Who Here Has Dated A Ugly Man?

I dated a guy who my family thought was ugly...and they didn't really try to hide it either:blush:. I wasn't attracted to him at first but he kinda grew on me. Didnt hurt that he had a big umm...package. I used to be ashamed to hold hands with him in public and all the PDA. He was also very jealous and possessive cuz he said he'd never had such an attractive girl so he was scared I would leave him for someone else. Definite insecurity issues. Not anymore though, now he thinks he's hot stufff.

Once, he texted my brother and asked him why my family didn't like him...my brother actually told him they don't dislike u, they just dont think you're attractive:blush:.....:nono:i was mortified when he told me that. It lasted 2 years though...he was like a hit or miss. Some thought he was sexy and others didn't. He grew to be sexy after I fixed him up a bit. Started dressing him better and encouraging haircuts every 2 weeks....my family still thought he was ugly and told me whenever they got the chance that i could do better. I posted a pic of him n the Pics of the Exes thread...
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YES, my very first boyfriend back in high school was, let's say, "not what one would call attractive"... lol. But he was the sweetest guy and the best "first" anyone could hope for :yep:, so... no regrets!! It lasted all through high school, then when he went into the military, I moved on... and since then I've leaned toward the more attractive men :look:... but I've learned that it's really not the looks that count... YES, you need to be attracted to the one you're with, but he only needs to be attractive in MY eyes, not the entire female population's as well!! :look: (It's better that way... you don't want to be worrying about him every time he walks out the door in the morning!! :nono:)
I have. But its all about their swagger. I like my men to look like a man. Not all light and curly. Anyone lighter than me is a no-no. I know I am very attractive and something about an attractive girl with an ugly dude intrigues people. They just stare, turn up their nose but then get curious, and as soon as you go to the bathroom they are all over him. I make my dude attractive. I'm suppose to be pretty not him.

No Genuwine, Chris Brown, Usher looking, The Rock or any one with "indian in their family" for me. Flavor Flav is a no-no, Jay Z is a yes.

It has always been my nature, my bestfriend always say I saw this ugly boy you would have loved!

So for women who actively seek out ugly or less than universally attractive men, do you worry about what your kids will look like? I mean, I'm sure Nicole Murphy thought she might have some input in the gene pool, but Eddie took right on over. Got 5 kids leanin left :look:. No concerns?
I did and it wasn't bad. He knew that he was not attractive but he had a magnetic personality, woman swarmed to him after they met him and got to know him. Plus he was an excellent "Plumber".

If that means what i think it means that was the case with this guy i was talking to he looked like a troll. And i hate calling people ugly i really do. But it is what it is. But i ask my self what the hell was i thinking especially after all the s**t he put me through i was like did i need to get glasses I think i needed to see an optometrist because I must have been blind. But he was a good "plumber" so i was hooked.
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Maybe these ugly men know exactly how they look and think they have a chance with you because you ugly too :look:

...................looks are all in the eye of the beholder.

Its funny how some women can say they'd never go out with an 'ugly' guy but fail to see what everyone else sees when they look in the mirror.

Maybe you're going out with him to make yourself look prettier.

I personally have gone out with both so-called ugly and good looking guys. IMO their personalities and how they treated me had nothing to do with looks. An Ar*ehole is an ar*ehole whatever they look like.

All i would like is guy to treat me like a Queen and for there to be a mutual attraction.
So for women who actively seek out ugly or less than universally attractive men, do you worry about what your kids will look like? I mean, I'm sure Nicole Murphy thought she might have some input in the gene pool, but Eddie took right on over. Got 5 kids leanin left :look:. No concerns?

I never though about that. My daughter's father is not ugly, but he has strong features camel-like, my daughter came out beautifully. I have seem very nice looking parents and kids leanin to the left.

Maybe these ugly men know exactly how they look and think they have a chance with you because you ugly too :look:

...................looks are all in the eye of the beholder.

Its funny how some women can say they'd never go out with an 'ugly' guy but fail to see what everyone else sees when they look in the mirror.

Maybe you're going out with him to make yourself look prettier.

I personally have gone out with both so-called ugly and good looking guys. IMO their personalities and how they treated me had nothing to do with looks. An Ar*ehole is an ar*ehole whatever they look like.

All i would like is guy to treat me like a Queen and for there to be a mutual attraction.

just gonna walk up in here stepping on & crunching up toes hunh Bublin?

*sounds the hurt alert for those about to get their panties in a bunch*


anyway, my take is...if i thought a guy was ugly or he just didn't appeal to me physically why would i waste my time? or his? :ohwell:

Maybe these ugly men know exactly how they look and think they have a chance with you because you ugly too :look:

...................looks are all in the eye of the beholder.

Its funny how some women can say they'd never go out with an 'ugly' guy but fail to see what everyone else sees when they look in the mirror.

Maybe you're going out with him to make yourself look prettier.

I personally have gone out with both so-called ugly and good looking guys. IMO their personalities and how they treated me had nothing to do with looks. An Ar*ehole is an ar*ehole whatever they look like.

All i would like is guy to treat me like a Queen and for there to be a mutual attraction.

