Who Here Has Dated A Ugly Man?

Ummm. I see beautiful men all the time with very unattractive women. The men in my family seem to only date women on the unattractive side.

There's a song that goes, "If you want to be happy for the rest of your life, never make a pretty woman your wife. So from my personal point of view, get an ugly girl to marry you." It always made me laugh. And think about my cousin's wife. :lachen:
I have (maybe he was borderline ugly & unattractive). And he was uglier on the inside (found out years later). After that, I said I would NEVER settle when it comes to standards with men & that would include looks from now on. I thought by dating him, I was proving to myself (& others) how humble & not shallow I was to be hung up on looks. Well, job well done for me. *pat on the back*

The amount of suffering I went thru in that relationship, I deserve to have handsome men for a lifetime to come! Like someone else said, if the relationship is gonna be bad, might as well do it with some eye candy. And my next SO was GORGEOUS. *bigger pat on the back for me* lol.
No comment, this is just hilarious :lachen:
Wow, it seems that you were scarred or something :lol:


More like grossed out. His lips stayed dry and chapped! I would ALWAYS ask him 2 put some chapstick on before we kissed and he would really get an attitude like, "Man, I'm good!" :rolleyes:
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Now see, I can not go down that path!!! If I ever have a child, I don't want to have to wish the child looks like me, b/c I don't want he/she to look like the father. For that reason alone, its cute ones only from now on!

I was so "in love" with that ex, at the time I wasn't thinking about what our child would look like, picked a name for the imaginary brat and ery'thang....but one day my mom and I were in the store, and she pointed to this, *ahem* "less-than-precious" child and said, if you and "ex" had a child it might look like her...and the little girl had features similar to my ex:perplexed.

I came out of my fantasy after that...and I NEVER missed a BCP dosage after that day!!

Damn!!! :lachen:
I have a rule: I have to be able to look at him while I'm eating.
I have to be able to look at him while he's eating.:eat:

If he can't pass that test, it's a no-go.:nono:
I didnt say the girls were gorgeous i said they gotta look like somethin and puttin on some make up does wonders for some borderline females

and ofcourse there's gonna be some who go against the grain but c'mon i'm talkin generally

As long as she dress nice, got her hair done, and has some eye make up and lip gloss she good to go, granted alot of em still look average or alittle below even lol but they still make a general effort and guys see that

Atleast in Southern Cali where I'm from, so i'm speakin up for us, maybe its generally different in other areas but again i'm speaking generally

A girl can make herself look pretty with help(make up, clothes etc)
A guy's face is ugly then thats just it, ugly...he cant put anything on his face to mask to monster..only thing he can do is have mad swagger and just get by on that(ie:Jay Z)
I am telling you, I felt like I deserved an award, because he was facially challenged, AND was in a wheelchair for a time (some odd accident). He periodically had health struggles. But I have NEVER been with a bigger liar, cheater and manipulator ever in life...so there ya go. It was an expensive lesson (yes this fool took money too). I should have listened to my intuition on this one...he was trying to talk to me for 2 yrs...b4 I finally acquiesced

I have (maybe he was borderline ugly & unattractive). And he was uglier on the inside (found out years later). After that, I said I would NEVER settle when it comes to standards with men & that would include looks from now on. I thought by dating him, I was proving to myself (& others) how humble & not shallow I was to be hung up on looks. Well, job well done for me. *pat on the back*

The amount of suffering I went thru in that relationship, I deserve to have handsome men for a lifetime to come! Like someone else said, if the relationship is gonna be bad, might as well do it with some eye candy. And my next SO was GORGEOUS. *bigger pat on the back for me* lol.

I am telling you, I felt like I deserved an award, because he was facially challenged, AND was in a wheelchair for a time (some odd accident). He periodically had health struggles. But I have NEVER been with a bigger liar, cheater and manipulator ever in life...so there ya go. It was an expensive lesson (yes this fool took money too). I should have listened to my intuition on this one...he was trying to talk to me for 2 yrs...b4 I finally acquiesced
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:yep: Girl, me too. I have several male friends that are FIONE, and married to Ms. Peabody :rolleyes:. I asked one of them (I'm sorry, I just HAD to know :look: ), why he chose this girl over all these women that were trying to get w/him. He said she stimulated him intellectually :brainy:.


I've asked my brother that in the past. He's beautiful and the women he's dated :nono:. But he thinks they're beautiful.:nono: Now I know he has a type: big butt, not so attractive, multi color weave and short.
I have (maybe he was borderline ugly & unattractive). And he was uglier on the inside (found out years later). After that, I said I would NEVER settle when it comes to standards with men & that would include looks from now on. I thought by dating him, I was proving to myself (& others) how humble & not shallow I was to be hung up on looks. Well, job well done for me. *pat on the back*

The amount of suffering I went thru in that relationship, I deserve to have handsome men for a lifetime to come! Like someone else said, if the relationship is gonna be bad, might as well do it with some eye candy. And my next SO was GORGEOUS. *bigger pat on the back for me* lol.

