Why did hair growth become important 2 u?

It is important to me because I have never had long hair, hairstylists said my hair was too fine to grow long, and because my sweet hubbie wants me with long hair. :D
I had long hair all my life, while I was relaxed, until I had a couple of bad dye jobs and had to cut it all off. So when I went natural I wanted to prove to myself that I could take care fo my hair and have it be as long if not longer then what it was before.
Well I've always been one of those girls who like to try everything with hair. I've had it nearly bald, had it natural, had it different colors, and now I'd like to challenge myself to see how long it is capable of growing. After meeting Dominicans who know how to care for hair and encourage healthy growth, they've inspired me to take the best care of my hair!
Good question. For me, I grew up in a salon and two out of three sisters are stylists also. My hair was always done. So I was always confident and was fine with the opposite sex...even when I sported the shortest Halle Berry or Toni Braxton pixie hairdos. But, when I went to law school and was getting ready to interview for a job after I graduate, my neglect led to bald spots, splits, thin, damaged hair...and that affected my self esteem like nothing else I had ever experienced. I was beginning to think that my destiny was weaves for life, like my mom and her friends. I felt depressed when so many of the other girls on campus had thick healthy naturals and relaxed heads. And that led to my researching.
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Energist said:
Well I've always been one of those girls who like to try everything with hair. I've had it nearly bald, had it natural, had it different colors, and now I'd like to challenge myself to see how long it is capable of growing. After meeting Dominicans who know how to care for hair and encourage healthy growth, they've inspired me to take the best care of my hair!

You summed it up for me so perfectly! We seem to be alot alike.:grin:Are you secretly my twin???:look:
At first I noticed I got more attention from men with longer hair (weave, braid, etc...) and I liked that. Then when I go married (with short hair) my husband expressed he like longer hair better so I began to grow it out but would never get past shoulder length. I wanted to get it past shoulder lenght and thanks to you guys I'm not APL!!!!!:yay:
Hair growth became important to me because:

1. I have had short hair all my child/teen life and now that I'm an adult I want to experience long hair.
2. I want to have my own long hair instead of long braids.
3. I want to prove that black women can have long thick beautiful hair too (eventhough many of you and other women have proven it already, I want to have my own testimony).
4. I noticed that I am more confident with longer hair. Last year when I was approaching shoulder length before going natural, I got more attention from guys because of my confidence.
5. You all have inspired me.
I've never had long hair before, so this is just something I want to do for myself. When I look at old pictures of myself, my hair is at collarbone or shorter..and dry/damaged looking.:( My sisters' (type 3c/4a's) hair was always healthier-looking and longer than mine. I wasn't envious; I just wanted some "good hair" too, instead of my 4b texture, which was the reason my hair "didn't grow." :confused:

Well, thanks to LHCF and other hairboards/websites, my hair is healthy and growing. Now, it's even longer than my sisters'. :sekret:

ETA: DH and my 2 boys are just as excited about my hair growth as I am. So, I'm doing this for them too.
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Ive had short hair for 8 years, wanted to try something different. Want to see if my hair actually CAN grow. Want WHATEVER length I have first and foremost to be healthy tho - Ill never choose length over health.
I never think about how my hair looks to others. I looked at my hair one day and just could not believe what terrible condition it was in. I had about 4 inches of frizzy ends, it was uneven, broken, and just ridiculous. I don't want long hair, BSL at the most. I just want my hair to be healthy and appealing to me.
I have always wanted long hair since my sister chopped mine off when I was 7 or 8. My hair would not grow until I came here and BHM. Now look at my siggy I luv u ladies.:D
when i was in HS (like 14) i couldn't figure out why my mom and all my cousins had long hair and mines was just shoulder length and was always breaking. it seemed like every woman around me had nice shiny looking hair(at church, in our neighborhood, etc) and mines looked like who did it and what.

then i started wearing phony ponies because i was ashamed that i was having hair issues. in college the issues only got worse so at first i just started wearing weaves and braids and afer a year of that i just figured i should find out why my hair wasn't making progress

no one wants ugly, chewed up hair and i think every woman to some extent wants longer, beautiful hair. i think my caring came about because i felt that i was less than a woman cause my hair was so messed up and wouldn't gain length while everyone else seemingly had no problems. then imagine having cousins who all had BSL and yours was just touching your shoulders. And then they would always make fun of me for wearing extensions and whisper about my hair saying it was "bad hair" and "just doesn't grow"
For the most part, I always had healthy long(ish) hair. Then I got MAJOR damage (bald spots, etc.) from a too-stong relaxer that broke my hair off. I got interested in hair growth right at that very minute and never looked back. My last relaxer was 4/7/2005 (the day I joined LHCF) and the last time I used heat was 7/2005. My hair hasn't been this healthy in years. :)
Why did it become important to me? One word: Alopecia.

When I began to lose my hair, I freaked out!
I began to search for ways to retrieve what I had lost.:(

Goal #1: To learn how to care for my scalp! I had to learn what not to do to my scalp that caused me to lose my hair in the first place.
Mission accomplished.

Goal #2: To regrow hair in the damaged area (crown, size of my palm!)and find a healthy way to care for my hair so that I could let go of all my wigs which I had been hiding behind.
Mission accomplished.

Goal #3: Preserve what I have regrown and to strive to maintain a healthy scalp in order to have a full, thick well cared for head of hair.
In Progress

All things considered, I accept length as a welcomed bonus!:)

Long hair is important to me because my long hair makes me feel healthy, sexy, powerful, and beautiful, And long hair never goes out of style.
Hair growth became important to me because I've never known how it feels to have long hair plus I think its attractive to men.:p I think long hair will suit me better.
First, I wanted to be able to take better care of my daughter's hair. Then, after finding this site I realized that I had never been past shoulder length myself. I went through healthy/thinning cycles for years and just considered the thinning times as my hair "needing a rest". Then I would just start the curling iron cycle all over again. I am making progress now SLOWLY but surely! After I deliver, I plan to kick in full swing....
Because I wanted to see how long my scalp hair could get. I figured since the sideburns and facial hair seems to be growing so well, I might as well try to grow out the head hair as long as possible. Jeve
i got tired of not having hair that grows while my friends who always had short hair like me miraculously have long hair. i ask them what they did and they said they didn't know or when to the salon regularly. so i went to the salon regularly but my hair kept getting shorter after each visits. i got fed up, went online to check for hair books and eventually found my hair to fotki, and eventually lhcf. best decision ever!
I turned to the internet for help withmy hair b/c I had bad breakage in the nape and middle of my hair. It was at the point to where my hair looked ate up. I can remember when my aunt asked me "Why/What ate my hair up":) At the time my feelings were hurt but now that I look back it's funny. I mean she is not the person to hold her tongue and she's loud so you can imagine how embarassed I was and how I felt. I wanted to know why my hair was breaking and why would it always break in those areas especially the middle.
I couldn't really afford a beautician so that's when I turned to the internet and found the hair boards.

I've always wanted long hair. Some people say my hair is long but not me.
I've had some set backs (the middle part again). It's all trial and error and I'm still learning:)
there are so many style options that come with long hair. And I seem to always want to get some of that length back that my mom tells me I had when I was a little girl.. lol.
I've always been fascinated with long hair. My hair was APL as a child. It was even described as long compared to other kids' hair. As an adult though, I wanted BSL and MBL length hair and thought that the only way a black woman like me could get that was with weaves and braids. My hair just never seemed to grow past a certain point. So I spent a fortune on natural looking weaves until I got fed up. A hairdresser told me once my own hair will never be as long as the weave I was wearing. I figured God couldn't be that cruel. Why couldn't most black women grow long,flowing hair. So I did some research on hair growth on the internet, found LHCF, Robin's and Cathy Howse's websites and now I am on a mission to prove that my hair can reach BSL and beyond. I haven't looked back since and weaves and braids are now things of the past.
I searched and found these bords after I had a really bad relaxer and my hair broke from shoulder length and kept breaking. I knew there had to be an answer, and I found it in C&G and LHCF.

Thanks ladies.
I've always thought long hair was important. But I think it became more important to me once I realized just how long my hair can probably get. Now I'm on a serious mission to grow my hair out as long as possible!:yep: I just think long, healthy, hair is very sexy, feminine, and beautiful, especially on a black woman (since it's so rare for us). Plus, I think most men looovvveee long hair! -Which is definitely an added bonus!!;)
I have never had long hair. I got tired of hearing people belive in all the myths about hair growth and me being a logical scientist, didn't understand why. I wanted to make sense of all of it and thats when I found this board. I love proving people wrong and growing my hair is another way for me to do it while benefiting myself.
I always wanted to be able to take care of my own hair instead of spending $$.$$ at the salon. I went to camp once and it was really hot - everyone was sweaty and miserable. There were only two showers at the camp, and the water had heavy sulfur deposits and smelled badly. One girl suggested that I wash my hair (instead of taking a whole shower, because honestly no one could take it) and I told her that "I couldn't." I knew my hair would be a big poofy mess.

I hated having hair that broke off so much I had to sweep my room every day. Finally, after looking at black hair care communities on Livejournal, someone suggested this page.

And now I can wash my own hair. :) It may not look beautiful and I still can't do a straight rollerset, but I'm really glad I'm able to do my hair at home and not be afraid of rain or water any more.
it became important to me the minute i looked back at photos from age 10 all the way up to christmas 2006 (i am 20) and realized my hair has been the same lenth consistently.

I was also tired of other races believing that AA hair does not grow.
I was tired of black women believing that our hair does not grow, or even that it was somewhat inferior to hair of other races.
I wanted to get rid of the myth that the only way to be black and have long hair was to either be mixed or get a weave.
But most importantly I love the look of long, jet black flowing HEALTHY hair and I think it would fit me well...:D