Why He Won't Marry You from Essence

Re: Why He Won\'t Marry You from Essense

You are also very strong, and very smart Laela - and a host of othe rwonderful things - and in the illustrious words of Puff Daddy:


Kudos to you for hanging in for a month.
I think our reward will be far greater than the pain ever was. And sweeter for the lessons learned.

You'll see.
I think we both will.
Re: Why He Won\'t Marry You from Essense

It has been my experience that you find what you are looking for when you aren't looking or when you least expect it. I have been in love before as well but not enough to marry. It's not that it's a certain amount of love one needs to have but something was still missing..what "it" was I can't explain but "it" wasn't there at the time.
Re: Why He Won\'t Marry You from Essense

I still can't see why everyone is coming down on Mr Ben...he said he doesn't need a wife but he never said he didn't want one. He said that there is no need for him to marry other than for love. Now if a woman had said the same things. She doesn't need a husband because she is on the verge of making millions. She can change her own tires and hire someone to come in and make house repairs or she can fix them herself. She can hire a bodyguard to make her feel safe when she is threatened, she doesn't have any kids , and doesn't feel the urgency of her biological clock ticking away. She could have any man she wants and she dates often etc so there is no reason for her to marry other than the fact that she loves a man enough to do so. We would all be applauding her independence and the fact that she doesn't need a husband to take care of her....I think that it's a double standard. there is a difference between needing and wanting a mate. I'm sure that many of us don't need husbands or wives but we probably would like to have one someday. That's the point that I got from Ben.

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I guess because men like Ben have no probably screwing women and I'm of the opinion if a woman is good enough to screw, she's good enough to marry.

And usually, most women would like to marry a man they are screwing on a regular basis at some point, but I'm sure with men like Ben, the minute the woman wants to move the relationship from the bedroom to the church, he ducks out when her back is turned.

Onto the next one!

[/ QUOTE ]

But we don't know that. There is no mention of whether or not he lets these women know up front that the relationship isn't going to go past a certain point. And there are plenty of women out there who would only want him for one thing and its not marriage either. Stuff like this works both ways. But from what was said in the article, the man will only marry for love, if the women he dates are willing to sleep with him without that commitment, that's their doing not his.
Re: Why He Won\'t Marry You from Essense

It has been my experience that you find what you are looking for when you aren't looking or when you least expect it. I have been in love before as well but not enough to marry. It's not that it's a certain amount of love one needs to have but something was still missing..what "it" was I can't explain but "it" wasn't there at the time.

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I know what you are talking about. I was in love before and it wasn't enough to marry the person (it was several years before I met my fiance). I was too young, he was too unsure of what he wanted, but I was still in love with him. I understood what he was saying here. Anyway, I thought the article was about why women have a hard time finding suitable mates, not the other way around. These men wouldn't have any trouble finding someone suitable if they wanted someone suitable. THey just don't want a committment is all. I personally don't think there is anything wrong with that if you are honest about it.
Re: Why He Won\'t Marry You from Essense

I get tired of all these sacred black men articles designed to scare females like me. Tell me something I don't know already. Many single professional guys want to have their cake and eat it too. If you're too independent, they don't want you. If you're too needy, you're desperate and deemed undesirable. Give me a break.

Sorry I'm in a foul mood.
Re: Why He Won\'t Marry You from Essense

I don't think there is anything wrong with not wanting to marry because you don't want to yet, but the image of Ben makes me want to throw up. They should title it "Why rich get all they booty they want men don't feel like they should settle down".

Those men will get tired. They'll start getting older. I knew a guy like those men. He's now 54, and desperate to settle down. But all through his late 20's to mid to late 30's he was trying to sow the oats. Now he complains how there are no "suitable women" for him, all there are out there are these young women who want to screw, and for him to spend his money on them. He just started to see how empty that gets and his money can only buy him fun things after so long.

It's sad, but hey that's what happens when you "play" all the time.
Re: Why He Won\'t Marry You from Essense

BEn said he wants to settle down. I don't see anything wrong with what he is doing. HE said he dates women ..for all we know he could be celibate. dating does not automatically equal sex. What is so wrong with him dating until he finds "the one". Just because he dates women and may be rich doesn't mean that he has to marry the first second third or even 50th woman who says she loves him and wants to marry. He has been in love..not enough to marry...so what? I agree that he should date until he finds the perfect woman for him <perfect woman for him doesn't mean perfect in general> that's what everyone should do. He just happens to be in a position where he can pick and choose. Some others may let their situations dictate who they marry < he may have 2 marriage prosepects. one whom he really loves and could see himself marrying his true love ... she's fun loving, a little high maintenance and loves to shop and doesn't want to work and has a child the other he really loves as well although less than the first and could possibly see himself marrying, she is levelheaded, a lawyer, knows how to budget her money and has a child but a little conservative.. Now had Ben not been in the position that he were he might choose to marry lady number 2 because she can contribute to his income and is more stable rather than go with his real true love but because of the fact that he is self-sufficient he is able to choose lady number one for no other reason but the fact that he loves her. I can even put myself in that situation and because I am by no means rich.. I would pass up my true love and marry guy number 2.. whereas if money wasn't an option I would definitely go with my true love.
Re: Why He Won\'t Marry You from Essense

Miss J, Miss J, Miss J! This is not about the article (I've read it already, pure rubbish), but why do you care what the guy on the MJJ board says, anyway? He can't even argue a point straight.
A simple Philosophy 101: Logic course can fix that.

"I am so sick of that garbage. There aren't fewer men out there who are good enough for women. There isn't something in the water making men less qualified to be get married. Could the problem lie with the fairer sex? Could it be ladies that maybe you need to stop b*tching about the smaller pool of men and concentrate on the available men out there? Are all you women perfect and the men getting dumber by the minute? Nope, the men await and when you spend less time derided them, they may actually stay away from the white girls."

"Strangely enough, this particular post wasn't directed at you, but you brought something interesting to light. There seems to be a double standard when it comes to mixed dating. If a black man dates a white girl, he is ignoring his black women and dating the enemy. If a balck woman dated the white man, its because there aren't enough black man out there. I love double standards...
By the way, since some of you get anal, I am not saying anybody in particular said this. This is what I hear.
Go ahead and find yourself a perfectly good white boy..."

So many fallacies, so little time
Re: Why He Won\'t Marry You from Essense

BEn said he wants to settle down. I don't see anything wrong with what he is doing. HE said he dates women ..for all we know he could be celibate. dating does not automatically equal sex. What is so wrong with him dating until he finds "the one". Just because he dates women and may be rich doesn't mean that he has to marry the first second third or even 50th woman who says she loves him and wants to marry. He has been in love..not enough to marry...so what? I agree that he should date until he finds the perfect woman for him <perfect woman for him doesn't mean perfect in general> that's what everyone should do. He just happens to be in a position where he can pick and choose. Some others may let their situations dictate who they marry < he may have 2 marriage prosepects. one whom he really loves and could see himself marrying his true love ... she's fun loving, a little high maintenance and loves to shop and doesn't want to work and has a child the other he really loves as well although less than the first and could possibly see himself marrying, she is levelheaded, a lawyer, knows how to budget her money and has a child but a little conservative.. Now had Ben not been in the position that he were he might choose to marry lady number 2 because she can contribute to his income and is more stable rather than go with his real true love but because of the fact that he is self-sufficient he is able to choose lady number one for no other reason but the fact that he loves her. I can even put myself in that situation and because I am by no means rich.. I would pass up my true love and marry guy number 2.. whereas if money wasn't an option I would definitely go with my true love.

[/ QUOTE ]

I totally agree! I've always been a firm believer in the whole "equally yoked" guide to marriage. I haven't read the whole article, but I don't get the sense that Ben is some big time player. He sounds like a successful man who will probably marry one day when he finds and falls in love with the right woman. I can also understand the being in love, but not enough to marry. I think there are different degrees of love and until you reach that marriage love, you should't marry. I've been in love but didn't marry becuase it wasn't that type of love.
Re: Why He Won\'t Marry You from Essense

Miss J, Miss J, Miss J! This is not about the article (I've read it already, pure rubbish), but why do you care what the guy on the MJJ board says, anyway? He can't even argue a point straight.
A simple Philosophy 101: Logic course can fix that.

"I am so sick of that garbage. There aren't fewer men out there who are good enough for women. There isn't something in the water making men less qualified to be get married. Could the problem lie with the fairer sex? Could it be ladies that maybe you need to stop b*tching about the smaller pool of men and concentrate on the available men out there? Are all you women perfect and the men getting dumber by the minute? Nope, the men await and when you spend less time derided them, they may actually stay away from the white girls."

"Strangely enough, this particular post wasn't directed at you, but you brought something interesting to light. There seems to be a double standard when it comes to mixed dating. If a black man dates a white girl, he is ignoring his black women and dating the enemy. If a balck woman dated the white man, its because there aren't enough black man out there. I love double standards...
By the way, since some of you get anal, I am not saying anybody in particular said this. This is what I hear.
Go ahead and find yourself a perfectly good white boy..."

So many fallacies, so little time

[/ QUOTE ]
Well, he's a 28 year old grad student at some university in Washington D.C. concentrating in political science. I don't know why he keeps arguing about certain things. It seems that he only wants to argue. I showed him that article that JFemme posted about wanting a wife, and this is what he had to say:

"Oh the horror!!! Because that piece of garbage is representative of every wife out there. It has to be true right? Not at all wives are that woman. Not even half the wives out there are that woman. So sad, how do you wives out there survive? God being a wife is so horrible. Most of all wives, you are forced to be that woman. The nerve of society, or maybe just maybe you don't have to be defined by an article. I don't want a wife, even if that article were representative of what she is."

He made me feel stupid for even bringing up the article.

Then I said this:
"Are you always in a bad mood? Anyway, no one said that EVERY wife was exactly like that. Although, I'm pretty sure that most wives are very familiar with the things pointed out here. Plus, this was written in 1971, so some of the things mentioned here are dated. Most of them are right on the money, though."

Then he said this:
"Expressing an opinion in dissent to this article means I'm in a bad mood? Then I've been pissed off for years. I am allowed to disagree and not be in a bad mood. The article is called "why I want a wife", that title denotes wife, not some wives, white wives, jewish wives, all wives. So that article is talking about all wives. Nobody is talking about you said. The article, no matter when it was published, generalized wives. That is what I am talking about. Everytime I say something, some of you take the statements to be directed at you. I AM NOT SAYING YOU DO, but some people do.
Not all wives are sexual slaves to their husbands, not all wives work to put their husbands through school, not all wives are trapped at home raising the children, not all. Some do it by choice."
Re: Why He Won\'t Marry You from Essense

I get tired of all these sacred black men articles designed to scare females like me. Tell me something I don't know already. Many single professional guys want to have their cake and eat it too. If you're too independent, they don't want you. If you're too needy, you're desperate and deemed undesirable. Give me a break.

Sorry I'm in a foul mood.

[/ QUOTE ]

ain't that the truth, girl.. vent away, I feel ya...
Re: Why He Won\'t Marry You from Essense

Look, I never said there was anything wrong with him not wanting to get married until he is ready. Essence just can't sell a magazine entitled "Why He Won't Marry You" and then say because he hasn't found the right one yet.

As for the picking and choosing, people who aren't rich don't always marry to enhance their incomes, or because they unexpectedly had children, or many of the reasons besides love/friendship companionship. I am far from successfully rich, and I chose my husband and he chose me because we love each other. We both had plenty of practice dating out there.

I'm just wondering if women didn't throw themselves and treated them as if they weren't something better because they are successfull would this be a different article.
Re: Why He Won\'t Marry You from Essense

You know, that's a valid point. I still insist that article is false advertisement and nothing but a sham... but I was talking w/ my other (married) sister today about my recent ex..

He's 37; owns a biz, his own house; has a truck, a BMW, a Jeep and a Jaguar. But he did work hard to get those... my sis is telling me why did I drop someone of his "caliber"? I'm floored. why do women think b/c a man has acquired some wealth or has "things" that makes him desirable? His character was questionable, he likes to flirt w/ women (of course I find that out the hard way), but it's that mentality that let men think they can use their "toys" and flash their money to keep woman around. I need more substance than that. I have my own home and car, and I work for a living. I want a relationship based on LOVE and RESPECT, regardless of what the man has to offer materialistically.. Gawd, I swear some (single) women are dumb sometimes..
Re: Why He Won\'t Marry You from Essense

He's a 28 year old grad student and he can't argue correctly? I wouldn't waste my time. You're taught how to do that in your first year of college, general core. My Phil prof. would be foaming at the mouth.
He doesn't even punctuate correctly to have an attitude (perceived or in reality). I'd just ignore him.
Re: Why He Won\'t Marry You from Essense

He's a 28 year old grad student and he can't argue correctly? I wouldn't waste my time. You're taught how to do that in your first year of college, general core. My Phil prof. would be foaming at the mouth.
He doesn't even punctuate correctly to have an attitude (perceived or in reality). I'd just ignore him.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thank-you! That's what I'm thinking!
Re: Why He Won\'t Marry You from Essense

skegeesmb said:
I don't think there is anything wrong with not wanting to marry because you don't want to yet, but the image of Ben makes me want to throw up. They should title it "Why rich get all they booty they want men don't feel like they should settle down".

Those men will get tired. They'll start getting older. I knew a guy like those men. He's now 54, and desperate to settle down. But all through his late 20's to mid to late 30's he was trying to sow the oats. Now he complains how there are no "suitable women" for him, all there are out there are these young women who want to screw, and for him to spend his money on them. He just started to see how empty that gets and his money can only buy him fun things after so long.

It's sad, but hey that's what happens when you "play" all the time.
Good point, but these articles are designed to put the fear of God into women and make us seem or feel desperate. Its just not right
Re: Why He Won't Marry You from Essense

I also think that because there are so "few" black men like the author, and they know a good majority of women will want to tie them down, that's why they act like that!
Re: Why He Won\'t Marry You from Essense

Supergirl said:

You're a trip --LOL


I agree. Mr. Ben would probably turn me off. The man that wants me needs to feel like I'm the catch, not that he's the catch. Otherwise, he can just catch himself
(Did I say that?)
And as far as him talking about all the things he can do himself (cook, housekeeper, etc.) and thus doesn't need a wife. There's one thing he can't duplicate
--but if the women he associates with keep opening their legs, then of course he'll feel like he doesn't need a wife.
He's getting all the benefit with none of the committment.

That's my story and I'm stickin' to it

i agree with this.
Re: Why He Won't Marry You from Essense


Ill tell you about double standards:

Why is it that when a black man comes into money or spends years pursuing a career? Our families put him on a pedestol (sp?)?

Why is it when a woman does the same we ask "why are you married", "when are you gonna settle down"?

Why is it men are supposed to "sow their wild oats"? Rap videos glorify the single life- tell them to be pimps and never commit?

But tell someone you casually date and they give you the "ah, i see" smile?

Why is it that when I was ruthlessly searching for the "successful black man" and finally found one, he treated me like crap, only to hear friends and family say "hes just going through a phase"?

Why is it if I date a white guy who treats me like gold, Im dating beneath me?

My solution: My dating life is no longer up for discussion. I dont wanna hear what you have to say or think about the matter. Ill be makin all the money anyways. And you better believe when I do, Im taking my pool boy and hoppin the next plane to the South of France to live in anonymity. One-way ticket.
Re: Why He Won\'t Marry You from Essense

Whatever, I have dated the educated, high income brother blah blah blah, a good man is one who treats you well, knows how to love period. Everything else can be lost tomorrow. I don't think this Ben guy is a catch, I would not know unless I got to know him as a person.
I have an income, 2 degrees and love my job, I don't need a man for that. I need a man for emotional and physical support anything else is negotiable.