I've been attracted to the ugly since I was young. I was into the K-Ci of Jodeci (but not anymore, too short and skinny). When my friends say a girl is ugly, I dont see it, sometimes I do but most times I dont. Hell when my eyebrows grow in and my skin look patchy and pale from the winter, I look a hot mess.
Tenjoy - in my opinion you are pretty - so don't sweat my post.

I wasn't even directing it at anyone in particular :look: but if anyone wants to get defensive - oh well.
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just gonna walk up in here stepping on & crunching up toes hunh Bublin?

*sounds the hurt alert for those about to get their panties in a bunch*


Yep - i have mashed up some toes. But those who's toes are mashed won't even know it cus they think they pretty. :look: :grin:
According to my friends and family, i have a penchant for pretty boys. So , being the "natural humanitarian" that I am...periodically I have been led to "give the average guy a chance". The times I have done this, Mr. Average/less than average was just as cruddy and evil and lecherous (sometimes moreso) as the others could be. So I figured, I might as well get everything I want out of the deal, since lowering the attractiveness bar seems to do no one any good but him....lol
Tenjoy - in my opinion you are pretty - so don't sweat my post.

I wasn't even directing it at anyone in particular :look: but if anyone wants to get defensive - oh well.

Oh no girl, I wasnt taking it personally......that would make me uh self centered lol. No but I completley understand what your saying.
According to my friends and family, i have a penchant for pretty boys. So , being the "natural humanitarian" that I am...periodically I have been led to "give the average guy a chance". The times I have done this, Mr. Average/less than average was just as cruddy and evil and lecherous (sometimes moreso) as the others could be. So I figured, I might as well get everything I want out of the deal, since lowering the attractiveness bar seems to do no one any good but him....lol

THANKYOU!!! Ain't doing nothin but givin the other ugmos hope! :rolleyes:
I have a final in 3 hrs and instead of studying I'm in here laughing my ass off at you fools. :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:

Awww man my stomach hurts.
So for women who actively seek out ugly or less than universally attractive men, do you worry about what your kids will look like? I mean, I'm sure Nicole Murphy thought she might have some input in the gene pool, but Eddie took right on over. Got 5 kids leanin left :look:. No concerns?

Ahh man, i never heard that phrase! :lachen:
Well. When I was in college I briefly dated this guy who I didn't find really attractive. Other women found him attractive but to me he was just avg (he was 5'9" and since I'm 5'7" and a half, that was too close w/heels :look:; his face was just OK... I'm not the pretty boy type but to me he was avg.; he was bald on purpose... I like hair :rolleyes:)

So anyway in my eyes he wasn't attractive but sexy as heck. Know what I mean?? :spinning:

I consider my bf now to be attractive/handsome. He is NOT a pretty boy. But he's more than attractive :rolleyes:
Girl, I know the feeling. I pray throughout my whole pregnancy with my daughter that she would look like me.:perplexed

Now see, I can not go down that path!!! If I ever have a child, I don't want to have to wish the child looks like me, b/c I don't want he/she to look like the father. For that reason alone, its cute ones only from now on!

I was so "in love" with that ex, at the time I wasn't thinking about what our child would look like, picked a name for the imaginary brat and ery'thang....but one day my mom and I were in the store, and she pointed to this, *ahem* "less-than-precious" child and said, if you and "ex" had a child it might look like her...and the little girl had features similar to my ex:perplexed.

I came out of my fantasy after that...and I NEVER missed a BCP dosage after that day!!
Now see, I can not go down that path!!! If I ever have a child, I don't want to have to wish the child looks like me, b/c I don't want he/she to look like the father. For that reason alone, its cute ones only from now on!

I was so "in love" with that ex, at the time I wasn't thinking about what our child would look like, picked a name for the imaginary brat and ery'thang....but one day my mom and I were in the store, and she pointed to this, *ahem* "less-than-precious" child and said, if you and "ex" had a child it might look like her...and the little girl had features similar to my ex:perplexed.

I came out of my fantasy after that...and I NEVER missed a BCP dosage after that day!!

On the other hand I know plenty of pretty couple with funny looking kids. So you can never really tell.
I dated and married one.:look: He's sexy though.

I really don't think he's as ugly as I think he is. Women are hitting on him all the time. The other day we were out and a clear woman tried to step to him while I was in the restroom and he was waiting in the hall for me. When I walking out, he was looking all dumb and I told her "This is MY husband, isn't he sexy" and then I told him "Come along honey".

YOU are crazy!!! :lachen::lachen:
this whole post made me lmao....omg....uber lachen

Oh Goodness! I was thinking to myself today how effin ugly my ex SO was. I literally did not want to go out on dates with him in my neighborhood or surrounding areas because I did not want anyone to catch me with him. :ohwell: He was a great person, but..... damn! that MF was not pretty. He always wanted to kiss and get all affectionate in public and I always made the excuse "I don't really like kissing" or holding hands. Knowing that when I was with someone else I was ON them! :yep: I feel so bad to say this, but sometime no matter how good of a person may be, I can't get over the "unattractiveness" no matter how hard I try. I'm not sayin I'm the best looking person, but.........

