Finding Your Hair Comfort Zone

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Great post
... Thanks Cocoacure for taking a stand on what's right!!!
CocoaCure said:
Also, I shudder at the number of fellow Naturals I see that say "Oh I love being natural - I don't do anything to my hair" and they look like it!

[/ QUOTE ]

I saw where you were going with this thread, but you lost me here. Not only is that comment mean, sentiments like it are probably at the root of the back and forthing, relaxed vs natural you say you're trying to see end.

Anyway, all the premature rejoicing over the coming deadline for paying $5 will likely end in disappointment. I think it would take more than that to keep the "naughty naturals" out.

And by the way, I've seen plenty of albums of those who do nothing but wash and go, and they have some of the most beautiful hair I've ever seen
cherish said:
CocoaCure said:
Also, I shudder at the number of fellow Naturals I see that say "Oh I love being natural - I don't do anything to my hair" and they look like it!

[/ QUOTE ]

I saw where you were going with this thread, but you lost me here. Not only is that comment mean, sentiments like it are probably at the root of the back and forthing, relaxed vs natural you say you're trying to see end.

Anyway, all the premature rejoicing over the coming deadline for paying $5 will likely end in disappointment. I think it would take more than that to keep the "naughty naturals" out.

And by the way, I've seen plenty of albums of those who do nothing but wash and go, and they have some of the most beautiful hair I've ever seen

[/ QUOTE ]


Anyway some have had negative experiences with chemicals and i dont see how sharing those experiences with others equates with bashing. If someone is really comfortable with the state of their relaxed hair why get offended when threads like that come up? Most that are anti perm have a problem with the relaxing process itself. NOT the individual wearing it.
CocoaCure said:
Lately I've been reading posts about Natural hair vs. Relaxed hair and what problems you encountered with your relaxer, etc. I just want everyone on this forum to know that whatever your hair type (relaxed/natural/texturized), you should not feel any pressure from anyone to change it! I'm natural and that's great and wonderful FOR ME! But not everyone feels they look their best or feel their best natural and that's great too to relax, for them! Also, there seems to be this big misconception among some people that the only way to have healthy hair is to be natural. THIS IS SOOOO FALSE!!!! Or that if you have a relaxer you're going to have all this breaking, burning scalp, shedding, etc. THIS IS ALSO FALSE!!!! I was relaxed a very long time and I never experienced all this stuff. I have at times had shedding from doing stupid things like relaxing and colouring within a day of each other, and even then I quickly did a series of deep conditionings and my hair was back healthy and growing in no time!

Also, not everyone who goes natural is doing so because they experienced problems with the chemicals. My hair was 2 inches from brastrap when I did the big chop! It was healthy, long, and the ends were nice and thick. I went natural simply because I like my natural hair (I like it relaxed and texturized too) luckily it's always grown fast, but I've never been a past shoulder length natural and so this is what I'm now going for.

Anyway, I just wanted to write this because there seems to be some who "have a hard time believing" that so many relaxed ladies can have no or few problems with their hair relaxed and continually mentioning how awful relaxers are. Well, relaxers are awful for everybody. So to all the relaxed heads out there - if you're comfortable, stay relaxed and don't let anyone pressure you into believing that your bonds are so broken down and therefore your hair isn't healthy and that eventually it's going to all break off because it's not! Just keep caring for it greatly with all the wonderful tips we learn here and it will grow down to your brastrap or waist before you know it!

As for me, I'll stay natural for a good while - at least long enough to be a brastrap natural! Then whatever I'm going to next I'll do it when the whim strikes me. So here's to everybody doing what's best FOR THEM INDIVIDUALLY!! Naturals, enjoy being natural, Texturizers enjoy being Texturized and relaxed enjoy being relaxed!!!

[/ QUOTE ]

sheesh are we the same person here? thats EXACTLY how i feel
babyblue said:
cherish said:
CocoaCure said:
Also, I shudder at the number of fellow Naturals I see that say "Oh I love being natural - I don't do anything to my hair" and they look like it!

