Why the heck is Ateya ripping out her hair like this?...

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At about 3 minutes in and 3:50 in she seems to have ripped out a decent amount of hair. It did not sound like shed hair.:perplexed

I think most people who have been relaxed the majority of their life comb from root to tip, even their new growth, such that their hair is ripped out. I was one of those people. I had to learn to comb my hair from the bottom up.

I find it interesting that she believes that she needs to press her hair 3 times per section to get it straight, although she is already relaxed and has blown out her hair with a comb attachment.

I only have to flat iron my natural hair with 1 pass per section for a straight look and that is without doing a bone straight blow out first.

My blow out (tension only, no combo or brush)

Flat ironed (1 pass per section) at 370 degrees

I just wanted to point out that the number of passes you make with a flat iron really depends on hair texture. I have really coarse hair and my hair laughs at 3 passes of the flat iron (and that's all I was willing to do because I'm not trying to get heat damage).

Also, it's her damn hair (and she ain't even natural) so I really don't care. Unless you my fam and I'm giving you hair products and you don't take my advice, I could give 2 sh*ts about what you do to your hair. It looks to me that her methods are satisfactory to her.
I've been a lurker here for awhile but I just cant help but feel as if you've read one Ateeya thread you've read them all. I will say this again. Until I hear her with my own two ears express her desire for longer hair I will take that as her being happy with her length. I'm not reading body language, I'm not going by her choice of wigs, I need to hear her say it. And as far as her hair practices, I say this with all the humbleness of my heart but how is her washing, blowdrying, and flat ironing any more off the wall then some of the things I have seen on here such as putting oil for horses or yeast infection cream in one's head?
I've been a lurker here for awhile but I just cant help but feel as if you've read one Ateeya thread you've read them all. I will say this again. Until I hear her with my own two ears express her desire for longer hair I will take that as her being happy with her length. I'm not reading body language, I'm not going by her choice of wigs, I need to hear her say it. And as far as her hair practices, I say this with all the humbleness of my heart but how is her washing, blowdrying, and flat ironing any more off the wall then some of the things I have seen on here such as putting oil for horses or yeast infection cream in one's head?

I just wanted to point out that the number of passes you make with a flat iron really depends on hair texture. I have really coarse hair and my hair laughs at 3 passes of the flat iron (and that's all I was willing to do because I'm not trying to get heat damage).

Also, it's her damn hair (and she ain't even natural) so I really don't care. Unless you my fam and I'm giving you hair products and you don't take my advice, I could give 2 sh*ts about what you do to your hair. It looks to me that her methods are satisfactory to her.

Bwahahahaha! Okay, but if someone is just starting her hair journey and doesn't know, she might think, "Hey, maybe it's a good idea to 'detangle' those 'thick' roots right after washing." Sure it sounds silly to you but we were all newbies at one point. Case in point:

Everybody keeps coming up with excuses for her like "She's not into hair care" "She doesnt know any better" and "She doesn't want longer hair". I'm sorry, but there is NO excuse for ripping through your hair like that. If ANYTHING, I know that ish gotta hurt. Her own facial expression gave it away. So yall gonna sit up and tell me that when yall were younger if somebody was ripping through your hair like that you would be perfectly ok? :rolleyes: Even before I looked up the words "Long Hair Black Women" into google, I knew to go from tip to root if I didnt want to yank my scalp off. I feel like she must have SOME type of common sense, but maybe I'm wrong for giving her and the people that would follow that nonsense that much credit.
Not sure if you meant "you" as in me specifically or the general "you"; however, I am not asking that anyone follow my hair advice.

Nonetheless, natural hair can be blown out and flat ironed with one pass to achieve a straight look. As many of us have seen (Pinkskates pressing comb and stove come to mind), pressing hair is about technique not the amount of heat used. Since you pointed it out, relaxed hair (like Ateyaa's) does not need more heat than natural hair to achieve a straight look.

I just wanted to point out that the number of passes you make with a flat iron really depends on hair texture. I have really coarse hair and my hair laughs at 3 passes of the flat iron (and that's all I was willing to do because I'm not trying to get heat damage).

Also, it's her damn hair (and she ain't even natural) so I really don't care. Unless you my fam and I'm giving you hair products and you don't take my advice, I could give 2 sh*ts about what you do to your hair. It looks to me that her methods are satisfactory to her.
Not sure if you meant "you" as in me specifically or the general "you"; however, I am not asking that anyone follow my hair advice.

Nonetheless, natural hair can be blown out and flat ironed with one pass to achieve a straight look. As many of us have seen (Pinkskates pressing comb and stove come to mind), pressing hair is about technique not the amount of heat used. Since you pointed it out, relaxed hair (like Ateyaa's) does not need more heat than natural hair to achieve a straight look.
My hair is 3b, and the opposite of coarse, but very flyaway and frizzy yet even the heat damaged parts of it cannot be properly straightened with one pass of a flat iron on max temp! I wouldn't dare use a stove iron or comb because I got my hair ironed by my mom's hairdresser who she uses for weaves once and got back home and looked at my head and I had strands of hair that were YELLOW burnt to a crisp from the marcell iron. I was raging mad because I was seriously trying to grow my hair out at this time lol. Anyway, I use a Sedu regularly and I need at least 4 passes to reach the super silky hair that I demand when I'm straightening.
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Wow, just read all of the posts.

Dag, some of you all can turn ANYTHING into an argument. People are popping out of the woodwork to put on their cape. It’s like a Captain-Save-A-Hair-Strand brigade.

If you do not care, why keep responding to Ateyaa threads? A question was posed, people answered with their opinions just like with any other thread posted on this site. Those members that cared enough to help change her hair care practices probably pointed Ateyaa to this hair board, but as noted up thread, some of the members of this board ran her off.

