For you Kimmaytube-Heads...

Aww, she and her husband seem too cute together! I like Kimmaytude:giggle:...shes confident and succesful and her hair has grown wonderfully. I'm thinking of trying out that leave in hair stays dry and it's similar to hers.
Loved the vid. It was cute and a nice way to recognize her subbies. I just started her leave-in con and Im blogging my reviews. So far so good! Thumbs up Kim!!!
I know it's a new year, and whatever "drama" is over....but can anyone link or tell me what this is about?! I LOVVVVVVVE her and think she so sweet, and just eat her channel up! (although I'm relaxed) just wondering what the "issue" was????????

just some "e-beef" with another youtuber. that's all im going to say, you can google it or search for it on here. if i say anymore i can bet my left toe that it will be rehashed here, and it's so not worth it this thread getting locked.

this video was cute. thanks OP.
I don't watch her either but seems like she has a really fun vibe to her. Even though I'm not natural, I'm thinking of subbing to her.

Have any relaxed ladies benefited from her videos?

I subscribe to her channel and am relaxed with no current plans to transition to natural. Her hair is amazing and very inspirational. I actually like her directness and no nonsense attitude (keeps it kinda people!). If anything, I learn what natural hair can do and what it could look like. And if I do to choose to transition (in the far future), hopefully her channel could guide me in the right direction.
JUST the person I was looking for (a relaxed lady who watches her videos). You're relaxed... Have you benefited from anything you've learned from her videos?

Hey, well so far I've gotten lots of inspiration and knowledge (I'm actually a subber of a ton of natural people on YT, and find that often their advice can work for relaxed). Also, I just like looking at hair, all hair!:drunk: Lol. I'm in the process this weekend of making her leave-in to use when I bun, and I'll try to remeber to come back here and post results, althoguh I know there is a whole diff. thread just about that leave in:yep: