New Member
beyondcute said:DANG! She is allowed a PERSONAL opinion just liek everyone else on this site. If she feels that way about relaxed hair then its okay. I have to agree with her. Relaxed hair IS limper than natural hair otherwise what is the point of a relaxer? It relaxes the curl to stretch the hair and lengthen it. Thats happens on everybodys head whena RELAXER is applied. If it didnt make the hair limper then it would be bashed on here as not strong enough or underprocessed. Im not saying its limp and lifeless (because my relaxed hair wasntYall have seen my relaxed fro, limp is NOT the word to describe it
) BUT compared to my natural hair it IS limper. That meant the relaxer worked. Straight hair is limper than curled hair and definielt limper than coiled hair. Now as far as the lifeless comment, thats how she feels. You feel the opposite but I think we should all respect each others opinions even if you dont agree with them. If she feels negatively about relaxed hair then thats okay. Lets not jump on her for her opinions.....
Why do u think i explained myself at the bottom of my post?! Everything you've just said i haven't knocked, and I am too expressing MY opinion. i said she IS entitled to her opinion..i think you've just saw my post and thought i was instantly dissing her..without understanding what i said at all. 4get it i'm done anyway.