question Adora, I have no idea but dang, her hair looked hot at the end! Her hair looks 1000 times better than that wig she put on but anyway...
I'm not buying this "I'm new ish...- are you telling me that you are not aware of the negative connotations attached to the good grade of hair statement you made? This good hair debate has been going on since Diana Ross was a Supreme so I don't understand why you are surprised that people are reacting the way they are.

I have no reason to play dumb or act a way im not, why? To back out of a hair board riot? Its not that serious. So really I don't care if you believe me or not. & who the heck are the supremes? Im prolly young enough to be your daughter the way your talking, maybe even my grandmother . ain't diana like 60 somethin? Smh
Do we know for sure she ripped out her hair? I'm assuming some folks haven't heard that popping/snapping sound once upon a time or two. Well I have and guess what... I wasn't ripping my hair out.

She has been stretching her relaxers a lot longer, using less heat, more protective styles- can she not get any love for that? Sometimes people just don't see the good only the mistakes, the bad. Damn if you do, damn if you don't.

So what if she wasn't detangling/combing her hair as if it was silk. I sometimes don't either. I mean is it really that serious?

For the person who thinks her hair length has been the same length, go back and watch her vids again. She had a setback and has had great progress since that setback.

Yeah I think she's done well considering the setback she's had, and she should see some significant progress after she completes her stretch. Granted she may not be where folks expect her to be by now perhaps BSL/MBL but Ateyaaa enjoys using heat stylers to maintain her hair and I suppose this is the payoff - very regular trims to keep her ends in check.

I couldn't personally adopt her methods, but if she's happy with her methods then who am I to argue!
I have no reason to play dumb or act a way im not, why? To back out of a hair board riot? Its not that serious. So really I don't care if you believe me or not. & who the heck are the supremes? Im prolly young enough to be your daughter the way your talking, maybe even my grandmother . ain't diana like 60 somethin? Smh

Uh oh......
I just hope people watching her don't try her techniques and expect healthy hair growth, that's all...

This is where I'm at right here...

For those who respond that it's her hair and she can do what she wants, of course it's her hair and she can do what she wants. I don't think anyone here is denying those facts or suggesting that she can't do what she wants to her hair.

She does, however, have a huge following, and this isn't the first time that others have followed tips that she provided (e.g., the Aphogee regimen). Therefore, I think she has a great deal of influence on the movement. And while I can appreciate that she always states that "this is what *I* do," I believe that her influence is still there and there are many who will follow what she does.
I have no reason to play dumb or act a way im not, why? To back out of a hair board riot? Its not that serious. So really I don't care if you believe me or not. & who the heck are the supremes? Im prolly young enough to be your daughter the way your talking, maybe even my grandmother . ain't diana like 60 somethin? Smh

Lol well hot damn!! PCQ you a lil pistol aint ya! lol You take shots and fire back! :lachen::lachen: For you to be kinda new 'round here you blending in like a #2 Yaki track on a freshly permed head! :lachen:
*Reads thread title, automatically looks left for padlock icon... none! Triumphantly heads into thread to register attendance before the inevitable lock*

On behalf of Ateyaa's PR and Management teams, I would like to thank you all for a couple hundred more hits on our channel today. Thank you for this gift that will keep giving-- for years to come lurkers and members will see this thread, click the link, and send us more money in the bank.

Thank you for your self-righteous comments, and the humorous posts. You ladies support healthy hair practices on LHCF, and do an even better job of ensuring that our employer's questionable (?) practices will remain standing via your indirect funding for years to come. Because of your actions, we will reach out to more naive, HHJ-ignorant people and make sure they're jacked up so bad they'll have no choice but to join your coochie cream bandwagon and be so sure of being the "right" one that every other view point must be WRONG.

Maybe if some of you are serious about taking us down, you could start by ignoring our videos, and investing your time and self-righteousness in another avenue-- say supporting those who do things the way you like. But NAH, y'all can't help yourselves. Click away, post away, you are much appreciated.

Till the next Ateyaa thread, we bid you a hearty farewell and see ya later.

Ateyaa's team

You made a good and fair point. :yep: The more we talk about her, the more she laughs all the way to the bank. I ain't mad at that at all. :nono:
I have no reason to play dumb or act a way im not, why? To back out of a hair board riot? Its not that serious. So really I don't care if you believe me or not. & who the heck are the supremes? Im prolly young enough to be your daughter the way your talking, maybe even my grandmother . ain't diana like 60 somethin? Smh

Now, now don't flatter yourself young'un I'm nobody's grandma, I'm only 32. That was just a way of illustrating how long the debate has been going on for . Why are you being so cantankerous anyway?
This is where I'm at right here...

For those who respond that it's her hair and she can do what she wants, of course it's her hair and she can do what she wants. I don't think anyone here is denying those facts or suggesting that she can't do what she wants to her hair.

She does, however, have a huge following, and this isn't the first time that others have followed tips that she provided (e.g., the Aphogee regimen). Therefore, I think she has a great deal of influence on the movement. And while I can appreciate that she always states that "this is what *I* do," I believe that her influence is still there and there are many who will follow what she does.

Yea but at the same time there are a number of other "gurus" on YT who do a ton of stuff to their hair that also doesn't work for everyone:

- Protective Styling - Some people have said PS break their hair and many can retain length without PSing
- Heat "Training" - Some get breakage
- Wigs - Breakage, jacked up edges
- Not using xyz ingredient when it works for some
- Praising/depending on xyz ingredient when others have bad reactions
- Using vitamins other people have issues with
- NEVER using heat when some are perfectly fine with some heat

Point blank, I just think there should be no "gurus" out there. These women have only been in their head of hair for the most part. Look at the videos b/c you like someone's personality or you think their hair is pretty. Or for insight, not gospel. That mess is weird anyway.
I think ateyaa has pretty hair, funny how someone came in here and posted a pic of their hair straight (to make a point of ateyaa's horrible hair practices) but the pic showed jacked up ends. The pic didnt look no where near as full as the chick in the video.

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I think ateyaa has pretty hair, funny how someone came in here and posted a pic of there hair straight (to make a point if ateyaas horrible hair practices) but the pic showed jacked up ends. The pic didnt look no where near as full as the chick in the video.


Well gottdayum. :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:
I think ateyaa has pretty hair, funny how someone came in here and posted a pic of there hair straight (to make a point if ateyaas horrible hair practices) but the pic showed jacked up ends. The pic didnt look no where near as full as the chick in the video.


Good googly moggly!
I think ateyaa has pretty hair, funny how someone came in here and posted a pic of there hair straight (to make a point if ateyaas horrible hair practices) but the pic showed jacked up ends. The pic didnt look no where near as full as the chick in the video.


*reaches down in my purse for my peppa' spray and brass knuckles*

We might need these...cause I ain't gon' let nobody jump on you ND!

*throws up Detroit Gang Hair Signs*
I think ateyaa has pretty hair, funny how someone came in here and posted a pic of there hair straight (to make a point if ateyaas horrible hair practices) but the pic showed jacked up ends. The pic didnt look no where near as full as the chick in the video.

I think ateyaa has pretty hair, funny how someone came in here and posted a pic of there hair straight (to make a point if ateyaas horrible hair practices) but the pic showed jacked up ends. The pic didnt look no where near as full as the chick in the video.




I specifically told yall to "be bless"! I would say it again, but I think it's too late:blush:

Oh lawd!
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