WHOA she went in on Kimmaytube!!!

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Well-Known Member
So...basically Taren created a video which was stated in another thread and I thought she was being sincere stating her thoughts....I mean if she stepped on toes IDK but I think she was being truthful about a lot of youtubers

well someone commented and Kimmay took over and Taren she wents off!! Watch the response below....what do u think? If she telling the truth?

I think the whole thing is just :nono: didnt know ppl took it that serious....


Original video that started this...


thread that still shows KT deleted comments...


I don't know much about the youtube drama. It seems like a lot of the hair/makeup/general beauty vloggers are all up in a tizzy because the YouTube Partnership thing and perceived "selling out." So I'm just going to respond to what I read and watched from the OP's post.

Well, damn... that's a shame. I really like Kimmaytube but that is incredibly unprofessional for someone who presents herself as a business woman. If she felt that strongly about having the original rude comment deleted she should have sent this lady a private message and NOT going back and forth with the commenter on this woman's video comment section.
As a vlogger she has the right to delete whatever she wants on her OWN channel and (I don't see why it's a big deal that she does) but this mess is straight up wrong. She showed her ***.
I would be embarrassed. I hope she makes an apology of some sort to Taren.
I don't like to get into the whole youtube drama thing but I do have to say this

I never liked Kimmaytube because she always came off as extremely arrogant to me. Maybe it was the way she talked in her vids but it always rubbed me the wrong way. I'm not hating cuz the woman is succesful but she needs to take note that we do not have to come to her and ask her permission to say what we think about her arrogant a$$.

Honestly, I think its very very self-centered for her to assume somebody was talkn about her n even if she was, who gives a damn?! Baby this is not high school, u are not the head cheerleader or the most popular chick n school n the natural hair community is not ur loyal subjects and followers.

PLEASE get over yourself ASAP before you lose a lot of fans. Straight up you silly n stupid.... girl,bye

P.S I hope she finds these threads on LHCF. She might come in here n try and "put us in our place"
This woman speaks the truth! I have unsubbed from kimmaytube just because of her attitude. Who does kimmaytube think she is?...Bill Gates? Warren Buffett? Like she is seriously above us all. Like she is the end all be all of hair care and business in general. Like we must praise and worship her so that she can choose to bless us with her hair knowledge. I am glad to see someone who feels the same way that I do. I do not comment on youtube videos or get involved in the drama but I have def noticed kimmay's attitude. Again, let me say this...this woman speaks nothing but the truth about kimmaytube!
Well, I am a subbie to both channels and Kim has become extremely annoying with her pushing her products, hair website, and her line in general. I think the popularity has gone to her head. Her youtube vids are interesting but nothing spectacular. Taren has better videos to me because her channel has different catageories. I like Kim's leave in but I've only tried it once. It was expensive and over rated.
I personally don't subscribe to youtube channels unless the channel specifically pertains to the direction in which I want to take for my hair. I saw a couple of Kimmaytube videos, and I wasn't impressed. There is so much information on this site, i'd rather do my own research instead of take product reviews from someone who maybe compensated for the review.
Hoo chile ... Taren took it there. Frankly, I agree with her 1,000%!! Kimmaytube exposed herself!!!
Wow shes a crazed narcissist now? :blush:
I always thought she was a little nutty and unsubbed a while ago.

I agree with Taren about Kimmaytube really needs to take emotional notes on the with the way people responses to her. It is true everyone can't possibly be a hater.
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In a thread on Youtube Gurus, I recommended both taren and kimmay so I have no real preference between them.

I feel sorry for kimmaytube. :perplexed She clearly is very intelligent and talented but her demand for total affirmation is leading her to do things that are embarrassing. I've recommended her vids because they were informational for me but I'm not sure I will continue to do so.

Her entire reaction to a Taren916's video critiquing certain unnamed 'popular Youtubers' reminds me of when I managed a large group of people and two of them had hygiene problems. We were working 90 hours a week in a small windowless corporate room and this was obviously unbearable. One Friday, I got everyone together and said, 'I know we have a lot on our plates and everyone has been doing an awesome job with these long hours of overtime. However, some of us are neglecting personal hygiene and it is affecting the whole group. Please, even though you may be arriving at home at midnight, don't skip showers. Brush your teeth in the morning. Do not try to cover up BO with perfume or cologne. Wash your hair as needed. Apply deoderant in the morning and if needed, bring it with you and reapply it in the washroom throughout the day. This is an embarrassing conversation, obviously, and I don't want to have it again, ok?'

So I spent the whole weekend praying that the two funkybutts would not show up on Monday smelling funky. :lachen: Instead, one of the 20+ women gets in my face, talking about, 'Ms. J some of us might have ongoing medical issues that leads to a certain smell and I NOT APPRECIATE YOU PUTTING MY BUSINESS OUT THERE LIKE THAT!' before storming off.

My mind was blown. I wasn't talking about her.

