Who Here Has Dated A Ugly Man?


Well-Known Member
Oh Goodness! I was thinking to myself today how effin ugly my ex SO was. I literally did not want to go out on dates with him in my neighborhood or surrounding areas because I did not want anyone to catch me with him. :ohwell: He was a great person, but..... damn! that MF was not pretty. He always wanted to kiss and get all affectionate in public and I always made the excuse "I don't really like kissing" or holding hands. Knowing that when I was with someone else I was ON them! :yep: I feel so bad to say this, but sometime no matter how good of a person may be, I can't get over the "unattractiveness" no matter how hard I try. I'm not sayin I'm the best looking person, but.........

uh..... yep I have :look: It did not turn out well :nono: He had self esteem issues and I just was not really into him.
Never have, never will.

Though "ugly" and unattractive are all relative, I have never dated a man that would be universally considered ugly or by majority rule - unattractive.
:curtain:..I guess I can come out of hiding on this one too...

In my defense I was young and dumb..freshman with no car in a new area, so I was glad to have him around. He was and still is a nice guy, great personality, took very good care of me and all...but I just never was attracted to him. I mean at the right angles, in the right lighting he looked a little better, but for the most part...:nono::down:

I should have known something was wrong the first time I kissed him and there was no spark..and then the next few times, I always wanted to:barf:...There are a host of things I could name that would cause some one to want to :hammer:me...but I'll be nice today and not list them.

Besides, I broke up with him for some one more attractive physically, but who had a really ugly character...If given the chance, I still wouldn't date guy number one, but there is some truth to that whole beauty is only skin deep thing
I did and it wasn't bad. He knew that he was not attractive but he had a magnetic personality, woman swarmed to him after they met him and got to know him. Plus he was an excellent "Plumber".
An ugly guy can blocks my feelings that I may have for him. If he was good-looking.......it's another story :ohwell:

I was in love with my ex when we never saw each other (internet thing, turned into a long-distance relationship *very young when this happened*), but once we started seeing each other every 2 weeks to a month, i fell out of love. :ohwell: Gosh! That's so terrible to say.
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I did and it wasn't bad. He knew that he was not attractive but he had a magnetic personality, woman swarmed to him after they met him and got to know him. Plus he was an excellent "Plumber".

See, my ex swore up & down that girls was on him, and I'd think, "Yea, right!" or "I really wanna see what they see" :look:
I did when I was much younger and shallow and I hurt his feelings. He was really less-blessed in the facial feature department. But he was a really nice guy who tried extra hard (he knew how he looked :ohwell:). I hope he was able to medically address certain issues because hindsite tells me I probably tossed away a good thing.
A guy that's ugly blocks my feelings that I may have for him if he was good-looking :ohwell:

I was in love with my ex when we never saw each other (internet thing, turned into a long-distance relationship *very young when this happened*), but once we started seeing each other every 2 weeks to a month, i fell out of love. :ohwell: Gosh! That's so terrible to say.

Yep... us Aries girls were on the same page:look::lol:

But mine lasted for like 2 years..and I fell out of love once he started getting on my nerves with his country ways..plus, we wanted different things out of life
I dated and married one.:look: He's sexy though.

I really don't think he's as ugly as I think he is. Women are hitting on him all the time. The other day we were out and a clear woman tried to step to him while I was in the restroom and he was waiting in the hall for me. When I walking out, he was looking all dumb and I told her "This is MY husband, isn't he sexy" and then I told him "Come along honey".
I dated and married one.:look: He's sexy though.

I really don't think he's as ugly as I think he is. Women are hitting on him all the time. The other day we were out and a clear woman tried to step to him while I was in the restroom and he was waiting in the hall for me. When I walking out, he was looking all dumb and I told her "This is MY husband, isn't he sexy" and then I told him "Come along honey".

I was waiting for someone to say they've married one. See it's one thing to be ugly and still sexy [i.e. 50 cent]. then u can cope. but bein plain ugly *sighs* no hope!
I dated and married one.:look: He's sexy though.

I really don't think he's as ugly as I think he is. Women are hitting on him all the time. The other day we were out and a clear woman tried to step to him while I was in the restroom and he was waiting in the hall for me. When I walking out, he was looking all dumb and I told her "This is MY husband, isn't he sexy" and then I told him "Come along honey".

OT: D you really need stop with this. Your man aint ugly.

I don't think I could date a flavor flav. moderately unattractive maybe. Like Summer, universally ugly um no.
OT: D you really need stop with this. Your man aint ugly.