[/ QUOTE ]

I saw where you were going with this thread, but you lost me here. Not only is that comment mean, sentiments like it are probably at the root of the back and forthing, relaxed vs natural you say you're trying to see end.

Anyway, all the premature rejoicing over the coming deadline for paying $5 will likely end in disappointment. I think it would take more than that to keep the "naughty naturals" out.

And by the way, I've seen plenty of albums of those who do nothing but wash and go, and they have some of the most beautiful hair I've ever seen

[/ QUOTE ]


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ITA as well
cherish said:
CocoaCure said:
Also, I shudder at the number of fellow Naturals I see that say "Oh I love being natural - I don't do anything to my hair" and they look like it!

[/ QUOTE ]

I saw where you were going with this thread, but you lost me here. Not only is that comment mean, sentiments like it are probably at the root of the back and forthing, relaxed vs natural you say you're trying to see end.

Anyway, all the premature rejoicing over the coming deadline for paying $5 will likely end in disappointment. I think it would take more than that to keep the "naughty naturals" out.

And by the way, I've seen plenty of albums of those who do nothing but wash and go, and they have some of the most beautiful hair I've ever seen

[/ QUOTE ]

Not to mediate, but I think you took the quote out of context. She said:

"Also, I shudder at the number of fellow Naturals I see that say "Oh I love being natural - I don't do anything to my hair" and they look like it! That's not something to be proud say that you do nothing to your hair! Geesh! If someone does nothing to their hair it will start looking like it and it won't be pretty!"

A wash and go isn't really doing nothing. You are washing, conditioning, applying leave-ins and oils or whatever products that promote your style. A wash and go is doing something. It is taking care of the hair. I could be wrong, but I think that she meant this literally. And if you are looking at albums of people proudly displaying their hair progress, then they are definitely doing some work--not nothing. I just wanted to help clear this, because I don't think that the comment was meant in a mean-spirited way. If I am not mistaken, the author is a natural also.
And, if I am not mistaken, the last time I looked above my log-in at the top of the page, it read Long Hair Care Forum: Helping Women of Color Acheive Long Beautiful Hair. The words relaxed or natural are not even in there. We are here to focus on improving the health of our hair whether relaxed or natural. I hope that this thread will be an end to disputes of relaxed vs natural (at least on the board). IMO, the board advocates healthy, beautiful, and long hair regardless of its state. I think that all of our hair is beautiful. I have never seen a collection of such beautiful photos of our hair whether relaxed or natural. I am proud and encouraged by what I see on this site and I have learned a lot. I hope to continue to learn and help others by sharing what I have learned. We are all here to acheive a common goal. I certainly don't want to come off all kumbaya and such, but I started out loving this forum because everyone seemed to be in harmony here as far as their goals and this little dispute really draws us away from the true purpose of being here. So, let's all just grow some long, healthy and beautiful hair!!!!
ubavka123 said:
And, if I am not mistaken, the last time I looked above my log-in at the top of the page, it read Long Hair Care Forum: Helping Women of Color Acheive Long Beautiful Hair. The words relaxed or natural are not even in there. We are here to focus on improving the health of our hair whether relaxed or natural. I hope that this thread will be an end to disputes of relaxed vs natural (at least on the board). IMO, the board advocates healthy, beautiful, and long hair regardless of its state. I think that all of our hair is beautiful. I have never seen a collection of such beautiful photos of our hair whether relaxed or natural. I am proud and encouraged by what I see on this site and I have learned a lot. I hope to continue to learn and help others by sharing what I have learned. We are all here to acheive a common goal. I certainly don't want to come off all kumbaya and such, but I started out loving this forum because everyone seemed to be in harmony here as far as their goals and this little dispute really draws us away from the true purpose of being here. So, let's all just grow some long, healthy and beautiful hair!!!!