Nor did I have any issues with her besides this newly-sprouted attitude.

But when I saw her later, I said, "If you think you stink, you probably know yourself better than I do."

Kimmaytube, if you think you stink....well, maybe you do. If the critique of people who are phony, who change their regimens to suit their commercial interests and who endlessly self-promote and try to get brand new because they have more subscribers sounds familiar, maybe that is who you are. Or... maybe...It. is. not. always. about. you.
I'm not scared to comment, I don't wanna watch approx. 30 min. of rant and then more min. of vid from the other YT'ber. Synopsis anyone?
I'm pretty new to the whole you-tube game, but I have to say that I agree with Taren 100%. While I respect Kimmaytube and the way she's turned her personal hair journey into a profitable business for herself, as I've said before, her whole attitude and demeaner can be a bit off-putting. And this isn't a new thought for me that's been influenced or molded by others; it's what I thought the very FIRST time I watched her videos.

I also run a successful online business, a couple actually, and I've learned that there's a certain way that you interact with people who depend on you for products or services- and that's with the utmost amount of patience and respect. Even to the point of unreasonableness, if need be. Kimmay clearly does not subscribe to this school of thought, and that's unfortunate because it devalues her business and brand.

Just my 2 cents.
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Omg. Its YouTube people!!! Anybody can purchase a webcam and post anything up there. Its just not that serious. If you're are putting up tutorials and information to help people out then cool. But if you do it to develop some type of fan base or make yourself cybercool then it is time for you to get a grip on life and hold on tight.

I like taren916 and kimmaytubes videos. YouTube is big enough for everyone to have their fun. But this whole guru business is just too much. They do the same things on YouTube that we do on here. Give advice. Geesh!!

I needed this app!!!
Wooooow.:lol: Okay this is why YT is definitely not for me at this point. :nono: No videos and camera time for me.

But I'll watch y'all though -- maaaan... :lol:
But when I saw her later, I said, "If you think you stink, you probably know yourself better than I do."

I think this really is at the root of it. I had a teacher in high school who would say if someone says something about you if its true then what's the issue. If it's not why would you bother? Either way there was no reason to respond to it.

I have found in my own personal life when I am offended by something some part of me believes that it is true or I have some work on self to do (self value). Either way the issue is mine. If it's not true and my self-value is where it should be, you just get that raised eyebrow and that look of "I wonder what version of crazy you are?" and I keep it movin.

Kimmay isn't making good choices in this situation either personal or business wise. Why spend money to run an ad in Essence (which I know cost) and then the month that it goes live participate in any questionable behavior. Defending yourself or not that's just a waste of money.

I have a lot of other thoughts on this situation but I am enjoying watching this soap opera more than being in it.
Hmm. Well being that as of yesterday I had no clue as to who any of these people are, I have to say that after reading the deleted comments from Kimmay and watching some of these Kimmygate videos, Kimmy dont know hot to handle criticism.

Oh well. :ohwell: She'll learn it one way or the other.

My first thought was Kimmyatube too! haha

But that doesn't keep me from watching her videos
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Her entire reaction to a Taren916's video critiquing certain unnamed 'popular Youtubers' reminds me of when I managed a large group of people and two of them had hygiene problems.

jouissance - LOL off topic, I work in HR. I always tell managers to address employee issues directly with the offenders. Why? Cuss stuff like ^^^^^ this always happens. The people you are talking about/to NEVER think you are talking to them. I had a manager do something similiar once. I heard the offender walk out of the meeting saying "Dang, he was wrong to call out Becky in front of us like that, she's better then me cuss I would have laid into him for saying that in front of other people." The whole conversation just went over her head. The next 2 days, people were running around trying to figure out who he was talking about.
Team Taren! I don't want to really go in because its unnecessary but Kimmay is very annoying. I wish Kim all the best but I see where Taren is coming from. Kim gives great hair tips but her attitude sucks. I can see her arrogance.....
So I spent the whole weekend praying that the two funkybutts would not show up on Monday smelling funky. :lachen: Instead, one of the 20+ women gets in my face, talking about, 'Ms. J some of us might have ongoing medical issues that leads to a certain smell and I NOT APPRECIATE YOU PUTTING MY BUSINESS OUT THERE LIKE THAT!' before storming off.

My mind was blown. I wasn't talking about her.

Nor did I have any issues with her besides this newly-sprouted attitude.

But when I saw her later, I said, "If you think you stink, you probably know yourself better than I do."

WHAT? :lachen: :lachen: :dead:
Idk I was always off put by Kimmaytube. Her demeanor seemed to be very arrogant, likeshe was in a competition especially with all the other natural hair gurus on youtube. And in her more "manufactured" videos I hate the way she talks. Like her viewers are literaly 4 years old, all the pauses she makes. My kindergarten teacher talked like that. Im not a baby, im grown, and I understand what you're sayin. I'm glad Taren made the response and stood up for herself.
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