Why is the media so obsessed with single black women?


Well-Known Member
So i was watching Nightline one night and it was an episode about why there are so many single black women. Then every time I turn around, Michal Baisden's radio topics are discussing why black women are single as well. Why is the media so obsessed with this? Its like they try to make it seem like something is wrong with black women, when in fact there is nothing wrong with us beautiful black women. I just don't understand why the media wants to make it seem like there is with all of the negative stereotypical tv shows, news reports, magazines, etc.

I also noticed that it seems to be the trend where shows such as "OchoCinco" show that black women are the last pic.
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Okay, I'm not a consipiracy theorist. However, in this instance I think that there is a psychological need for society to make sure black women remain at least perceived as being on the bottom of the pack.

I don't believe that black women are the least desireable, nor do I think that we are hated.

However, I do think that we have done extremely well for ourselves, especially in light of all of the crap that black women have gone through, and we keep doing better in spite of the obstacles. This causes cognitive dissonance for people who have always learned or assumed that black women belong at the bottom.

I'm not even going to get into what Michael Baisden's issue is, but as far as the standard media goes, I think they're fascinated with black women because they can't figure out the mystery that makes us tick. They feel like there's gotta be something wrong, some way that they can show that we really haven't succeeded, that we really aren't moving ahead.

That's okay. Let them keep comforting themselves with these notions. They can keep broadcasting all the stats and newstories they want. But the Michelle Obamas are coming up. :yep:
Yes, maybe there is a psychological need for society to make sure black women are perceived as being on the bottom. We as black women just need to keep our head up high and continue to rise.
We make money off of other peoples' issues. I am waiting for the day a white women offers advice to how to be a better black women. I swear that day is coming. I am tired of it my self. I am tired of the pity party I throw for myself and I am tired of people who are insincerely "trying to help".

No one will ever talk about the real issues in the black community.
I co-sign all of the aforementioned. I also think that society views black people as very "different" than mainstream (white) Americans, so anything they can latch onto in hopes of "understanding" the mysterious black people they will explore.
It's all to maintain the status quo that white women are the most desirable and that black women are the least desirable. The funny thing is I'm realizing how many people (both men and women of all races) recognize how ridiculous it is that the mainstream media does it.
it used to make me angry. but i think now im just indifferent to it. it's just the media's way of trying to keep us down. notice that this wasn't such a huge issue until obama came into office. then all of a sudden the media's going crazy dissin michelle and insisting on how "mean" "angry" "ugly" she looked.

when they saw that she shined even with all that negativity, they turned their focus on easier targets. the modern every day black woman. they want to make sure we know our place and don't think too highly of ourselves just bc the president and first lady is black.

they don't want us to think that just bc we see such a beautiful example of black love displayed before us in the white house, that most blk men would really want us when they're on the come up. they don't want us to think any man will want us.

also notice that they always try to link a black woman's success with being manless. whether there's something to it or not, i believe that their need to constantly point that out is their way of trying to keep black women from rising in the ranks career wise.

white ppl are getting nervous, blk men are are believing the "perfect white woman" hype, black women are drinkin the kool-aid and believing there are a million and one things wrong with them. when the truth is, they can do everything right and folks will still want to find something wrong with them.

in the end "others" are feeling better about themselves at the black woman's expense, and folks are making out like bandits over all the money they're making on black woman's insecurities.

i say *** em all, black women are fabulous.
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You know you're doing something right when people are giving you a hard time as you become "successful."

Think about it, no one pays much attention to anyone they don't believe is a threat. This is true in terms of jobs, appearance, athletic ability, among other things.

I know plenty of Michelle Obamas and some Baracks as well. Don't believe the negativity ladies!
Wonderful responses. I reading a thread on a white nationalist forum and black women's strength is something they resent. That's one reason why I started embracing being a strong black woman.They also know about many of the issues within the black community....too much, it makes me uncomfortable. The media may seem innocent but racists indeed have infiltrated. Like everyone has said their main goal is to advance white supremacy despite the amazing accomplishments that black have made. Wonderful responses so far!
Don't know ... but maybe there are more single black females than any other race..
There are way more single black women than any other race. I'm interested in how this will play out in about 10-20 years. Does anyone think it will have an effect on the total black population in the US?
There are way more single black women than any other race. I'm interested in how this will play out in about 10-20 years. Does anyone think it will have an effect on the total black population in the US?

i honestly think this is another reason why the media is pushing this so hard. it's the black women that are having the black babies. if there are less men for them to procreate with, especially less black men, then that's less black people alive in the long run.

an overwhelming number of abortion clinics are located in black communities. millions of black babies are being aborted every year.

our black men are being thrown in jail and left to rot over petty crime.

i dont mean to sound like a conspiracy theorist but we're being targeted for this very reason.

it's no secret that white folks want to diminish if not completely annihilate the black community.
it's no longer acceptable for them to go out and lynch us. so they've found another way. and we're falling for it.
i honestly think this is another reason why the media is pushing this so hard. it's the black women that are having the black babies. if there are less men for them to procreate with, especially less black men, then that's less black people alive in the long run.

an overwhelming number of abortion clinics are located in black communities. millions of black babies are being aborted every year.

our black men are being thrown in jail and left to rot over petty crime.

i dont mean to sound like a conspiracy theorist but we're being targeted for this very reason.

it's no secret that white folks want to diminish if not completely annihilate the black community.
it's no longer acceptable for them to go out and lynch us. so they've found another way. and we're falling for it.
Yeah we fell a bit too easy for it. The women tried to hold on but the men were like meh...
I guess civilizations can fail.
For the last 5 years I've been suspecting that the media was trying to psychologically bring down the black women to bring down the number of black children. It would not have worked if we had the men standing behind. That's probably why we were so ardent about black love.
I was on another nationalist site :look: and they were wondering how we were still having children and how to compete.
.....because "they like us, they really, really like us" :woot:

All joking aside, I think deep down there are many people that are just curious about us. They want to know why every obstacle they place in front of us, we knocked it down and keep climbing. Or why we are getting degrees faster than our counterparts. And just a multitude of things. And personally, I think some admire us for our strength because they know they couldn't do it.
Okay, I'm not a consipiracy theorist. However, in this instance I think that there is a psychological need for society to make sure black women remain at least perceived as being on the bottom of the pack.

I don't believe that black women are the least desireable, nor do I think that we are hated.

However, I do think that we have done extremely well for ourselves, especially in light of all of the crap that black women have gone through, and we keep doing better in spite of the obstacles. This causes cognitive dissonance for people who have always learned or assumed that black women belong at the bottom.

I'm not even going to get into what Michael Baisden's issue is, but as far as the standard media goes, I think they're fascinated with black women because they can't figure out the mystery that makes us tick. They feel like there's gotta be something wrong, some way that they can show that we really haven't succeeded, that we really aren't moving ahead.

That's okay. Let them keep comforting themselves with these notions. They can keep broadcasting all the stats and newstories they want. But the Michelle Obamas are coming up. :yep:

Totally agree and there is fear of us beautiful black women
I'm convinced that it's a ratings bonanza and moneymaker. There can't be any other reason because I don't see anyone offering any concrete solutions actually trying to help black women. They only want to sensationalize the issue.
I used to think it was a race thing, but now I'm gearing more towards the fact that women in our society are supposed to be married with kids by a certain age. When you have a group of people in which a significant amount of their women never gets married, its got to make people scratch their heads and wonder.

If the majority of white women in this country were not getting married, the media would probably make a big hoopla about it too.
So i was watching Nightline one night and it was an episode about why there are so many single black women. Then every time I turn around, Michal Baisden's radio topics are discussing why black women are single as well. Why is the media so obsessed with this? Its like they try to make it seem like something is wrong with black women, when in fact there is nothing wrong with us beautiful black women. I just don't understand why the media wants to make it seem like there is with all of the negative stereotypical tv shows, news reports, magazines, etc.

I also noticed that it seems to be the trend where shows such as "OchoCinco" show that black women are the last pic.

I think because most are epitomized as being angry, self-loathing and self-hating.. Michael Baisden (i've seen his show on tv one a few times) makes his empire on the same rationale that there is something wrong with the average black woman as to why she can't attain the "strong black man" and why he ends up lost to other races... bull... I can't stand him really.. he kind of reminds me of another steve harvey..:nono: I won't tell how many times i've heard about steve harvey abusing his ex-wife, mistreating her, attempting to blackmail/divorce her yet his a** tries to make money on his dumb book by exploiting the same group of women he objectifies in his daily life..this is the SAME man who would be on the radio quoting scripture, go figure.:spinning:

I just think the media is desperate to paint the average black woman into a corner and blow up our problems and dysfunctions (which EVERY race has, male or female, mind you) for the world to see why if you encounter one "angry" black woman at a walmart, then the whole damn race of us must be mad... I've come to ignore it all... if someone wants to paint me as a stereotype I don't give a damn..lol i'll live my life everyday not giving a hoot about their behinds..being as happy as I want to be in my life..:yep:
I am more concerned about the affects all this is having on the young black girls, like suffering from low self esteem isn't enough for them as it is *smh*.
Honestly, I know this may seem unrelated, but this is why I am really excited about the whole "Natural Hair Movement." I am an Anthropology major, so I think like an Anthropologist. This is a very precarious time for us black women. In this so-called "movement" we are able to create our own spaces, celebrate our own unique beauty, and knock down the corrupted beauty standard that exists in society. In this way, we are creating our own trends and culture. I think this makes other people curious.

I am not natural just because I want to, but I am natural in order to help little black girls in the future know that they are beautiful and unique inside and out.