What does longer hair mean for you?

It would help me hide my face more. The length that I have isn't really cutting it anymore. So I think probably if I grew my hair longer I would be able to better cover or hide my face.
Longer hair means more versatility, being able to just throw your hair up in a ponytail whenever, it enhances my facial features in a good way.

And also out of curiosity to see how long it can get.:grin:

This was one of the main reasons why after all these years I decided to finally grow my hair out..the versatility. When I had the shorter hair it was cute and I loved it but I wanted to do more with it...like throw it in a ponytail when I didn't feel like doing anything to it. With shorter hair you HAVE to maintain it and do it all of the time or it just won't look good (I had the short Halle cut). I sometimes just wanted to put my hair in a ponytail. Oddly, my hair has grown out and is still growing and I NEVER want to put it in a ponytail and don't want to wear it in protective styles all of the time...lol. I want to wear it down/out...but I know protective styles are good for my ends and it's really helping me to retain my length so I don't compromise on that... I wear it down only a couple of days per week or for special occassions.
I am curious to see how long I can get my hair, and I like being able to just throw it in a nice ponytail, or bun, and already have a nice polished look with little fuss!!
Ease in styling. I like to be able to throw my hair back in a ponytail or a bun in 1,2,3 also, it makes me feel sexier! My husband has been making all of these comments about my hair looking long, wild, sexy and turning him on lol. That is encouraging for me to keep it long.
I had long hair as a child, but b/c of poor hair care practices had to cut it all off when I was 17. it was cute, and I kept it short for some time after that at first b/c I liked the style and then b/c I bc'd.

Now I'm growing it long b/c

I prefer the way I look with longer hair

The longer it is the more stretched my curls is and the more curly styles I can do without feeling bald, adn w/out the aid of twistouts or braidouts etc.

Also for the same reasons the other ladies have said a more feminine feature.
Longer hair is definately a more feminine feature to me.

I have not had long hair since childhood and I have recently decided that I want to focus on gaining healthier and longer hair.

It's also a challenge for me that I have now started and everytime it gets a little longer, I get an inexplicable charge out of the success... and it makes me want to push harder and accomplish more!
And now that I've started I don't know if that feeling will ever go away. So I may be growing my hair to my feet... who knows! :grin:
Longer hair means means dispelling the myth that Black women can only have long hair hanging down our backs when half of it is fake.
i want the long, healthy hair that i had when i was younger before i damaged it with relaxers & weaves.
Longer hair for me means that I have accomplished something that I really worked hard for. I have never had long hair before, it's always been about neck length, therefore BSL hair would be a huge feat for me.

I love the way I look with long hair. I use to wear weaves to obtain the long hair look, I think that my natural hair long would be just fab.
For me it's about looking feminine, having multiple style options, and b/c I once had long hair down my back, and thanks to abuse on my part and the part of stylists, it's not what it used to be.

It's more than the long hair part though..I want it to be healthy and shining and beautiful first..long and sexy second
I've never had long hair. During childhood and teen years my hair was always ear length. In the past couple years (prolly since joining LHCF) I have learned what I need to do to achieve and maintain my hair. First important lesson was for me was "grease didn't equal moisture" which is probably why my hair never grew back when. I think it's more versatile, a sense of accomplishment to have not only health, but length, and represents a change from what I always thought my hair was and could not be.
I really want longer hair because....

I'm lazy.

yes. lol. I cut my hair a while back thinking it would be less maintenance and got a nasty surprise:nono:

I really would just love to put that crap in a ponytail or a bun and be able to go, instead of having to comb it all the time...