LHCF's Person of the year make your nominations

As CG and others stated, I'd like to thank ALL of the wonderful ladies here. I have gotten support and encouragement from many here...and I am always happy to see ( and virtually see)my friends!!
Ladies, ladies...no more Drama! It's all good.

I love this site--no other site has ever been home to me.

I realize that with any group, there will be popular ones and ones who are less applauded. And sometimes to an old member, it gets a wee bit old to see the same folks being called out for the same reasons. Although they all deserve their just dues--it just gets monotonous after 3 years...trust me.

That being said, I understand that it's all in "sisterfun". And if I don't want to nominate--I won't. I usually never mind giving folks credit.

I think I understand where some of the ladies are coming from. Remember high school when the popular crowd members could basically fart and everyone would be telling them it smelled like roses? Well, some folks just don't have banging fotkis and therefore they gets no love.

What we all need to understand is that most of the ladies on here are sweet as anything and have no cruel intentions. And they love to give love!!!!

When it comes down to it, we've learned so much from each other. And I hope our site stays this way---thanks BEV!:)

ETA: I love Isis, Sarcea, and all y'all.

Kiwi said:
I also want to nominate Sareca b/c of her henna FAQ and tutorial. That was such a big help to many ladies on the board, including myself, and I'm really glad she took the time to put it together:)

I also nominate Sareca. When I do decide to henna, I will be peeping her albums.:)
HI everybody, I must say there are so many ladies on LHCF with beautiful hair. I am still some what a newbie. I am going to pick Anky because she is really sweet and helpful and her pictures are very inspirational. She is the only person who sends me messages giving me advice (so far).

DontSpeakDefeat- Her progress pictures are amazing she really gives me hope :).
Whoooooaa what just happened, as you can tell I sometimes am preoccupied with my life off this board as well. I started the Person of the year nomination to coincide with the times person of the year nomination. We're all grown here, life is way toooo short to bicker at every little thing. I truly believe in giving flowers, homage where it's due, there are those who shine and those who don't, you choose who you'll be in life. We're here to support each other in growing hair, let's not be too politically correct, but there are some sisters that are fortcoming with great hair advice when you ask, they are great examples. What is wrong with saying thank you, it's the first thing we learned by our parents. let's not get hung up on frivilous things, i've never ever been shouted out, but who cares that doesn't mean i'm not going to congratulate others , lets not be catty, that's why i liked this board in the first place because it felt like we were helping each other.

Thanks for holding down the fort DYSLLA, ... sending love your way
DSylla said:
there as sooo many wonderful ladies here that i would like to nominate.

but, if i had a choice, i would choose ISIS.

  1. her hair is the bomb. she's my ultimate goal
  2. very inspirational. she ALWAYs has something positive to say. i really admire her.
  3. her health and spirit tips have helped a lot of people on this board. the carrot juice thread, her flax seed oil advice, her contributions to the LOA threads to name a few

I agree there are sooooo many beautiful & wonderful ladies here but ISIS is the total package..Beautiful , positive & always helpful..Her warm gentle spirit is what makes her stand out from the rest!!!