The first part is exactly what I went though! He was ugly, but still that charismatic/arrogant type that people flocked to. He treated me like crap! I'm hoping the second happens next :grin:.
I am telling you, I felt like I deserved an award, because he was facially challenged, AND was in a wheelchair for a time (some odd accident). He periodically had health struggles. But I have NEVER been with a bigger liar, cheater and manipulator ever in life...so there ya go. It was an expensive lesson (yes this fool took money too). I should have listened to my intuition on this one...he was trying to talk to me for 2 yrs...b4 I finally acquiesced
YUP! :yep: I should have bolded that whole paragraph cuz that was me too! You got me beat on the wheelchair part, but it equals out cuz my ex had his own shortcomings. LOL. I just can't ever do it again. :nono:
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eww lol I did too. We we're friends first and we would talk on the phone more then see each other, but whenever I would see him I would be a little tipsy or twisted so he didn't look that bad..so that plus a nice personality was cool. Then I started seeing him in the day time :ohwell: and then I noticed he was kinda a push over...I think he (not trying to sound vain) thought he was so lucky to be with an attractive girl so hes like "do whatever she wants..dont mess this up". He had a really big joint too but I think from lack of practice he didn't know how to use it well, it made me cry...oh boy AND he had a retainer and didnt clean it too well so kissing from the jump was not even an option :nono:....sigh.....the things we do when we're young...I kept him around because he would buy me stuff and was a ear to listen when I had my issues...then I met DH so I had to let that fish go.

I was becoming a budding alcoholic with my ex :alcoholic I got tow up every time we went out. He was in his early 40's, white, and English. He reminded me of a troll, short, with a hairy back. He was a real gentleman though. The one thing I did get out of the relationship was how good it felt to be treated like a queen. Too bad about his clingyness and ugliness. I had to cut him loose in after a couple of months. The longest 4 months of my life.

I remember the one time we went to a reggae concert at the Hard Rock Cafe. He was wearing a blk see-thru shirt, dirty wrinkled jeans and ***** *** birkenstock sandals. After the concert I pratically ran outside not making eye contact with anyone. I was so embarrassed. That was my first and last interracial attempt.

I am telling you, I felt like I deserved an award, because he was facially challenged, AND was in a wheelchair for a time (some odd accident). He periodically had health struggles. But I have NEVER been with a bigger liar, cheater and manipulator ever in life...so there ya go. It was an expensive lesson (yes this fool took money too). I should have listened to my intuition on this one...he was trying to talk to me for 2 yrs...b4 I finally acquiesced

WOW! :shocked:
I was becoming a budding alcoholic with my ex :alcoholic I got tow up every time we went out. He was in his early 40's, white, and English. He reminded me of a troll, short, with a hairy back. He was a real gentleman though. The one thing I did get out of the relationship was how good it felt to be treated like a queen. Too bad about his clingyness and ugliness. I had to cut him loose in after a couple of months. The longest 4 months of my life.

I remember the one time we went to a reggae concert at the Hard Rock Cafe. He was wearing a blk see-thru shirt, dirty wrinkled jeans and ***** *** birkenstock sandals. After the concert I pratically ran outside not making eye contact with anyone. I was so embarrassed. That was my first and last interracial attempt.


This is toooo funny :lachen:

Girl, if i dated out of my race the guy would have to look like Brad Pitt not Danny Davito :lachen:
The most unattractive guy I ever dated happened to be the most sweetest beautiful person I had ever met with a body like a greek god:spinning:. We dated over 10 years ago and I was a fool and dumped him. We are still cool now and speak often, but I'd do anything to have that man back in my life.
My girlfriends said he was ugly, but I was sooo drawn to him it didn't matter. He did everything for me and he had some really nice "features", so I stuck with it. But you knw after awhile that MF acted up. I tell you...and everyone says its the pretty ones....
This is toooo funny :lachen:

Girl, if i dated out of my race the guy would have to look like Brad Pitt not Danny Davito :lachen:[/quote

I was bored, lonely, horny and :brainfog: I'm in the same situation now but I will perservere. I'm working out my frustrations at the gym :strong:
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That's funny cuz everyone always says my SO looks exactly like 50 Cent. People have tried to get his autograph. :ohwell:

In high school, everyone called him ugly and a "gorilla" cuz he has very sterotypical West African features (the wide nose, big lips, small eyes, that facial stucture, brow ridge...you all know what 50 Cent looks like :lachen:) that most society thinks is unattractive.

Sometimes I think he's ugly & sometimes I think he's a handsome devil. Idk idk. He's never had a problem getting a girlfriend though, so....*shrugs*

He's pretty confident. I'd call him narcissistic in fact. He has a complex about his dark skin though. Got really mad at me for purposely getting a tan over the summer and is glad that I'm lighter again now that it's Fall.:rolleyes: I have to reassure him that no matter how much time I spend in the sun I'll never be dark. It's rather ridiculous actually. I told him he needs to get some therapy.

