White Men want us! (lol)


Well-Known Member
This is a letter in response to the salon article "I want you to want me" I didn't want to hijack roz's thread since it actually appears to be staying on track, which is a rarity.

Anyway, poor dude... maybe he should try an "interracial" dating site.

You want us to want you? Christ, the feeling is mutual.

I haven't seen "Wedding Crashers" and I probably won't unless my girlfriend insists on renting it when it hits DVD. Still, I read Ms. Dickerson's article with a high level of interest.

I'm white, and I live in Detroit, and I don't have any answers to the questions Ms. Dickerson raises, but taking my own social circle as a highly informal test sample, I do know that my friends and I are all in love with black women, and that none of us have ever had a black wife or girlfriend.

It's not because we think black women are unworthy, or unladylike, or anything like that. Rightly or wrongly we all suffer the same implacable sense that black women would never go for us. There's definitely the perception of an impenetrability there, a line that any one of us would happily cross if we had any idea freakin' how or where to start.

I'm sure there are plenty of different factors at play (not the least of which is that my friends and I are a bunch of idiots), but I'll bet our relentlessly divisive media hasn't helped much. At any rate, I can assure Ms. Dickerson that when it comes to this kind of separatism, we white guys very much share her disappointment.

-- J.B.T

On second read, I am feeling sorry for his current girlfriend, who clearly isn't black. :ohwell:
:grin: , Its no secret that a lot of white men are attracted to sistas. The problem is they dont now how to approach the unknown :grin:
I know this for a fact. Sometimes it really surprises me how "obsessed" they can get over us. I have had plenty of white men approach me. I think that they treat me good. It could be because they look at me as something new, special, or they feel sorry for us and want to give us love. I know im gonna catch heat for that but, based to what rappers, movies, media are sayin about us......It is just hard for some black women to believe that they actually want us. I think that lack of belief is due to us comparing ourselves to white women. And unfortunatly when one questions why another race would want us they are believing something that is preventing them from opening up to reality.
honeycomb719 said:
:grin: , Its no secret that a lot of white men are attracted to sistas. The problem is they dont now how to approach the unknown :grin:

They need to get over it. Try to strike up a conversation instead of just being on the sidelines hoping and praying and wishing that we give you the Sista nod of approach.
Country gal said:
They need to get over it. Try to strike up a conversation instead of just being on the sidelines hoping and praying and wishing that we give you the Sista nod of approach.


This soo true. Whenever I was out, or was at the club, they would be staring HARD but not doing anything. I mean the staring would go on all nite. I always had to look at them, nod and smile, then they come sautering over:lachen:
Country gal said:
They need to get over it. Try to strike up a conversation instead of just being on the sidelines hoping and praying and wishing that we give you the Sista nod of approach.
:lachen: lol so true. I can tell who's interested because they usually STARE hardcore.
I want to re-write the title.

"White men want us!" I would edit this to say:

Men want anything!

If it looks good, they don't care.

Of course white men are atttracted to black women!
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Porsche19 said:
I want to re-write the title.

"White men want us!" I would edit this to say:

Men want anything!

If it looks good, they don't care.

Of course white men are atttracted to black women!
i'm glad to see common sense prevails! of course everyone wants us.
i went out this saturday for the first time in aeons. i got approached by all sorts. these guys did not hesitate... a middle aged norwegian guy grabbed me when i walked in(!), a guy from guyana (indian heritage), then an english guy and then i got tired of it all and ended up sitting and chatting to preppy looking black guy to escape the vultures. i think the fact that i had a smile on my face all night probably made me look a bit too available. anyway, my point is, as long as women look approachable, men will approach!
Yep. They want us alright. I had a white male friend for a few years who liked me and preferred black women in general. I didn't date white men though. He had a black ex, but expressed a presssure to date white women. I'm guessing from his family and people around him.
they sure do..when i am at work white men approach me often..especially whit tourists! they are blunt about thiers...i love it...
honeycomb719 said:
:grin: , Its no secret that a lot of white men are attracted to sistas. The problem is they dont now how to approach the unknown :grin:
very true! theyre just as afraid of rejection as any man....but they somehow get the impression that black women wouldnt even CONSIDER them....which is SOOO not the case (most of the time :look: )
Country gal said:
They need to get over it. Try to strike up a conversation instead of just being on the sidelines hoping and praying and wishing that we give you the Sista nod of approach.
well, with the media portraying us as these hotheads with attitudes ready to snap any minute, and the actual ones of us who ARE like this....its no wonder theyre afraid! :lachen::lachen::lachen:
sylver2 said:

This soo true. Whenever I was out, or was at the club, they would be staring HARD but not doing anything. I mean the staring would go on all nite. I always had to look at them, nod and smile, then they come sautering over:lachen:
damn!!! i guess i wont get no play....cuz a sista avoids all forms of eye contact with strangers! :lol:
Country gal said:
They need to get over it. Try to strike up a conversation instead of just being on the sidelines hoping and praying and wishing that we give you the Sista nod of approach.
Girl but you know how some of us can be. Damn I'm sure some of us are ready to cut a brotha if he even asks for a dance. :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
Shatani said:
well, with the media portraying us as these hotheads with attitudes ready to snap any minute, and the actual ones of us who ARE like this....its no wonder theyre afraid! :lachen::lachen::lachen:

Ya Know. Girl sometimes I'm afraid of me. :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
I want a white man too but I live in a city that is 64 percent black. I'd have to leave the city to find my Milk of Magnesia Man :(
anky said:
I want a white man too but I live in a city that is 64 percent black. I'd have to leave the city to find my Milk of Magnesia Man :(
oh, no she didnt say milk of magnesia!??!?! :lol::lol::lol::lol:
anky said:
I want a white man too but I live in a city that is 64 percent black. I'd have to leave the city to find my Milk of Magnesia Man :(

Girl just go to the clubs on the wrong nights. If you usually go on Friday cause thats the night and everyone is black, then show up on Saturday. completely different scene
LondonDiva said:
Girl but you know how some of us can be. Damn I'm sure some of us are ready to cut a brotha if he even asks for a dance. :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

Especially if he doesn't pay for a drink first.
sylver2 said:
Girl just go to the clubs on the wrong nights. If you usually go on Friday cause thats the night and everyone is black, then show up on Saturday. completely different scene
dont go on Thursday though...thats usually gay night....whole nother scene ENTIRELY! in fact, avoid sunday too!
I totally agree. Women are women.

asphyxxia said:
i'm glad to see common sense prevails! of course everyone wants us.
i went out this saturday for the first time in aeons. i got approached by all sorts. these guys did not hesitate... a middle aged norwegian guy grabbed me when i walked in(!), a guy from guyana (indian heritage), then an english guy and then i got tired of it all and ended up sitting and chatting to preppy looking black guy to escape the vultures. i think the fact that i had a smile on my face all night probably made me look a bit too available. anyway, my point is, as long as women look approachable, men will approach!