And so what if there are a lot of Ateyaa threads every few months. Nobody seems to care if there is a new Beyonce thread 5 times a day in the Entertainment forum. If Ateyaa threads bother you, here is a thought, don't read them?

Ateyaa clearly marches to her own beat. She is a youtbue guru (however one defines that) and if you adopt her hair practices you should expect to eventually have some heat damage, especially if you are relaxed, doing blowouts, flat ironing and hot curling all in the same day. Stretching relaxers is a great idea, but on the posted video the snapping of her hair strands is audible. Hopefully those who are stretching relaxers do not look to Ateyaa as an example of how to carefully manage the two textures.

Yes, what she does to her hair is her business; but do not come into this thread acting like those are healthy hair care practices that you would use on your own hair, assuming that your goal is healthy, longer hair.
Oh heck no, I wouldn't treat my hair like that...lol. I don't sub to Ateyaa for that reason - her and I do not follow the same hair care practices, even if I think she is funny. And I don't like most of her wigs. The wig she put on after doing her hair was icks.
Not sure if you meant "you" as in me specifically or the general "you"; however, I am not asking that anyone follow my hair advice.

Nonetheless, natural hair can be blown out and flat ironed with one pass to achieve a straight look. As many of us have seen (Pinkskates pressing comb and stove come to mind), pressing hair is about technique not the amount of heat used. Since you pointed it out, relaxed hair (like Ateyaa's) does not need more heat than natural hair to achieve a straight look.

Thank You! I have very coarse hair and one pass is enough to get my hair pin straight...:yep: She needs to work on her technique or get a better flat iron.
I only heard of this lady maybe a couple of weeks ago. i don't you tube much.

Her hair looks like its kinda thick/coarse and can take all of that abuse and still look good. But obviously only up to a point since people are saying she hasn't really been able to reach any substantial lengths.
I rip through my hair, I don't take care of my ends, when I use heat I abuse it and it hasn't set the earth off of it's axis and black people still have the right to vote. It's just hair. I know that's a cuss word around here.

I wonder if anyone keeps my name in their mouth as much as LHCF keeps her name at their fingertips.

Is the phrase "This is what works for me" some biblical incantation that makes the person making the statement beyond questioning or comment?

But in the grand scheme of life I don't think how she detangles her hair is even a small deal, let alone a big deal. Some people are acting like she's committing a sin against humanity.

a lot of youtube watchers look to her way as to how things should be done.

And for alot of them this is a step in the right direction because they were taking worse care of their hair.

Girl stop lyin! :lachen:

I don't even mess with the hair forums and I've seen at least 10 Ateyaa threads. I find it comical that someone that lives on this side would play like they don't know anything about Ateyaa threads.
I'm curious to know if you all are serious about these responses.
She does what works for her? Because she can? Come on, son. :lachen:
Ya'll know her regimen is not working for her. She has gorgeous hair (check her trim video) but it never really gets any longer.

I first saw her in December 2008, and her hair has always been between APL and SL. And not by choice either...if you've watched her videos for any length of time, it's clear that she would like longer hair. She's forever mentioning her progress, and how much her hair has grown. And she's wears wig all the time, most of them long. If she was content with her own hair, then I don't see why she would never wear it out. The only reason I can think of to wear a wig ALL the time when she has pretty hair underneath is that she's protectively styling to reach a hair goal. And the only reason I can think of to wear long wigs most of the time is that long hair is the look that she likes most on herself. Finally, she recently started doing longer stretches...what other reason could she have for that, except for to try to grow her hair longer? It's abundantly clear that she wants more length, and it's just as clear that her current regimen is not really doing that for her.

I'm not saying that she has to do things strictly by the LHCF book...Lord knows half the stuff in that damn book is too much work, is too expensive, and don't really work anyway. But I think that by changing her regimen to incorporate some things that are proven to work for everyone, like combing gently and properly balancing her protein with moisture will do wonders for her retention.

Also, I'm sorry, but people who are using Ateyaaa's channel as a healthy hair bible are foolish. I subscribe to her because Ateyaaa is charismatic and cute, and her hair is swingy and shiny, but she ain't hair God. Nor is she isn't the only black lady on youtube doing hair. A quick search will introduce you to other relaxed hair gurus with much longer hair, and with methods that are different from what Ateyaaa's doing. If folks can't shop around and use better judgement, then whatever happens to their hair is on them.
I've first started watching ateeya when she started 3 years ago, and had she been taking proper care of her hair it would be waaay longer/healthier. Im not saying she can't do what she's doing, because its her hair & she can do what she wants, but she's not going to make it past apl. I stopped watching once she started the lacefronts, that's a nono for me. But ateeya has a good grade of hair which explains the "swang" and alot of people don't realize that, & try to follow her regimen. She has "swang" even when she doesn't have a relaxer. 3 more years down the line her hair will be the same, & people still won't notice. Lmao
I've first started watching ateeya when she started 3 years ago, and had she been taking proper care of her hair it would be waaay longer/healthier. Im not saying she can't do what she's doing, because its her hair & she can do what she wants, but she's not going to make it past apl. I stopped watching once she started the lacefronts, that's a nono for me. But ateeya has a good grade of hair which explains the "swang" and alot of people don't realize that, & try to follow her regimen. She has "swang" even when she doesn't have a relaxer. 3 more years down the line her hair will be the same, & people still won't notice. Lmao

Really now, we're still talking like this in 2011?
Umm....this is imfamous do whatever she wants to her hair Ateyaa we're talking about! :lachen: In LHCF world, she defies all hair rules! Not surprised of her actions at all.
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