Why do you suppose there's a double standard?


Well-Known Member
Why the double standard: Interracial dating

I hope this thread doesn't go left field:look:

I've always been curious to know why if a black woman dates/marries a black man he can be average or unattractive and no one bats an eye.

Yet if a black woman dates/marries a non-black man if he's just average or unattractive hell seems to break loose and the woman is the target of ridicule. The non-black man has to be fine as hell, with everything on point for (it seems) some black folks to be somewhat ok with the fact that she's dating interracially:ohwell:

Why the double standard?:perplexed
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I don't know...but I wish it would go away. Just because he's not attractive to you doesn't mean she doesn't think he's attractive. People are way too invested in strangers' relationships. I mean...what the other person looks like determines how 'okay' you are with their relationship? :lol: :spinning:
I guess I never really paid attention to that type of pairing. It really doesn't matter, you love who you love. I don't see a double standard, refer back to my 1st sentence.
It's sad but, If i'm honest, I do find myself slipping and thinking that way sometimes. If it's because of genuine attraction and feelings (and not ulterior motives etc) then I think it's cool but I do have a problem with some BW running around with homely looking WM trying to BRAGon their man JUST BECAUSE HE ISN'T BLACK.Erm, why??Brag about your man if he's fiyah in the bedroom or boss in the boardroom or he's intellgent or sexy or caring etc...Melanin (or lack thereof) does not make the man!!! I honestly believe that some BW believe that a homely, raggedy white man trumps ANY kind of BM out there, which i think is sad.
It's sad but, If i'm honest, I do find myself slipping and thinking that way sometimes. If it's because of genuine attraction and feelings (and not ulterior motives etc) then I think it's cool but I do have a problem with some BW running around with homely looking WM trying to BRAGon their man JUST BECAUSE HE ISN'T BLACK.Erm, why??Brag about your man if he's fiyah in the bedroom or boss in the boardroom or he's intellgent or sexy or caring etc...Melanin (or lack thereof) does not make the man!!! I honestly believe that some BW believe that a homely, raggedy white man trumps ANY kind of BM out there, which i think is sad.

IA with you, i've actually seen this played out IRL:nono:
*pours some coffee n lights up a newport one hunnit waitin on responses*

JerseyGirl you know folks are stalking this thread to find out what you are going to say!

Don't hold out too long because I don't want to miss it and I really need to get back to working and not blowing my time on LHCF!
I think it might have to do with an assumption that one's aesthetic preferences should first be for one's own race, so if a person dates out, they ought to have a really good reason for doing so. I openly admit that the following is illegitimate, but sometimes I have difficulty not believing that a black woman with an "ok" white man didn't simply settle for that in order to get married. Black men in that situation, I tend to think they just wanted white, period. But whatever, people make all sorts of relationship decisions and trade-offs all the time regarding their personal priorities and preferences; I'm not going to hold up race as something that people can't compromise on.
Good question, I was walking with my date when I heard two Black girls clicking their tounges and shaking there heads behind us saying, "Oh no, not me, she can do betta girl." WTF???? :nono:

To be honest with you, this same sentiment is within all races. Believe me.
@rejuvenation1, I believe this double standard goes both ways.

ITA, I'm not going to lie, I know I wrong, but when I see a good looking black man with an ugly white chick, I feel some kind of way about it. I am a strong believer in getting with people that you are compatible with and make you feel good, but in that instance I always feel like a hypocrite.

ETA: When it's a black woman with an ugly person, regardless of color I think less compitition.:lachen:
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I think because for a long time black women made comments like, "If I have to cross over the color line, he better be FIONE. He got to be ten times better than any black man. He better be like Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Paul Walker type pretty." :lol:
Honestly, I think it has a lot to do with the familiarity and the unfamiliarity between races. Like, if you've grown up raised in black culture more than likely you spent a lot of time dating black men. You are more attuned to little things that determine attractiveness, both to you and as generally perceived to be acceptable by others. So there is little doubt what is attractive about black men.

When you date men of other races or ethnicities, I feel like it's a different thing. First of all, those old standards don't apply and you are judging attractiveness based on maybe not only something different (like a whole different culture's standards of what is attractive) but on a myriad of other qualities than just looks (personality, education, disposition, demeanor). Like, you know the littlest thing about a black man that's gonna get him declared ugly and clowned by your friends. But if you are less familiar with dating from other cultures, you may not know how unforgivable it is to date a dude with a receding hairline. I think the standards may be a little less harsh just out of not knowing what the standards are entirely.

