OMG she is RIPPING her hair out!!!! *Video*

wow i really thought she would have lost much more than that:blush:! good thing she was using the shower comb or it would have been 10000 times worse:nono: well i do think she has pretty hair and i even liked the song so hopefully she will learn alot from lhc and her hair looked much better at the end.
wow i really thought she would have lost much more than that:blush:! good thing she was using the shower comb or it would have been 10000 times worse:nono: well i do think she has pretty hair and i even liked the song so hopefully she will learn alot from lhc and her hair looked much better at the end.

Wait, is she a member of this website?
my head hurts after watching her tug on her hair so hard! and the end WAS pretty out there... but I DO like the background song.
Wait, is she a member of this website?

no i think they meant the poster who made the "need a relaxer" comment

her hair is beautifully thick...i hope she doesn't treat it like that regularly

gotta love youtube comments!:

[highlight]WTF...What a waste... of everything!

love the music. I gots nothing else!

WTF was that?? I'm gonna slowly back away from this video...and never come back lol[/highlight]
I don't get it.
If it was for an assignment, I'm sure she could have picked a different topic......and since she didn't, she doesn't care too much about hair care anyway.
What a waste of hair.
Someone needs to donate a free LHCF membership to that girl! lmao....that was sad, and so much lovely hair

Also, I'm leaning toward thinking this is some sort of art school video/film project. It reminds me a lot of something that my friend (who is also biracial, go figure) did during her very interesting avant garde film "projects" back in college...
She rips her hair out, handle it with little to no TLC, bet she has no hair regimen at all, yet her hair is thick, and long:wallbash:. Not fair:wallbash:.
I get waaaayyyyyy more shed hair than that combing my hair like a normal person :lol:. Life is so unfair...
That's the whole point of the video. It draws emotional responses and reactions from those that watch it. Without saying one word herself...she provokes thousands.
:shrugs:I've seen worse than that at the hands of "beauticians" lol. At least she didn't use a fine tooth comb. I did, however, want to give her some Oyin Juices and Berries, HoneyHemp conditioner and Qhem's AOHC lol.
Well according to the comments it was a video assignment for class. At the looks of her hair she probably cares for it just enough to be as long and thick as it is. As for the relaxer comment that's her opinion and I don't know why some pple get so irritated when someone mentions a relaxer, LOL, it's not like it's the end of the world, LOL.
:shrugs:I've seen worse than that at the hands of "beauticians" lol. At least she didn't use a fine tooth comb. I did, however, want to give her some Oyin Juices and Berries, HoneyHemp conditioner and Qhem's AOHC lol.

Couldn't have said it better myself!
A video for our Video Symposium class at SVA. Pulling out my own hair while detangling.

IIII don't really have anything to add. Uh, except I'm scared.