I have come to the conclusion that a man would never be caught with someone who was not seen as somewhat attractive...so why should i have to settle

For example, i dont believe a guy is going to be with an ugly girl and wake up next to her in the bed talkin about, "well her personality is awesome and u know i mean thats what matters most"


She may not be a "dime" in any sense but, he gonna make sure she look like somethin!

So, ofcourse women are different and we just find other traits about him to rationalize our decision to be with him

May go off topic, but we except guys that have small packages, if we really love them, we accept them when they get a beer gut and get fat after a few yrs, when they go bald,we accept their decision to grow nasty beards when it dont look remotely good on them..we accept their uglyness and substitute it with personality

I'm wondering do guys do the same with us?

Now, i'm not sayin i'm lookin for FIERCE SEXUAL CHOCOLATE..i have all types i'm interested in...but he HAS to be clean, tall, and he doesnt have to be GORGEOUS but attractive is a must...i dont think i'm a dime but i dont think i'm ugly and i know that when i have a guy he believes he has a pretty girl and has no problem showing me around town, and I want to feel the SAME way about him

I'm just not going to settle anymore, why should I? It may be hard to believe that there are really handsome,cute guys out there who are actually really cool and have great personalities, but I know they are out there, u just have to associate yourself with where they are at eg:work, school,church,park,concert..lol pretty much everywhere, but if u complain that there arent any out there then u should start looking at yourself and try and figure out what ur putting out there to attract unacceptable dudes.

lol yea alittle off topic but whatever lol:grin::lachen:
I have come to the conclusion that a man would never be caught with someone who was not seen as somewhat attractive...so why should i have to settle

For example, i dont believe a guy is going to be with an ugly girl and wake up next to her in the bed talkin about, "well her personality is awesome and u know i mean thats what matters most"


She may not be a "dime" in any sense but, he gonna make sure she look like somethin!

So, ofcourse women are different and we just find other traits about him to rationalize our decision to be with him

May go off topic, but we except guys that have small packages, if we really love them, we accept them when they get a beer gut and get fat after a few yrs, when they go bald,we accept their decision to grow nasty beards when it dont look remotely good on them..we accept their uglyness and substitute it with personality

I'm wondering do guys do the same with us?

Now, i'm not sayin i'm lookin for FIERCE SEXUAL CHOCOLATE..i have all types i'm interested in...but he HAS to be clean, tall, and he doesnt have to be GORGEOUS but attractive is a must...i dont think i'm a dime but i dont think i'm ugly and i know that when i have a guy he believes he has a pretty girl and has no problem showing me around town, and I want to feel the SAME way about him

I'm just not going to settle anymore, why should I? It may be hard to believe that there are really handsome,cute guys out there who are actually really cool and have great personalities, but I know they are out there, u just have to associate yourself with where they are at eg:work, school,church,park,concert..lol pretty much everywhere, but if u complain that there arent any out there then u should start looking at yourself and try and figure out what ur putting out there to attract unacceptable dudes.

lol yea alittle off topic but whatever lol:grin::lachen:

Ummm. I see beautiful men all the time with very unattractive women. The men in my family seem to only date women on the unattractive side.
I would rather not date a guy that looks like Jay-Z or Flav, but I don't have a problem with dating an unattractive man. Looks are currently low on my priority list when looking for a mate.

I like to be the pretty one in the relationship anyway :drunk:
Ummm. I see beautiful men all the time with very unattractive women. The men in my family seem to only date women on the unattractive side.

:yep: Girl, me too. I have several male friends that are FIONE, and married to Ms. Peabody :rolleyes:. I asked one of them (I'm sorry, I just HAD to know :look: ), why he chose this girl over all these women that were trying to get w/him. He said she stimulated him intellectually :brainy:.

Ummm. I see beautiful men all the time with very unattractive women. The men in my family seem to only date women on the unattractive side.

This happens verrrry often, and IMO, it's *usually* because the men want to have the upper hand in the relationship. They know that the woman will feel blessed to have snagged him and will treat him accordingly, and put up with his carp!! :look: Pretty girls do NOT have to put up with crap, because they know that the next man is right there waiting in the wings!! "I could have another you in a minute, matter of fact, he'll be here in a minute!!" :laugh:

Sad, but true!! :yep:
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I'm very happy (and blessed to say), nope, never have.:yep:

*but lawd knows, the tide could change... :lol: *

and....Bubblin....you made my night after a hard day at work...


Oh Goodness! I was thinking to myself today how effin ugly my ex SO was. I literally did not want to go out on dates with him in my neighborhood or surrounding areas because I did not want anyone to catch me with him. :ohwell: He was a great person, but..... damn! that MF was not pretty. He always wanted to kiss and get all affectionate in public and I always made the excuse "I don't really like kissing" or holding hands. Knowing that when I was with someone else I was ON them! :yep: I feel so bad to say this, but sometime no matter how good of a person may be, I can't get over the "unattractiveness" no matter how hard I try. I'm not sayin I'm the best looking person, but.........


No comment, this is just hilarious :lachen:
Wow, it seems that you were scarred or something :lol: