Who Has Damaged Your Hair the Worst?

Who has damaged your hair the worst?

  • A stylist at a salon

    Votes: 130 38.9%
  • Yourself

    Votes: 181 54.2%
  • Someone else (explain)

    Votes: 23 6.9%

  • Total voters


New Member
I have had one horrible experience with a stylist, and as a result, never went back to that or any salon. But overall, I am the one that has done the worst long-term damage to my hair from severe abuse and neglect and plain-out ignorance of proper hair care.
Definitely stylists. i have too many horror stories to recount, some quite recent. years ago when i was depressed about the state of my hair, my aunt advised me to do my hair myself. her rationale-no one will take as good care of your hair as you would. and she was right. I'm working towards total self hair care.
Definitely stylists. i have too many horror stories to recount, some quite recent. years ago when i was depressed about the state of my hair, my aunt advised me to do my hair myself. her rationale-no one will take as good care of your hair as you would. and she was right. I'm working towards total self hair care.

She sure was!
A combination of former stylists and my mom did major damage to my hair. I can't say who did more because all of them did some pretty bad stuff to it.
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me, myself and i. i can't blame no one but myself. poor hair, it's a wonder i had any left for all the stuff i put it through :blush:

LynnieB = curling iron fiend!! :spinning:
I will say I damaged my hair the most.

Yes, I got over and under processed at salons but the day to day care was in my hands and even though I thought I was helping my hair, my bad habits slowly were ruining it. Now that I have taken control of my hair, its turned around for the better.

This is what the last one did to me. She didn't wash out the relaxer properly.


and this one from another stylist that burnt my hair off with the pressing comb.

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I will say I damaged my hair the most.

Yes, I got over and under processed at salons but the day to day care was in my hands and even though I thought I was helping my hair, my bad habits slowly were ruining it. Now that I have taken control of my hair, its turned around for the better.

Same here. I used to be public enemy #1 to my own hair as well...Now I am my #1 ally and advocate.
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Me, me, me :nono: But now I have the tools and the knowledge on how to properly take care of my hair. :superman: <---- Yep, this is what my head would have looked like if I hadn't stopped the abuse.

I have used books, Youtube, motowngirl.com, Nappturality.com and of course LHCF!! Now I think I know too much and I can't stop talking!
I did it. I pretty sure I overlapped a relaxer in the back/ nape area which resulted in some major breakage. That was 8yrs ago. It lead me here and after a couple of short hair cuts to even it out. 2yrs with out a relaxer and A LOT of conditioner, my hair is now pass my shoulders and heading to APL
I have stylist to thank for a couple bald spots..that the hair wont' grow back into..well not as dense as it should be and it looks like a bald spot.

I have braiders and my relatives to thank for my non-existent edges. I guess it was in my hands to know what was going on..but I was young. As a grown woman...HOMIE DON'T PLAY THAT. I am not the one for foolishness...if you get in my hair you better RESPECT.
Me, myself and I. Before I got to it, my hair was healthy and long. After 50 different die jobs, cutting to my ears because I felt like, and burning it with a hot comb, it still loves me.
I would say a combination of stylists that were relaxer and blowdryer happy and myself who was lazy to TLC my own hair.
A stylist damaged my hair the worst and i'm still dealing with it.

basically i went to her shop to get my hair pressed (which i have only done 3 times in my whole life) her child was crying and she burned my hair. i didn't no it was heated damaged until i washed my hair a few days later and it wouldn't revert no curl, wave nothing:wallbash:.

now i have one whole area in my head that is straight with no curl no fuzz straight. it like whats the point being natural, i never relaxed my hair so i wouldn't have to deal with straight hair and now it's all up in my head and i can't even rock a curl fro because parts of it won't curl.

just from ONE visit to her shop and she messed up my hair and i paid her to mess up my hair.:nono:
It's all my fault. :(

Not knowing any better, I allowed my hair to suffer from neglect and abuse. Oh well - when you know better, you do better. :yep:
I had a stylist put a relaxer and honey blond highlights (which ended up looking like honey blond hair with dark brown highlights) at the same time. It's what I wanted, but she should have told me what my current stylist told me- that I should wait at least 3 week after a relaxer to get highlights. My hair was in terrible shape.
me. i texturized then gave my self higlights then dyed my hair with a cheap home color.(in a matter of weeks) the first two were pushing it but once i did that last color it all went down hill.:nono:
I used go to salon every week and switch to every two weeks but to no avail b/c my never really thrived like it has since I been doing my own hair.
I'm not knocking salons, but I'm doing a better job :spinning:
me. i texturized then gave my self higlights then dyed my hair with a cheap home color.(in a matter of weeks) the first two were pushing it but once i did that last color it all went down hill.:nono:

Whoa! I know I damaged my own hair by not taking care of it properly for years. Highlighting alone really jacked me up too.:nono:
I used to try to straighten it with the blowdryer alone, never cared about conditioner and slapped on the grease.
The stylist.. I relied on them for everything and got nothing to show for it. Now that I've found hair sites, and have incorporated some of the suggestions there, I've become a pro and my hair is thanking me for it. My hair is the longest it has every being. Every now and then I feel like dropping by some the the salons I use to visit to show them what my hair is suppose to look like. I've been my hair's best friend and won't every be visiting a salon again.
I have done damage, but nothing on the level of what a stylist did. I was traumatized and depressed for months and have not been to a stylist since the incident took place 7 years ago.

To make matters worse, I actually paid her good money and tipped her well to burn my hair out.
I have done damage, but nothing on the level of what a stylist did. I was traumatized and depressed for months and have not been to a stylist since the incident took place 7 years ago.

To make matters worse, I actually paid her good money and tipped her well to burn my hair out.[/quote]
:lachen::lachen:I can relate
I let a stylist dye my hair when I first got out of college. Decided I was going to be brave. He let his assistant do the highlights (mistake number one) then she decided to sit me under a dryer to boost the color (mistake number 2) When he came back in the room and saw me under the dryer he went off on her. TOO LATE FOR ME TO BE SAVED! I had hair that was four different colors. black at the root, then red, then orange YES ORANGE and then blonde. It was a mess. I cried for days. He wanted me to come back so he could correct the color but I never did. Had to go somewhere else to get the color corrected. My mom was hottttttttttt!

Then another stylist did my touch up not too long ago and let it sit for too long. Tore my scalp up. UGGGGHHHHH! All my friends laugh b/c Im a do it yourself chick. That is why.
I said myself because I get lazy and don't take care of my hair all the time by letting it get dry.