"Is all that hair yours? Why don't you do something with it?"

Funny -- when you do something to it, you get rolling eyes, sucked teeth, side eyes, and snide remarks.

But when you put it up in bun they want you to do something with it!

Masochistic biotches! :lachen:
Yes, a few people have asked me that question before when I wear a big afro, or an undefined braidout or twistout. I'm always speechless to the question of "why don't you do something with it?" I kinda' laugh or smile it off because I really have no words to answer their question. I feel like nothing is wrong with my hair to begin with.
Funny -- when you do something to it, you get rolling eyes, sucked teeth, side eyes, and snide remarks.

But when you put it up in bun they want you to do something with it!

Masochistic biotches! :lachen:

:dead: Your haaaaaaaaaair........ those braids did SOMETHING yo! Damn! It was always so beautiful but woooow it is coming along sooooo nicely and you are super super pretty. I can't wait until my hair is like yours. I know I'm rambling, but looking at your new avi:nono:..... all intelligible words just flew right out of my head.
I get the other comment too - you should go to my hairdresser. I am too nice to let them know what I think of their hairdresser's work as evidenced by their hair. I am not in the always protective camp. I usually just twist my hair in a ball at night and let it hang during the day. Bunning leaves me with dry ends and I just don't like it as a style for me.

Experience has taught me that I have a choice between style and health and that hairdressers do not do a good job of maintaining the health of my extremely coarse 4b hair.
I get that all the time. People would tell me what they would do with the hair if it was on their head. I will smile and think to myself:rolleyes:-with all of that stuff you would do, I don't think you would keep it:lachen:.
Oh, man I get that ALL the time, especially when I was purposely keeping it in a bun, it's like we are supposed to wear our hair in a "style" of some sort, 24/7. I would go to the salon and get full, big beautiful hair, or simple straight hair with a center part and people would say, "you went to the salon and paid for that?" but i guess if it isn't cut in a style, crimped, fried, died and laid to the side, it's not a "style." Long hair supersedes styles, so I could never understand that...I wore my hair in the Jennifer Aniston, before most ladies of color actually rocked that style, many said it was a "non-style" okay, what-ever. I just smile and move along because I realize that many are still stuck in that traditional hairstyle mode and will not adapt. So I do my thing, live and let live.
I had a similar experience at work:

My coworker glanced over my shoulder as I was on this site and said, "You look at hair constantly. Why dont you do something with yours?":eek::blush:

My coworker is male and immediately said he as kidding...I dont think he was:nono:
This is so funny....I was just thinking this the other day. My students want me to wear my hair out, and are constantly asking me why I do the same hairstyle practically every day. They don't ask the non-black teachers this! I think they just haven't seen a black person with healthy hair.
Funny -- when you do something to it, you get rolling eyes, sucked teeth, side eyes, and snide remarks.

But when you put it up in bun they want you to do something with it!

Masochistic biotches! :lachen:
:lachen:Talk about a catch-22. Either way they're never satisfied.
When I had long hair I used to get backhanded compliments all the time. This girl at school said to me "If I had hair that long I would get it done all the time" implying I didn't get my hair done.:nono: SMDT I was on low manipulation but of course they didn't see that. All they saw were the endless ways to fry it, dye it, and lay it to the side. Needless to say this girl had broken hair because of her need to get her hair "done". Just shake the haters off.
People used to say this to me all the time, because I always wore buns, but I would like at their hair...and it would encourage me to just continue wearing buns.
First response without even thinking--"This is my hair why you worrying about what I'm gonna do with mine?"

After taking a calming breath response--"Sure is and I love it!"

ETA: No need to get detailed or anything. Who are they that you need to check in, and quantify, and qualify? People like this need to get a life...
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Interesting thread. I remember once I was having a conversation with a co-worker who had asked me about my hair (Pre-LHCF) and I was telling her that the thickness of it was driving me crazy and I could barely do anything with it. So another co-worker butts in and says, "Well you need to cut it then, you just have it all one length, just cut it!" Case in point, some people make these types of comments out of jealousy. They just wish they had your hair and trust me if they did, they would be slappin' it a pony tail and wrappin' it in a bun just like we do.
Yes, I get it often. I am not fond of the question but I usually respond with its easier to keep it pinned up and out of the way. Yeah they talk smack saying would they would do with my hair, my length, my thickness, etc. I wanted a cosmetologist relative to do a sew in but she talked so much smack and questioned my desires because she of the long hair girls got hair, why wear weave fan club that I was like 4GET IT! I simply ignore them now because if my dh not complaining, neither should you. I wanna say that to them soooo bad but I hold my tongue to keep down confusion.

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Hmmmm...not really, I think I keep my doo pretty well styled, I dont often leave out with it looking like I didnt do anything to it. Even if its just a pony, I'm gonna make sure it looks like a styled pony.
I know, right! You know it's getting bad when even my MIL (from Japan!) is like Uhhhh why don't you wear your hair out? What's with all the wigs? Your hair is long. :lachen:

I get this all the time...I tell them that's part of the reason my hair is long because it's hidden under wigs.
Have been getting that question my whole life, from pressed to relaxed to natural, including times when I thought I HAD done my hair. Even after my best styling efforts I still got the, "Why don't you..." which is why I gave up.
I use to get that when I had relaxed hair just about apl which to us I know isn't long.
They'd say, is all that thick hair yours. I'd nod and then the 'why don't u do somethin with it" would come BUT in their defense I'd usually just ponytail it and call it a day I guess they mean style wise. I still think it's rude to say though why do they care
I simply ignore them now because if my dh not complaining, neither should you. I wanna say that to them soooo bad but I hold my tongue to keep down confusion.

I've been meaning to say, I love the bun in your sig. Really need to learn some different buns. I've been doing folded over ponytail(s), but my hair's getting too long for that.
I don't get that question but I've often thought about this with other women. This is before I found out protective styles.

I know, right! You know it's getting bad when even my MIL (from Japan!) is like Uhhhh why don't you wear your hair out? What's with all the wigs? Your hair is long. :lachen:

Umm I ask you the same question all the time LOL

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