Who is your hair Goddess? NAME ONLY ONE PERSON!

One person, but she's got a long name:

MdweziIrisChicoroRabsAndTonsOfOthers. :grin:

I had to go with my sis because I have my top 4, but ennie mini-miinnie-moe-ing it wasn't go to work.:grin: So, I went neutral with a non-member. My top 4 were Bubblinbrwnsuga (she was the first person to tell me what "natural" meant), SO1913, MzWedzi (her thickness is amazing) and BlackBarbie (I'm not sure if I spelled that right).

But I can't just one name ONE person.
I have several. I need all the motivation I can get... (lol)

Bublnbrnsuga--->a lovely natural
Jenteel--->Very versatile and creative styling.
Lauren450--->relaxed or natural her hair is gorgeous
Serenity326--->this girl's twists are to die for.
Mwedzi--->a lovely natural
GoldenCurls--->I have no idea if she's a member but her hair is too cute.

I'm gonna cheat, I'm posting more than one person:grin:

Jenteel-her hair is so healthy and versatile. Last time I checked, she's natural
Mwedzi-her hair is where my hair wants to be
Dsylla-she got that Rudy Huxtable hair that I adore:grin:

:blush: Thank you. :grin:


:grin: Im sorry but chichelle and dsylla and sylver are just :nono: dont make NO SENSE Chichelle... the nappy napunzel, Dsylla... oh my dayum with all that hair!, Sylver... from halle berry to hair porn.

Okay, that was funny. :lachen:

Now I saw someone said dsylla updated and since she is my relaxed hair twin and her hair is all extra fabulous I'm off to have a peak :cowgirl:
Amerie!!!!!!!!!!! her hair (until she dyed it) is my goal length and dark... i luuuv it lol

and i like starr1... she's my hair type and the length is just mind blowing!
If I had to choose one person, Macherieamour. Because her hair was what inspired me to begin taking better care of mine. And because we have the same hair type and b/c her length is realistic to reach. Now when I get past BSL and on my way to WL, it will be Sweetcashew.
sylver2! its so long and thick!

and reppin the natchals, southerntease. yes i envy the texture!
While everyone's hair here is GORGEOUS, I would have to pick Keisha Sharp( William's girlfriend/fiancee on 'Girlfriends'. I pick her because she was really the person who really made my jaw drop. I didn't care that much about long hair until I saw her's. My hair is not as thick as her's, but I aspire to have her hair!:yep::yep::yep:
Her puff is HUMONGUS!!

Off Forum:
BTW: Does anyone know what her hair type would be? It doesn't realllllly matter but I have always wondered!! And do you think she does her OWN hair?

Sorry didnit mean to get off topic!!
Well, there are acutally 3 that I have in mind, but since I have to choose I would have to say "sweetcashew". Not only is her hair super super long (hangs past her butt when she doesn't trim) but it is also super healthy and thick. She has also created an amazing product line and website.:grin:

I just had to comment. You are soooooooooooo pretty!!

Sylver2 and Cantbecopied.
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It's this girl named Jenny on Fotki. I used to be on her fotki everyday. Don't know if she's a member here but she's got my 4a texture and her hair is thick and lovely and it's about WL now.

what's the link? what's the link!?

I couldn't choose so I have to pick 5.

Okay, I know I'm already pushing it with all 5 of them but for # 6 it would

And 7) would be Rabs77-- still waiting on that fotki!!
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jennifermd- stumbling onto her website and then seeing her fotki literally changed my life. my jaw hit the floor and my eyes bugged out of my head when i saw her hair for the first time i was totally amazed and confused but most of all totally intrigued.
I'm a newbie poster but I've been a lurker for sometime now. I know I'm supposed to pick only one, so for natural I'd say southerntease and relaxed/texlaxed dsylla all the way! :yep: I love the thickness and legnth of dsyllas texlaxed hair and southerntease, her curlies are awesome!

I don't have a favorite since there are so many I like in various lengths and textures, but I have been peeping and following Dsylla album. I LOVE LOVE LOVE her thickness!

Without a shadow of a doubt - Dsylla! :love:

Dsylla blew everybody on my list out the water with her last update.

I'm gonna cheat, I'm posting more than one person:grin:

Jenteel-her hair is so healthy and versatile. Last time I checked, she's natural
Mwedzi-her hair is where my hair wants to be
Dsylla-she got that Rudy Huxtable hair that I adore:grin:


:grin: Im sorry but chichelle and dsylla and sylver are just :nono: dont make NO SENSE Chichelle... the nappy napunzel, Dsylla... oh my dayum with all that hair!, Sylver... from halle berry to hair porn.

Now I saw someone said dsylla updated and since she is my relaxed hair twin and her hair is all extra fabulous I'm off to have a peak :cowgirl:

Thank you all!!! ((HUGS)

Without LHCF and the tips I get from here, i doubt if my hair would be like it is today :yep:

To the best hair forum in around:blowkiss:


:love: :drool::drool::drool::Copy of 2cool:

OK....but to topic: There are to many here. I can't pick one.

Ebony Majesty
I'll be back with more:curtain: