Which would you prefer?


Well-Known Member
I was having a debate with my brother in law last night about relationships. I need some female input. I was saying that most women would prefer a man who is not quite so attractive but who has an amazing personality and treats a woman like gold over a really attractive guy who is a jerk. His argument was that if a woman chose the not so attractive guy she would be sneaking around with an attractive guy or have a baby with an attractive guy and let the not so attractive guy raise it. I just don't think women put as much emphasis on looks as men do. If you had a choice of the two, which would you prefer?

P.S. By not so attractive, I mean either really average looking or a guy who is maybe a little on the short side or maybe a little overweight and maybe balding. I don't mean Craig Mack ugly. I mean more like Wendell Pierce.
I was having a debate with my brother in law last night about relationships. I need some female input. I was saying that most women would prefer a man who is not quite so attractive but who has an amazing personality and treats a woman like gold over a really attractive guy who is a jerk. His argument was thatif a woman chose the not so attractive guy she would be sneaking around with an attractive guy or have a baby with an attractive guy and let the not so attractive guy raise it. I just don't think women put as much emphasis on looks as men do. If you had a choice of the two, which would you prefer?

P.S. By not so attractive, I mean either really average looking or a guy who is maybe a little on the short side or maybe a little overweight and maybe balding. I don't mean Craig Mack ugly. I mean more like Wendell Pierce.


(10 char)
Look are not all for me. I have dated super sexy men and some men that were not. It all matters on how he treats me. As long as I find him attractive, that is ALL that matters. :)
In the looks department; I have a low end that I'm willing to be with and my DREAM guy look.

If the low end guy treats me like a queen, I'll go with him.
Anyone that I'm in a relationship with has to be attractive TO ME. As long as the person treats me and theirself with respect, honesty and has similar goals ( family, professional and emotional) close to mine and we're sexually compatible, then I'm good.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and not everyone's attracted to the same thing. I find the more I like a guy, the more attractive he becomes to me.
Looks aren't everything to me however, I still have to be attracted to the person regardless of how "attractive" they are or aren't! Prime example one of my college boyfriends wasn't the most attractive guy in the world but he has charisma, a great personality and sense of humor and a nice body. He became more attractive to me after I got to know him. Another Ex isn't the most attractive guy either but he wasn't horrible so I gave him a chance. He appeared to be a nice guy but as I got to know him I saw that he was very mean spirited and kind of bitter....no charisma and a horrible sense of humor! He was tall with a beer gut. On the outside he was super cocky but IRL he's very insecure! All of those traits combined with being unattractive... I'll pass.

I'll take a decent looking guy that I'm attracted to that also treats me well over a jerk whether they are attractive or unattractive.

BTW... OP, I have a child with the super attractive guy. He was a horrible BF because he's used to women flocking to him and I'm not that type of woman!
looks aren't everything to me but a man can't look like:look::
flavor flav
beenie man
elephant man
shabba ranks
spike from the movie gremlins
jabba da but from star wars
the characters jerome or otis from the show martin

^^^ y'all get the picture....a man could be average looking and as long as he's kind to me, a provider, and ambitious i'd be fine.

i shouldn't cringe when you touch me, wanna punch you or even shoot you with a semi-automatic rifle when you are in my personal space cause looking at you terrifies me.