I don't think I could date a flavor flav. moderately unattractive maybe. Like Summer, universally ugly um no.

Ummmm, wasn't we talking about this in chat last night, Hil? :lachen:
I dated an ugly guy and his personality was just as ugly.

I KNOW men like that exist. My girlfriend had a baby by one ugly man (thank GOD that child looks like her side of the family), and she married another ugly man. Neither of these men have horrible personalities, but they both have extreme @$$hole tendencies :look:.

I dated a fat man once. He was completely insecure, loved to start arguments, and was possessive as he!!. The only way I'd do ugly is if he was "Make ya panties melt" sexy. Otherwise, ugly is a definite deal breaker.
OT: D you really need stop with this. Your man aint ugly.

I don't think I could date a flavor flav. moderately unattractive maybe. Like Summer, universally ugly um no.

You beat me to it, Hil!!! I was about to give D a serious tongue lashing, like I thought we cleared this up already!!!!

But I don't think any of my exes were ugly, I think my type and what I'm attracted to has changed alot over the years though. Like the guy I lost my virginity to probably wouldn't get the time of day now, LOL.
You beat me to it, Hil!!! I was about to give D a serious tongue lashing, like I thought we cleared this up already!!!!

But I don't think any of my exes were ugly, I think my type and what I'm attracted to has changed alot over the years though. Like the guy I lost my virginity to probably wouldn't get the time of day now, LOL.

I am with you....My ex-husband would have never seen the light of day :nono: He was not what I consider ugly but I am absolutely not attracted to his type now.
Back when I was being a "hot ass" I used to keep this ugly guy on my team because he was not so ugly in other places. :lick: But, he was not cute and was not exciting otherwise so I never would go out with him. That was mean.
I dated and married one.:look: He's sexy though.

I really don't think he's as ugly as I think he is. Women are hitting on him all the time. The other day we were out and a clear woman tried to step to him while I was in the restroom and he was waiting in the hall for me. When I walking out, he was looking all dumb and I told her "This is MY husband, isn't he sexy" and then I told him "Come along honey".

Dlewis, I done told you your husband is not ugly!!!
I dated a man I thought was unattractive - I don't know what others thought but I suspect they agreed :lachen:. He had very bad skin, and a big crazy nose. But he was tall and had a great smile. I was attracted to him because he was a nice guy, a good companion, and funny. He turned out to be sort of a nut case - not because of his looks though :rolleyes:.
I was waiting for someone to say they've married one. See it's one thing to be ugly and still sexy [i.e. 50 cent]. then u can cope. but bein plain ugly *sighs* no hope!

That's funny cuz everyone always says my SO looks exactly like 50 Cent. People have tried to get his autograph. :ohwell:

In high school, everyone called him ugly and a "gorilla" cuz he has very sterotypical West African features (the wide nose, big lips, small eyes, that facial stucture, brow ridge...you all know what 50 Cent looks like :lachen:) that most society thinks is unattractive.

Sometimes I think he's ugly & sometimes I think he's a handsome devil. Idk idk. He's never had a problem getting a girlfriend though, so....*shrugs*

He's pretty confident. I'd call him narcissistic in fact. He has a complex about his dark skin though. Got really mad at me for purposely getting a tan over the summer and is glad that I'm lighter again now that it's Fall.:rolleyes: I have to reassure him that no matter how much time I spend in the sun I'll never be dark. It's rather ridiculous actually. I told him he needs to get some therapy.
People say my husband looks like 50 cents also. I don't know about african features but he has full lips, big nose, small eyes and a brow ridge.
Shhhooot, I not only founded the ugly men club, I'm the president. When I was young(er) I apparently did not notice looks much.

I grew up sheltered and was not told much about men, so once my hormones kicked in it was like a convict getting outta jail after 10 years..."Yeah she has a face like a stallion...but her body is like one too. She's totally doable.:look: " It's like their lack of exposure clouds their judgment.

I didn't see that the guys I were dating were not only ugly but total deadbeats with questionable hobbies. They were men. *shrug* Everyone looks the same with the lights out.

I always thought my DH was attractive, but apparently no one else thought so. I wish it was like that now. Hoes be all on him. :ohwell:
People say my husband looks like 50 cents also. I don't know about african features but he has full lips, big nose, small eyes and a brow ridge.

Those people need glasses. Your husband don't look like no damn 50. :perplexed