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree. Besides, as an adult woman with a mind of my own, I will always decide for myself how to wear and care for my own hair irregardless of someone else's opinion. Advice is just advice, I don't have to take it.
Thanks for creating the post. I am having a hard time deciding whether to stay relaxed or go natural. I keep going back and forth on my decision, I had to change my signature a million times within the past 24 hours because I can't decide.
My comfort zone is definitely long, thick, healthy hair whether relaxed or natural. I think it's great that we have so many styling options and that we can encourage each other in whatever choice we make.
Ok, so I'm natural and I hear what you're saying but the same thing could be said about some women who have relaxers. Sometimes, women who relax look at girls with natural hair like "what the hell are they doing?" I don't really let it bother me.

Personally, I haven't gotten any of that. I still like straight hair. Please, I used to rock my swoop to the side like Aaliyah and I still love the bob look. I just decided to do something else. I'm not a militant but I don't think that I'll be going back to perm . It just wasn't the best thing for My hair and my hair is better now without it. '

Basically, everyone is an individual. If there are women on here who are natural who are acting like that, excuse me but f -em (i meant forget them, lol). I'm pretty new to this board but I don't think that its right for anyone to act that way, natural or not.

We're all here because we are trying to obtain healthy, longer hair so that should be the focus.
I was so glad to see this thread.

There is not just one way to have healthy, beautiful hair. Find what works for you and do it.
ubavka123 said:
cherish said:
CocoaCure said:
Also, I shudder at the number of fellow Naturals I see that say "Oh I love being natural - I don't do anything to my hair" and they look like it!

[/ QUOTE ]

I saw where you were going with this thread, but you lost me here. Not only is that comment mean, sentiments like it are probably at the root of the back and forthing, relaxed vs natural you say you're trying to see end.

Anyway, all the premature rejoicing over the coming deadline for paying $5 will likely end in disappointment. I think it would take more than that to keep the "naughty naturals" out.

And by the way, I've seen plenty of albums of those who do nothing but wash and go, and they have some of the most beautiful hair I've ever seen

[/ QUOTE ]

Not to mediate, but I think you took the quote out of context. She said:

"Also, I shudder at the number of fellow Naturals I see that say "Oh I love being natural - I don't do anything to my hair" and they look like it! That's not something to be proud say that you do nothing to your hair! Geesh! If someone does nothing to their hair it will start looking like it and it won't be pretty!"

A wash and go isn't really doing nothing. You are washing, conditioning, applying leave-ins and oils or whatever products that promote your style. A wash and go is doing something. It is taking care of the hair. I could be wrong, but I think that she meant this literally. And if you are looking at albums of people proudly displaying their hair progress, then they are definitely doing some work--not nothing. I just wanted to help clear this, because I don't think that the comment was meant in a mean-spirited way. If I am not mistaken, the author is a natural also.

[/ QUOTE ]

No sense in clarifying - it wasn't taken out of context. It's ssimply a matter of perspective. Some people can NEVER see when naturals are out of line, mean, or "adding to the sentiment". Relaxed heads and relaxed heads alone carry this characteristic. Must be something in the relaxer...

As for the commentary about premature rejoicing -- at the very least, when people are obviously being deliberately devisive, after August 1 there is at least the possibility that people will be inclined to be a little more congenial about their "beliefs" or risk paying several times over for the privilege of being rude and obnoxious about something as trivial as a choice whether to relax or not.
Works for me!

I'm pretty tired of all of the BS already frankly. There's nothing community oriented about the "histrionics" as Cocoacure so aptly described them. There are RACKS of naturals here who are natural, BUT are happy and fulfilled in the choice they have made such that they find NO NEED WHATSOEVER to badger and insult other people's choices in order to validate their own.

And we love them, and they are as much a part of tis community as anyone else. A few of them posted right here in this thread. It's pretty pathetic that people feel they even NEED to do this - but to each his sorry own.

The drano dream weavers may GO.
And if they don't, board wide, August 1 will mean persons who can't co-exist with other people like a human beings - popping up to cause trouble, respond to a thread like this one (though they rarely have anything to say about actual hair related topics. They only ever show up for the drama . A member for 2 years and only ever shows up on R v. N threads?
), posting transparent relaxed v. natural polls, or just generally
ing with a few permies whenever they get bored -
will have a harder time sticking around here.

I said before and I'll say it again: I CAN NOT WAIT .
babyblue said:
cherish said:
CocoaCure said:
Also, I shudder at the number of fellow Naturals I see that say "Oh I love being natural - I don't do anything to my hair" and they look like it!

[/ QUOTE ]

I saw where you were going with this thread, but you lost me here. Not only is that comment mean, sentiments like it are probably at the root of the back and forthing, relaxed vs natural you say you're trying to see end.

Anyway, all the premature rejoicing over the coming deadline for paying $5 will likely end in disappointment. I think it would take more than that to keep the "naughty naturals" out.

And by the way, I've seen plenty of albums of those who do nothing but wash and go, and they have some of the most beautiful hair I've ever seen

[/ QUOTE ]


Anyway some have had negative experiences with chemicals and i dont see how sharing those experiences with others equates with bashing. If someone is really comfortable with the state of their relaxed hair why get offended when threads like that come up? Most that are anti perm have a problem with the relaxing process itself. NOT the individual wearing it.

[/ QUOTE ]\\

I think we would all agree that honestly and openly sharing negative experiences in the context of day to day contributions on the board isn't the problem.

But believing that it is iMPOSSIBLE to have a POSITIVE experience and then, worse, SHOVING that OPINION down people's throats -- posting polls asking about frequency of negative experiences and then chalking the results up to a "lack of objectivity", flatly refusing to accept the results you recieved from real live people, and persistently "pointing out" the hideous, brain altering, carcinogenic, narcoticesque "addiction" the rest of us unobjective liars foolishly indulge in -- is a little pointless, no?

Never mind. The answer is pretty obvious.
CocoaCure said:
Thanks Adrienne!! I've been feeling this vibe too! But it's done so "sweetly" oh, I'm just trying to see........but come on! Once you start in with the peptide bonds and all the dramatic stories of scalp burnings and picking scabs and all those histrionics, it just gets rather plain. It's like a nice way to degrade someone's choices...........but it's still the same old thing.

I'm natural and I enjoy.........why can't more naturals just be natural and enjoy it without thinking they have to preach to everybody else about "the horror of relaxers" and the like. I had gorgeous long relaxed hair, no excessive breaking, shedding, scalp burning and scabbing none of that! I think some naturals are only that way as a last resort, then it's like "Oh the freedom of being natural - no more chemicals, burning, etc. Well, NEWSFLASH..........not every relaxed head has all these problems!!! Perhaps your problems are unique to you and maybe the people you know who also have these problems. I happen to know quite a few people who are relaxed, close friends included, who have gorgeous healthy hair and never endure all that kind of drama! Sure, I also see some awful looking relaxed heads too - I think it's one of two things, and perhaps both - 1. User error and 2. Chemical sensitivity/allergic reaction.

Anyhoo, I just had to vent on this! I can't stand when anyone pushes what their doing on anyone else (no matter how slyly it's done) as though it's the right way for everyone! There is NO RIGHT THING FOR EVERYONE - WE'RE ALL INDIVIDUALS!!!

[/ QUOTE ]

And I just felt we all needed to see this post was in the middle hiding.

lest we forget the point of the original post and slide off too far into the world of semantics and hair splitting (no pun intended...but it's a pretty funny one still. ::giggle:::)...

I particularly agree with the bolded section....
It always amazes me how infrequently people are inclined to attribute their experiences to their OWN ERROR.
just the other day someone was incredulous to the idea that so many women on here had healthy relaxed hair
. i dont see why its so hard to believe.

this a good thread coco, so thanks for posting. people just have trouble accepting others decisions when they disagree with the decision, even though the decision isnt theirs to make. if everyone could just share their experience without bashing (on both the relaxed & natural side) everything would be ok.

but there is always that one person that feels the need to shove their 2 cents down your throat....
ubavka123 said:
cherish said:
CocoaCure said:
Also, I shudder at the number of fellow Naturals I see that say "Oh I love being natural - I don't do anything to my hair" and they look like it!

[/ QUOTE ]

I saw where you were going with this thread, but you lost me here. Not only is that comment mean, sentiments like it are probably at the root of the back and forthing, relaxed vs natural you say you're trying to see end.

Anyway, all the premature rejoicing over the coming deadline for paying $5 will likely end in disappointment. I think it would take more than that to keep the "naughty naturals" out.

And by the way, I've seen plenty of albums of those who do nothing but wash and go, and they have some of the most beautiful hair I've ever seen

[/ QUOTE ]

Not to mediate, but I think you took the quote out of context. She said:

"Also, I shudder at the number of fellow Naturals I see that say "Oh I love being natural - I don't do anything to my hair" and they look like it! That's not something to be proud say that you do nothing to your hair! Geesh! If someone does nothing to their hair it will start looking like it and it won't be pretty!"

A wash and go isn't really doing nothing. You are washing, conditioning, applying leave-ins and oils or whatever products that promote your style. A wash and go is doing something. It is taking care of the hair. I could be wrong, but I think that she meant this literally. And if you are looking at albums of people proudly displaying their hair progress, then they are definitely doing some work--not nothing. I just wanted to help clear this, because I don't think that the comment was meant in a mean-spirited way. If I am not mistaken, the author is a natural also.

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't know who these people are who don't so much as wash their hair and "they look it". Now, I'm really curious. I hope CocoaCure stops by to clarify the full statement.
Tracy said:
babyblue said:
cherish said:
CocoaCure said:
Also, I shudder at the number of fellow Naturals I see that say "Oh I love being natural - I don't do anything to my hair" and they look like it!

[/ QUOTE ]

I saw where you were going with this thread, but you lost me here. Not only is that comment mean, sentiments like it are probably at the root of the back and forthing, relaxed vs natural you say you're trying to see end.

Anyway, all the premature rejoicing over the coming deadline for paying $5 will likely end in disappointment. I think it would take more than that to keep the "naughty naturals" out.

And by the way, I've seen plenty of albums of those who do nothing but wash and go, and they have some of the most beautiful hair I've ever seen

[/ QUOTE ]


Anyway some have had negative experiences with chemicals and i dont see how sharing those experiences with others equates with bashing. If someone is really comfortable with the state of their relaxed hair why get offended when threads like that come up? Most that are anti perm have a problem with the relaxing process itself. NOT the individual wearing it.

[/ QUOTE ]\\

I think we would all agree that honestly and openly sharing negative experiences in the context of day to day contributions on the board isn't the problem.

But believing that it is iMPOSSIBLE to have a POSITIVE experience and then, worse, SHOVING that OPINION down people's throats -- posting polls asking about frequency of negative experiences and then chalking the results up to a "lack of objectivity", flatly refusing to accept the results you recieved from real live people, and persistently "pointing out" the hideous, brain altering, carcinogenic, narcoticesque "addiction" the rest of us unobjective liars foolishly indulge in -- is a little pointless, no?

Never mind. The answer is pretty obvious.

[/ QUOTE ]

I for one agree that you wont find objectivity about the relaxing issue on this board because, after all the majority here are relaxed. Same theory applies to pro-natural hair boards.

In the end I really dont give a rats behind how someone wears their hair. If someone wants to put harsh chemicals on their scalps in order to wear their hair straight then hey as my brother would say "Just Do You."

But as with any inflammatory topic, whether it be democrat vs. republican, abortion, war, religion etc. theres never going to be complete objectivity. People on BOTH sides just need to learn how respectfully disagree and respect others choices without resorting to pettiness.
To Tracy:

I noticed you referred to my use of the word "objective" in the relaxer poll thread. Yes, I stand by that comment. People here are defensive, on both sides. If a person posts a poll on damages caused by relaxing, I honestly believe (and it's confirmed by this thread) it's looked upon as a veiled attack and I think the responses will reflect that. Also, as I told the OP when critiquing her poll, associations/conclusions she has made (x => y) are not in the minds of those being polled, so the results will reflect that. Those are my opinions and I stand by them.

I don't have to justify my presence on this board to you or anyone else. I post whenever and wherever I wish. It's really not that serious *shrugs*.

My advice to you and others is, if the polls and questions from naturals rattle or bother you so much, ignore them and just go about your business. Life is far too short!
People on BOTH sides just need to learn how respectfully disagree and respect others choices without resorting to pettiness.

[/ QUOTE ]


Incidentally though, I would venture to say I've never seen a post started on LHCF by a relaxed head designed in any way to denigrate naturals for choosing NOT to relax their hair. Not once. But I often see the reverse situation - a natural posting with the very specific purpose (albeit sometimes cloaked in smilies and polls) of discussing just how awful a thing it is to relax, with a bunch of people who have clearly chosen to relax . So I guess the degree to which each of the BOTH sides need take action will vary according to the situation.

But I'm with you otherwise.

I, too, could give a "rat's behind" how someone chooses to wear their hair, and again - look forward to the calmer days that more assuredly ahead.

Great thread Cocoacure.

Moving on....
babyblue said:

I for one agree that you wont find objectivity about the relaxing issue on this board because, after all the majority here are relaxed. Same theory applies to pro-natural hair boards.

In the end I really dont give a rats behind how someone wears their hair. If someone wants to put harsh chemicals on their scalps in order to wear their hair straight then hey as my brother would say "Just Do You."

But as with any inflammatory topic, whether it be democrat vs. republican, abortion, war, religion etc. theres never going to be complete objectivity. People on BOTH sides just need to learn how respectfully disagree and respect others choices without resorting to pettiness.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well said!!
I think if people calmed down for just a second, this would all be crystal clear.
cherish said:
To Tracy:

I noticed you referred to my use of the word "objective" in the relaxer poll thread. Yes, I stand by that comment. People here are defensive, on both sides. If a person posts a poll on damages caused by relaxing, I honestly believe (and it's confirmed by this thread) it's looked upon as a veiled attack and I think the responses will reflect that. Also, as I told the OP when critiquing her poll, associations/conclusions she has made (x => y) are not in the minds of those being polled, so the results will reflect that. Those are my opinions and I stand by them.

I don't have to justify my presence on this board to you or anyone else. I post whenever and wherever I wish. It's really not that serious *shrugs*.

My advice to you and others is, if the polls and questions from naturals rattle or bother you so much, ignore them and just go about your business. Life is far too short!

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't recall requesting advice - but I thank you.

I'll continue to respond to the issue however it might stirke me to as my mood dictates, and I'm sure you'll do the same.

I love the internet!
CocoaCure said:
Also, I shudder at the number of fellow Naturals I see that say "Oh I love being natural - I don't do anything to my hair" and they look like it! That's not something to be proud say that you do nothing to your hair! Geesh! If someone does nothing to their hair it will start looking like it and it won't be pretty!

[/ QUOTE ]

Im also curious about this statement and would like clarification. Could it be that those naturals that you speak of who do nothing to their hair and are proud of it have reached that "Hair Comfort Zone" you speak in the title of your initial post?

Not every natural wants to spend hours manipulating their hair and dousing it in products to achieve curls and that "just got my hair did" look.

their decision to wear their hair they way they want should be respected also. It comes of sounding like some thinly veiled good hair bad hair comment and only adds more gas to the fire
You know, I'm all for voicing opinions, however, this is the way I see it:

Some of the people with relaxers (and some without) were offended by what they perceived as 'bashing' people with relaxers.

Now, the same people who were 'offended' make their 'own' thread about their offense, which in turn, is offending the other 'party'.


Seems like all of this is just adding more gasoline to the simmering fire.

Please, lets not have any 'drama' I say this because this thread is getting a little heated and people are feeling attacked.

I would hate to have a rift between the 'relaxed' and 'naturals' (heck, we are not a friggin' street gang here!
) and that's what it's going to be if we keep having these 'relaxed', 'natural', 'I'm offended by relaxed' and 'I'm offended by natural', threads.

I think that maybe everyone should just agree to disagree and leave it alone before things get really ugly.

If my perception of what's going on is 'off point' then please accept my apologies.
I agree with you, TigerLily. To be honest with y'all, I didn't feel a bad vibe with the poll. Maybe there was, maybe there wasn't. But I KNOW this about myself: I'm not trying to bash anyone here, and I hope that I have not. I also KNOW that if I ever decide to relax my hair again, it will be regardless of what anyone says on this board, other boards or in real life.

I'm "pro-natural" but not "anti-relaxer", if that makes sense.

P.S. If I do decide that, I will definitely stick around here. I haven't seen prettier relaxed heads anywhere, and I want to learn from the best!
You know misskenyana, I didn't feel a 'vibe' one way or the other, either. (and I'm NOT anti-relaxer, or pro-natural!) But then again, I don't notice a lot of things....

People see things differently based on their experiences. We are NOT going to agree on a LOT of things and we all need to respect one another's opinions based on that. We are not going to perceive things the same way.

I just hope that we keep that in mind and agree to disagree and leave it alone because this has gone several rounds now without a resolution. People were offended on both sides point taken. (I wish that there wasn't any 'sides' though. We are all here to grow healthy hair whether relaxed or natural so we all should be on the SAME side). I really think that it's time to move on now and agree to disagree.
Yes, Tiger Lily, agree to disagree is exactly right. I think each 'side' can benefit from the other. Who really cares? We all want healthy hair in the end so for us BLACK women to agrue over relaxing is totally and utterly absurd! People need to understand that the sign of an opressed race is having to justify everything we do. I relax my hair because I'm lazy and it's easier for me to deal w/. I LOVE my natural texture and I'm contemplating being natural but I have to think about the upkeep. Nothing more, nothing less. As most women do, my main concern is time and ease. Nothing more, nothing less. So please let's kill this madness. No side is better than the other.
Well at first I thought this thread although helpful was out of left field, but then I found another thread that I assume was the basis for making this one. It is always fine to ask whatever question you want to ask. But then to turn around and say you don't believe the posts when you don't get the answer you wanna hear is in essence to call the responders liars. Which of course is going to offend people.
I, too, could give a "rat's behind" how someone chooses to wear their hair, and again - look forward to the calmer days that more assuredly ahead .

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes! Yes! Yes! I can't wait'll be like the old days again.

P.S. - There is a board for the militants where you can discuss the "evils" of relaxers, drano, nair, chemicals, creamy crack, etc., 'till the cows come home. Why disrupt our peaceful environment?
Crysdon said:
I, too, could give a "rat's behind" how someone chooses to wear their hair, and again - look forward to the calmer days that more assuredly ahead .

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes! Yes! Yes! I can't wait'll be like the old days again.

P.S. - There is a board for the militants where you can discuss the "evils" of relaxers, drano, nair, chemicals, creamy crack, etc., 'till the cows come home. Why disrupt our peaceful environment?

[/ QUOTE ]

I love how nice and quiet things usually are around here and I hope they stay that way. But, I think some may be overestimating the effect this $5 fee is really going to have on this board.
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