Secondly, I think it might have a lot to do with (don't stone me) bm/bw relationships having an additional "high status" quality based on how attractive the man is whereas if you are dating an "other" man, you don't have that same pressure to prove his worth via his looks. If that makes sense... There may be so many other qualities that justify you being with him that you have the luxury of being more forgiving if he is less attractive. Meanwhile if it's a black man, HE UGLY ON TOP OF X Y Z???? WHY ARE YOU WITH HIM? White guy is ugly it's "yeah but I bet he also has x y z, so whatever." Like, in my experience good looking black men are whores and tons of chicks want them, so in some ways being an attractive black man makes you more of a hot commodity and therefore more of a prize. That same dynamic may be lacking in bw/wm IRR.

Another possibility may be, of course, the potential negative reasons: bw who are just glad men of any other ethnicity are interested and will take what they can get and can't afford to be too choosy... Or, bw feel like more of a prize/wanted if they're attractive and their other SO is less attractive... Or, she may feel comfortable knowing others will think a little less hard about the relationship if there is a disparity in looks.

I suppose I wasn't really looking at the reason for the double standard but more the reason why bw may date men who are considered less attractive than a potential bm partner. The double standard probably is very obviously a means to yell more evidence of self hatred and desperation. Same as with bm/ugly ww pairings, in a way.

Me personally, I have to be attracted to the man regardless of his race so I have my own standards... I have never really dated any truly ugly men of any race :look: :lol: and I definitely go for men of the same level of attractiveness that I would want or require if he were black. I've had some less than cute black men, to tell you the truth, whereas the few non white men I've dated so far have generally been lookers. I hooked up with a dude the other night who looked like a goddamn movie star (after flirting with the goddamn cutest brown eyed dude ever) and am currently dating a guy who I find to be VERY cute... I think I'm cute enough that I can still require certain standards regardless of who I'm dating :lol:
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Interesting question. In my years here have seen the attitude you mentioned being expressed a couple of times. Oftentimes the couple is very much equally yoked in terms of looks but the woman still gets clowned. It's curious.

I've never truly analysed it before but here are some quick theories:

1) It could be that someone with this mindset looks at WM as less than in every way to a BM (in terms of attractiveness, masculinity, sex appeal etc). So perhaps when they see a BW/WM couple, they instinctively look for the most readily identifiable trait that may "explain" the BW's attraction to that white guy and this is looks. If he's not good looking, when why in the heck would the BW choose him over a BM? If he's unattractive or basic-looking then the BW is a fool and subject to mocking.

2) Another theory is perhaps that the BW (or BM) believe deep down that those who date WM do so because they put WM on a pedestal and down BM. The WM being unattractive would be confirmation of this in their minds. However, if he is attractive then deep down they believe the man's status is raised and could see that he may have qualities that appeal beyond his "whiteness". Thus there must be something more to the pairing because the BW didn't just pick some average looking white dude.

But really, who knows? Just my 2 cents.
I also believe the double standard goes both ways.

I can see both sides of the arguement though- You love who you love and not take it personal when that person doesn't love you. OR If you are telling me, not me (for whatever reason), then can it at least be someone that I consider as good as me... if that makes any sense?
Good question, I was walking with my date when I heard two Black girls clicking their tounges and shaking there heads behind us saying, "Oh no, not me, she can do betta girl." WTF???? :nono:

To be honest with you, this same sentiment is within all races. Believe me.

And i bet both of them DIDN'T have a man. Usually that's the case.

I think because for a long time black women made comments like, "If I have to cross over the color line, he better be FIONE. He got to be ten times better than any black man. He better be like Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Paul Walker type pretty." :lol:

I never understood this quote. I think it's dumb. If you so happen to fall for the Conan O'Brien or Kevin James (who I think both are attractive) then what are you gonna do?
It's sad but, If i'm honest, I do find myself slipping and thinking that way sometimes. If it's because of genuine attraction and feelings (and not ulterior motives etc) then I think it's cool but I do have a problem with some BW running around with homely looking WM trying to BRAGon their man JUST BECAUSE HE ISN'T BLACK.Erm, why??Brag about your man if he's fiyah in the bedroom or boss in the boardroom or he's intellgent or sexy or caring etc...Melanin (or lack thereof) does not make the man!!!I honestly believe that some BW believe that a homely, raggedy white man trumps ANY kind of BM out there, which i think is sad.

I've actually never known of an AA woman like this, but I can think of plenty of AA men who have actually stated the inverse plainly.

Are these BW you're talking about from poorer countries or something?
Honestly, I think it has a lot to do with the familiarity and the unfamiliarity between races. Like, if you've grown up raised in black culture more than likely you spent a lot of time dating black men. You are more attuned to little things that determine attractiveness, both to you and as generally perceived to be acceptable by others. So there is little doubt what is attractive about black men.

When you date men of other races or ethnicities, I feel like it's a different thing. First of all, those old standards don't apply and you are judging attractiveness based on maybe not only something different (like a whole different culture's standards of what is attractive) but on a myriad of other qualities than just looks (personality, education, disposition, demeanor). Like, you know the littlest thing about a black man that's gonna get him declared ugly and clowned by your friends. But if you are less familiar with dating from other cultures, you may not know how unforgivable it is to date a dude with a receding hairline. I think the standards may be a little less harsh just out of not knowing what the standards are entirely.

Secondly, I think it might have a lot to do with (don't stone me) bm/bw relationships having an additional "high status" quality based on how attractive the man is whereas if you are dating an "other" man, you don't have that same pressure to prove his worth via his looks. If that makes sense... There may be so many other qualities that justify you being with him that you have the luxury of being more forgiving if he is less attractive. Meanwhile if it's a black man, HE UGLY ON TOP OF X Y Z???? WHY ARE YOU WITH HIM? White guy is ugly it's "yeah but I bet he also has x y z, so whatever." Like, in my experience good looking black men are whores and tons of chicks want them, so in some ways being an attractive black man makes you more of a hot commodity and therefore more of a prize. That same dynamic may be lacking in bw/wm IRR.

Another possibility may be, of course, the potential negative reasons: bw who are just glad men of any other ethnicity are interested and will take what they can get and can't afford to be too choosy... Or, bw feel like more of a prize/wanted if they're attractive and their other SO is less attractive... Or, she may feel comfortable knowing others will think a little less hard about the relationship if there is a disparity in looks.

I suppose I wasn't really looking at the reason for the double standard but more the reason why bw may date men who are considered less attractive than a potential bm partner. The double standard probably is very obviously a means to yell more evidence of self hatred and desperation. Same as with bm/ugly ww pairings, in a way.

Me personally, I have to be attracted to the man regardless of his race so I have my own standards... I have never really dated any truly ugly men of any race :look: :lol: and I definitely go for men of the same level of attractiveness that I would want or require if he were black. I've had some less than cute black men, to tell you the truth, whereas the few non white men I've dated so far have generally been lookers. I hooked up with a dude the other night who looked like a goddamn movie star (after flirting with the goddamn cutest brown eyed dude ever) and am currently dating a guy who I find to be VERY cute... I think I'm cute enough that I can still require certain standards regardless of who I'm dating :lol:

Wonderfully said. ITA. The same reasoning you've presented also plays out with other ethnicities and dating outside their race.
Wonderfully said. ITA. The same reasoning you've presented also plays out with other ethnicities and dating outside their race.

Which might explain, as an example from the opposite pov, why non-black men seem to prefer darker skinned bw, and natural hair, when generally those things are viewed as less attractive within the black community.
Re: Why the double standard: Interracial dating

I hope this thread doesn't go left field:look:

I've always been curious to know why if a black woman dates/marries a black man he can be average or unattractive and no one bats an eye.

Yet if a black woman dates/marries a non-black man if he's just average or unattractive hell seems to break loose and the woman is the target of ridicule. The non-black man has to be fine as hell, with everything on point for (it seems) some black folks to be somewhat ok with the fact that she's dating interracially:ohwell:

Why the double standard?:perplexed
Because some people believe that in order for you to step out, it has to mean that what you were looking for didn't exist within the community. Its the same reason why we love to criticize the non-black wives of black men. She had better be damn near perfect or we will throw salt because looking around, we see some equal if not better sisters inside the community and really can't understand why he went outside.

Relationships in the black community need a PR campaign that says:
A) Its ok to want a relationship,
B) There are suitable partners in the community, and
C) If you choose a partner outside the community, that choice is personal and has nothing to do with the community.

I love my Spanish man because he is __________. Cool.
I love my Asian man because black men are not ___________. Not cool.
I love my Arab woman because she is _________. Cool.
I love my White woman because black women are not ______. Not cool.
Honestly, I think the rationale is a mixture of "don't date the white guys that white women wouldn't date (i.e., don't let white men utilize white privilege to land a black woman better than the white women they would end up with) and "if you wanted a scrub, you didn't have to stray so far from home."