Wow, that sounds like my DH. I wouldn't say ugly, I would say sometimes I think he is unattractive. It might just be the faces he is making or something like that. He doesn't look like 50 cent.

He has all these skin issues and stuff, I think it's because his brothers are yellow. His oldest brother is super yellow with green eyes, you know how that can go it a black family........ anyway, I know part of the reason he likes me is because I lean toward light/yellow skin color and he hates when I get tanned.

As far as dating ugly/unattractive men. I dated a guy who I thought was unattractive because he was super tall, 6'5. I've never gone out with a man that tall before. It was nice. Anyway he was super possessive. We went out on one date and this fool was telling folks I was his gf. I tried to tell him to stop but he wouldn't so I dumped him. Of course if he was hot then maybe I might have given him more chances.

I also went out with an ok looking man. He was a little overweight too but very fun and funny :rolleyes:, stupid f*ckin loser. He was my first.
Wow, that sounds like my DH. I wouldn't say ugly, I would say sometimes I think he is unattractive. It might just be the faces he is making or something like that. He doesn't look like 50 cent.

He has all these skin issues and stuff, I think it's because his brothers are yellow. His oldest brother is super yellow with green eyes, you know how that can go it a black family........ anyway, I know part of the reason he likes me is because I lean toward light/yellow skin color and he hates when I get tanned.
Wow, how do you feel comfortable dating a man who you know has color issues and chose you for your skin color? That is too strange to me.
LOL!!! I dated a guy that was fuugly while I was in undergrad, butguess what he put it DOWN in the bedroom, car, or where ever we were. I mean he did things to me that I did not even know where possible. He had me looking for in the daylight with a flashlight. Not to mention he was straight hung!!! At first I could not even handle all of the attention "my girly" was getting. But all things must come to end, after I graduated he went his way I went mine. Funny we are both married now to other people. I think sometimes about him and how UGLY he was, but then I also think like wow his wife is getting all that on the regular!!!! But also he was FINE as hell..
Yep... us Aries girls were on the same page:look::lol:

But mine lasted for like 2 years..and I fell out of love once he started getting on my nerves with his country ways..plus, we wanted different things out of life

I'm Aries to the core, & I agree..I had one he looked I SWEAR like something that broke loose out of the gorilla cage, NO LIE! He was very nice, and he could lay it down, LOL, people always teased me saying how in the world did I, but I looked past that and thought about the tiem we spent, the money HE spent, the Cadillac he gave me, and well his sex was you know...I was drunk too..that helped alot....I'm still cool with him, but that ugly menance had the nerve to be married and kept it a secret, and what's even funnier about the story is his wife looked like a monkey too!
I'm Aries to the core, & I agree..I had one he looked I SWEAR like something that broke loose out of the gorilla cage, NO LIE! He was very nice, and he could lay it down, LOL, people always teased me saying how in the world did I, but I looked past that and thought about the tiem we spent, the money HE spent, the Cadillac he gave me, and well his sex was you know...I was drunk too..that helped alot....I'm still cool with him, but that ugly menance had the nerve to be married and kept it a secret, and what's even funnier about the story is his wife looked like a monkey too!

Wow, how do you feel comfortable dating a man who you know has color issues and chose you for your skin color? That is too strange to me.

same. i could never be with someone with what i perceive to be self-hate issues and that is colour-struck :nono:. i would hope he would be willing to work out his issues, but i couldn't say even then that i'd be around while he attempted to do that. that issue is just too deep for me to handle. :ohwell:
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I dated and married one.:look: He's sexy though.

I really don't think he's as ugly as I think he is. Women are hitting on him all the time. The other day we were out and a clear woman tried to step to him while I was in the restroom and he was waiting in the hall for me. When I walking out, he was looking all dumb and I told her "This is MY husband, isn't he sexy" and then I told him "Come along honey".

:grin::grin::lachen::lachen:@the bolded!
I dated an ugly guy and his personality was just as ugly.

Me too. I'm not really that picky when it comes to looks. I'm often told that "I could do better" in comparison to some of the guys I've dated. If a guy is good, makes me laugh, and has the qualities I want in a man, than his looks won't be as important to me.

However, the guy that treated me the absolute worst (I've talked about him before) was one of the ugliest guys I've ever seen. He was ugly on the inside and on the outside. And that's truly unfortunate:yep:
That's funny cuz everyone always says my SO looks exactly like 50 Cent. People have tried to get his autograph. :ohwell:

In high school, everyone called him ugly and a "gorilla" cuz he has very sterotypical West African features (the wide nose, big lips, small eyes, that facial stucture, brow ridge...you all know what 50 Cent looks like :lachen:) that most society thinks is unattractive.

You can find me in the club....:lachen::grin: