As your hair grows longer, do you

Yes, I agree. Since reaching APL. I just pin it up. in the day. Pin curl at night. Repeat. I have been straighten more but only once or twice a month.
I know that keeping it simple is pretty much gospel around here, and I do agree that hair grows best when you leave it alone, but sometimes I wonder.
Like, do these long-haired ladies have long hair because they keep it simple?
Or do they keep it simple because they have long hair?

I think low-manipulation is more conducive to retention than a super-simple regimen. And those things don't always go hand in can have a simple regimen and still comb your hair everyday.
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Yes and no. I am not as obsessed about how to grow it, but I am obsessed about what to do with it. When it is straight - at home it's cool out, but in public - there are "long hair problems". Getting caught in buttons, zippers, under armpits, tossing hair, moving it out of the way, ect. I don't like wearing it down when I am out, although I would really like to. So, I am getting obssessed with hair accessories.
@ the bold, I can't wait to log complaints like these!:yep:
I know that keeping it simple is pretty much gospel around here, and I do agree that hair grows best when you leave it alone, but sometimes I wonder.
Like, do these long-haired ladies have long hair because they keep it simple?
Or do they keep it simple because they have long hair?

I think low-manipulation is more conducive to retention than a super-simple regimen. And those things don't always go hand in can have a simple regimen and still comb your hair everyday.
This is EXACTLY what I was getting at! Kinda like the age old "Chicken and the egg" question. Well stated:yep:
Yeah, I don’t take monthly pictures anymore, takes me longer to update my fotki. Overall, do much less with my hair than I did before.....:ohwell:
That's part of the reason why I bun. I figure there's no point in growing it long only to have it chewed up by zippers! :wallbash:

I agree, but I protective stlye and keep it up about 360 days of the year.
So, I like to enjoy all of the hard work and effort every once in a while and let my :gorgeous: see the light of day :yep:.
What's the point in growing it long just to hide it all the time :rolleyes:. But, I did learn from that button and zipper incident, b/c I needed help to get out of that :lachen:- and now wear it over my shoulders if it is down....:thumbsup:

I know I am :wacky: but, I like change or I will :pullhair:!
This is so true. One thing I love love love about long hair, is that you can do so little to it, and it still looks like a style. I can't wait to just have a huge bun at the top of my head, I love that look!

I had my shortest hair ever (not by choice) a year ago today. It was an ear length inverted bob, and it was soooo much work since I couldn't put it up anymore, I love that I have that option now.
I do less with it style-wise, but I'm still very *aware* of my hair and obsessed. Especially now that I'm getting closer to my goal.
notice that you are less obsessed with it? I just noticed today that I left home w/o "doing" my hair this morning (though I meant to fluff it a little due to one sided bed head).

Now when my hair was shorter, it was very important to "be fly e'ry day" when it came to my hair (which probably contributed a lot to little retention.) I couldn't wait for it to grow so it I could do stuff with it, but now I notice as my hair has grown longer that I'm less obsessed with it simply looking good. I can wear a lot more protective styles for more consecutive days, which is probably contributing to the increase in length. So the most notorius long hairs mostly likely do very little with their hair......I FINALLY GET IT!

What do you notice about your hair habits as your hair reaches new lengths?

I talked to a long hair (ws) AA women with 4 type hair. She washes and press her hair every 3 months and finger combs her hair. She wears it out in a nonprotective style.
I pay more attention to my tops to make sure it is not made of something that will pull my hair or damage the ends.
Why is this thread depressing to me? I love love love to play with my hair and try new and different styles. When I reach my goal, I don't want that to change. I don't want to go thru all of this just to throw it in a bun. :ohwell: The whole point of growing it longer (to me) is to have more, more, more options with how to wear it!
I think long hair is very low maintaince in comparision to short hair. I never have to worry about bad hair days, because I can simply put it up in a bun. My hair is curly, so I can make a bun or even a pony tail more fancy by simply leaving a few tendrils out. Long hair tends to get caught on things and get in the way. The wind can make it blow everywhere and tangle. Also, feeling hair constantly brushing up again your elbows and back can be uncomfortable. So the longer it gets, the more I tend to keep it up.

When I had shorter hair, I worried more about trying to make my hair look "perfect" and my ponytails and buns didn't always look right. It was much harder to disguise a bad hair day. So, I'm less obsessed about length and style as my hair gets longer, but more obsessed about it getting caught on things and damaging the ends when worn out.
I think long hair is very low maintaince in comparision to short hair. I never have to worry about bad hair days, because I can simply put it up in a bun. My hair is curly, so I can make a bun or even a pony tail more fancy by simply leaving a few tendrils out. Long hair tends to get caught on things and get in the way. The wind can make it blow everywhere and tangle. Also, feeling hair constantly brushing up again your elbows and back can be uncomfortable. So the longer it gets, the more I tend to keep it up.

When I had shorter hair, I worried more about trying to make my hair look "perfect" and my ponytails and buns didn't always look right. It was much harder to disguise a bad hair day. So, I'm less obsessed about length and style as my hair gets longer, but more obsessed about it getting caught on things and damaging the ends when worn out.

My sentiments exactly. I had long hair all my life, then when it got about MBL I chopped it to a fauxhawk. I had to style my hair daily to make it "presentable." When I had it longer, I could style it in a bun and go without much ado. I definitely prefer long hair, because for me its very low maintenance.
my hair is only about neck length (BC'd earlier this year) and there is a drastic decrease in my 'growth obsession'. now that I actually have a lil pony puff...I feel like I've passed that "in between stage" and I've got more options now so its less of a big deal...
I'm MBL but actually...i got there bc i learned to keep my regimen simple as possible.

My hair is actually in a loose bun right now.....and its gonna stay bunned up for the rest of the week:yep:

I still like to style my hair every once in a while...but its mostly in a bun or down for when i want it straight. I cut bangs to give my hair some "excitement" to it....but it's already grown back past my eyes...and i cut it at the end of October....right at my eyebrows!! But other than that...i'm not as obsessed with my hair like i used to be....i'm still waiting for waistlength though :)
I have this feeling that once I reach APL I will not straighten it as often, I just don't believe my hair will get to APL. So when (if) it does I know I can relax and I will probably on straighten once a year to check the growth, now I do it every 3 month, although it's been 4 months since the last time Straightened so I guess I am starting already LOL
I have this feeling that once I reach APL I will not straighten it as often, I just don't believe my hair will get to APL. So when (if) it does I know I can relax and I will probably on straighten once a year to check the growth, now I do it every 3 month, although it's been 4 months since the last time Straightened so I guess I am starting already LOL
Surely you jest. if you want it, it'll happen before you know it. Keep doing the right thing by your hair and you'll see.:yep: