Who would never go natural?

OT: J Coily, I swear I love ya! :lol: Your post sums up my thoughts!

I would never, say never because I am constantly changing and re inventing myself. But I will say not in the near future.

I have been natural and relaxed. I loved my thick natural hair (still do) but it was a heck of alot more work than my relaxed hair.
loonatick said:
Just out of interest, because everybody is always debating about if they should relax and how it can be damaging to the hair. But to all the texturized and relaxed heads, is there anyone out there who would never consider going natural? If so what are your reasons?

i won't say never because you never know what circumstances will come up BUT for the moment no i will not be considering not relaxing my hair. i have seen my natural hair texture and though it is thick, i am way to lazy to detangle it, when i have a relaxer it takes about an hour so i can't imagine spending hours on end detangling, combing, way to much work when you're ****** lazy such as myself
hopeful said:
Thank you JCoily, I agree with everything you said here except for the bolded part. Bless you.:kiss: And I agree with the whole never have to run from the rain crap, yes many naturals never run from the rain, but some of us do/did because the rain will take away a dual-textured sister's style with a quickness and she will have a lop-sided very odd looking fro in a minute. That's my truth.

To the OP, thank you for starting this thread. It helped so much. For some the issue is tired and played out, well for me it's not. I still have questions and am still trying to figure things out with regard to going natural, staying relaxed, dealing with dual textures, etc. This thread helped me settle on the best decision for me for the time-being. Bless you too.:kiss:
To the mods, if you lock it down, just want you to know this thread was helpful to some of us, it just got off track and lost it's focus.:rosebud:

hopeful you took the bolded parts straight from my mind. I hope mods don't lock it down. It has helped me so much as well.
simplycee said:
OT: J Coily, I swear I love ya! :lol: Your post sums up my thoughts!

Right back atcha! :kiss:

Since this thread is still open, I'ma add one more thing.

Natural hair doesn't just sprout out of your head into an instant style. I researched this far and wide before I decided to take the plunge and even an afro isn't effortless. Not one I would wear anyway, but then again maybe I'm self hating for not embracing smush-fro.

I'm sure even 'good haired' Tracee Ross doesn't roll out of bed with her hair looking like it does on her show. Natural hair takes a different kind of effort than relaxed hair, but it's still time spent on your hair. The same way that just because your hair is chemically straightened doesn't mean you can necessarily just wash and go - there is additional work that most women do to look 'presentable'.

I put this out there to say that I understand why folks wouldn't consider becoming natural, because there is (an accurate) perception of the effort that goes into it, but I would just point out it's not more work, just different work.

Now really, if we could talk about the non-styling/non-black people related issues of why people are hesitant to make the move to natural without a civil war breaking out on this board then progress could be made. But sadly it won't happen.
JCoily said:
Right back atcha! :kiss:

Since this thread is still open, I'ma add one more thing.

Natural hair doesn't just sprout out of your head into an instant style. I researched this far and wide before I decided to take the plunge and even an afro isn't effortless. Not one I would wear anyway, but then again maybe I'm self hating for not embracing smush-fro.

I'm sure even 'good haired' Tracee Ross doesn't roll out of bed with her hair looking like it does on her show. Natural hair takes a different kind of effort than relaxed hair, but it's still time spent on your hair. The same way that just because your hair is chemically straightened doesn't mean you can necessarily just wash and go - there is additional work that most women do to look 'presentable'.

I put this out there to say that I understand why folks wouldn't consider becoming natural, because there is (an accurate) perception of the effort that goes into it, but I would just point out it's not more work, just different work.

Now really, if we could talk about the non-styling/non-black people related issues of why people are hesitant to make the move to natural without a civil war breaking out on this board then progress could be made. But sadly it won't happen.
I AGREE!!! :up:
JCoily said:
Right back atcha! :kiss:

Since this thread is still open, I'ma add one more thing.

Natural hair doesn't just sprout out of your head into an instant style. I researched this far and wide before I decided to take the plunge and even an afro isn't effortless. Not one I would wear anyway, but then again maybe I'm self hating for not embracing smush-fro.

I'm sure even 'good haired' Tracee Ross doesn't roll out of bed with her hair looking like it does on her show. Natural hair takes a different kind of effort than relaxed hair, but it's still time spent on your hair. The same way that just because your hair is chemically straightened doesn't mean you can necessarily just wash and go - there is additional work that most women do to look 'presentable'.

I put this out there to say that I understand why folks wouldn't consider becoming natural, because there is (an accurate) perception of the effort that goes into it, but I would just point out it's not more work, just different work.

Now really, if we could talk about the non-styling/non-black people related issues of why people are hesitant to make the move to natural without a civil war breaking out on this board then progress could be made. But sadly it won't happen.

I like this.
MzTami said:
hopeful you took the bolded parts straight from my mind. I hope mods don't lock it down. It has helped me so much as well.

LOL MzTami, as usual, you and I are thinking similiar thoughts.:) I'm glad you and I got some information that we needed.
JCoily said:
Awwwwwww that's soooo sweet:cry: :cry: :cry: Ignore me, aunt flow came for a visit so I'm extra 'motional.

Just to clarify though, when I read the title of the thread, it implied to me that going natural is bad in a 2 steps past unthinkable type of way to folks. I know when you read, you don't catch the 'tone of voice' things are said in, but at first glance, it's like :bud:

Okay, I get the what you are saying, the implication was that it was a bad thing to do. Unfortunately I'm not sure how else the question could have been posed. LOL I guess it's too late for that though. Maybe I'm slow but I didn't get the bolded part. Was there a word missing there or something? Anyhoo, I do understand what you are saying though, that helps me understand some of the animosity.

And you know what? Aunt Flo get's me 'motional too, sometimes I can't stand her!:lol:
Well, i never thought that in ONE day people would have so many responses. And to clarify a few things, the title was never meant to be in a negative tone of voice, i was simply and genuinly asking a question. I just wanted to find out a few things. As some of you have done, you have answered with informative posts, and am i grateful for your take on things, but i never knew that some people felt so negatively or touchy about it. Relaxed or natural.

Me personally have been natural most of my life and had no problems. Right now i just like experimenting with my styling options and have learned not to take hair so seriously. I am lightly texturized at the moment and may fully relax or grow it out, now i know how to because of this board. As we have so many options i just wanted to know want you guys thought on the topic relating to you, and if you would go natural, not what you think about others.
Anyway i am both glad and sad i started this thread, coz i have found it very useful but please people, dont no one fall out now coz i know and you know ALL your hair is beautiful :)
