What Do You Think When You See an Attractive Man With a Much Less Attractive Woman??

Re: What Do You Think When You See an Attractive Man With a Much Less Attractive Woma

I think GOD is good :)
Re: What Do You Think When You See an Attractive Man With a Much Less Attractive Woma

Looks fade. When I was younger I had immature thoughts like that, but as I have aged, I now know better.

I don't think of the couple in one way or the other and the reason stemmed from this...

When I was much younger, I somehow thought I was the sh*t. I thought I could pull any guy. Until my ex came along and everyone thought he was FIONE!!! I remember how immature I was to dig for his ex gf picture, but after showing his picture to one of my "older" co-workers, she looked at me and said "I don't see anything wrong with her, she's cute"...She then look at me and said, you know, she could be seeing you around town with him and thinking the same thing you think about her about you - SO NEVER think you are GOD's gift to men.

After that, I just saw myself as average...meaning I am a woman, who is attractive just like so many other women. As I got older, I really have too much going on, TTC, career, husband, being comfortable in my old skin, family, etc to be all up in someone face when I go out or better yet, for someone to be all up in mine.

On another note, I see mainly younger women in their late teens and early to mid 20's who have the same mindset. I wonder if its something that as you get older like me, you really don't give a damn about how another looks. I also see a lot of younger girls comparing themsleves to other women.
Re: What Do You Think When You See an Attractive Man With a Much Less Attractive Woma

I have a friend who has a nice body and her husband looks like Apollo (Phaedra's husband) and he got on his knees in her living room in front of all of us (friends/family) and begged her to marry him and said he wouldn't leave unless/until she said "yes."

I don't find Apollo that handsome :nono:
Re: What Do You Think When You See an Attractive Man With a Much Less Attractive Woma

Nothing because I don't normally see a pairing like this. it's very, very rare. And when I do, they seem to be genuinely in love.

You have to understand, where I live, there are not a lot of attractive men or women. Many walk around here like they're God's gift or something and I'm sitting there looking at them thinking, "I still don't see how your remotely attractive". Of all the cities and countries I've lived in, this place does not have attractive people...sorry.

I really think some of you ladies would come to my city and be like "WTH, where are the beautiful women and handsome men" :lol: It's rare that someone fits this description.
Re: What Do You Think When You See an Attractive Man With a Much Less Attractive Woma

^^^Do you live in Colorado? :look:
Re: What Do You Think When You See an Attractive Man With a Much Less Attractive Woma

^^^ No but I've visited Colorado and I didn't see any drop dead gorgeous people there either. :lol:
Re: What Do You Think When You See an Attractive Man With a Much Less Attractive Woma

Gosh, I'm surprised by all the pessimistic, cynical responses (lol) Have a little faith, ladies.

I agree!!! :yep:

Wow...Didn't know a lot of women felt this way... :look:

IMO, if I see a nice-looking man with a less-attractive looking woman, I figure hey...good for them. And...how can I get what she got? LOL! :lachen: :giggle:

But seriously though, sometimes we (especially in our society/culture) tend to put WAAAAY too much emphasis on outward appearances and physical looks instead of what's on the inside. I know this sounds so cliche, but it's true!

Believe it or not, NOT all guys are looking for the typical "dime-piece" on their arms. They just want a woman who they have chemistry with and who treats them right. :yep: Plus, did it ever occur to some people that maybe these more attractive men have had their experiences with attractive women and they have not had good experiences with them? :look:

I have always said......looks may get you in the DOOR...but your personality,style, grace, and inner beauty will keep you in the HOUSE. :yep:

I'm serious ladies....I've heard from way too many men about this topic. It may sound like hog-wash, but it's true. :yep:
Re: What Do You Think When You See an Attractive Man With a Much Less Attractive Woma

I assume that she has a lot of confidence and is beautiful on the inside.
Re: What Do You Think When You See an Attractive Man With a Much Less Attractive Woma

That the guy thinks she's physically attractive despite what we think and that she's probably a wonderful person also.
Re: What Do You Think When You See an Attractive Man With a Much Less Attractive Woma

I love all these " i don't assume" responses. C'mon son! We all assume, it's human nature. I agree with what lucie said. I had more to ad, but im too lazy to complete the...
Re: What Do You Think When You See an Attractive Man With a Much Less Attractive Woma

That he can appreciate her for the woman that she is. It's really not all about looks. :ohwell:
Re: What Do You Think When You See an Attractive Man With a Much Less Attractive Woma

I don't think of the couple in one way or the other and the reason stemmed from this...

When I was much younger, I somehow thought I was the sh*t. I thought I could pull any guy. Until my ex came along and everyone thought he was FIONE!!! I remember how immature I was to dig for his ex gf picture, but after showing his picture to one of my "older" co-workers, she looked at me and said "I don't see anything wrong with her, she's cute"...She then look at me and said, you know, she could be seeing you around town with him and thinking the same thing you think about her about you - SO NEVER think you are GOD's gift to men.

After that, I just saw myself as average...meaning I am a woman, who is attractive just like so many other women. As I got older, I really have too much going on, TTC, career, husband, being comfortable in my old skin, family, etc to be all up in someone face when I go out or better yet, for someone to be all up in mine.

On another note, I see mainly younger women in their late teens and early to mid 20's who have the same mindset. I wonder if its something that as you get older like me, you really don't give a damn about how another looks. I also see a lot of younger girls comparing themsleves to other women.

:yep::yep: I agree because most of those younger girls are too wet behind the ears to know anything about what it means to be the total package.

This thread is a trip though. I have been shaking my head at some of these answers! :nono: I don't think anything when I see a couple unless I know them personally. I don't judge attractiveness between the male and the female because attractiveness is just one small part of the spectrum.
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Re: What Do You Think When You See an Attractive Man With a Much Less Attractive Woma

Unattractive Man/Attractive Woman-I used to automatically think that the guy had money or was otherwise helping the woman advance her station in some way. Now I know that isn't always true. From discussions on this board over the many years I have been here plus just from real life experiences, I see that women aren't as particular about looks as men are. A woman will date a below average man if he can make her laugh and give her the warm and fuzzies.

Attractive Man/Unattractive Woman-I honestly don't see this much. Most attractive men that I see are with a woman who is their equal or surpasses them in the looks department. Most men are going to get the most attractive woman they can find. Even men who have been married a while and their wives have let themselves go, please believe she was on point when she got him.

Who is that ball player that's on TNT sometimes that used to play for the Lakers? John Salley, I think? He said that when he started making good money he got himself the best looking woman he could afford!:lachen:
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Re: What Do You Think When You See an Attractive Man With a Much Less Attractive Woma

Danish couple... Theres even a facebook page about her because people are baffled about this match.... I always wonder how it must feel to be the "ugly" woman :/

Re: What Do You Think When You See an Attractive Man With a Much Less Attractive Woma

i know that every time i see this thread i think people sure love giving life to self conciousness
Re: What Do You Think When You See an Attractive Man With a Much Less Attractive Woma

On another note, I see mainly younger women in their late teens and early to mid 20's who have the same mindset. I wonder if its something that as you get older like me, you really don't give a damn about how another looks.

Plus, did it ever occur to some people that maybe these more attractive men have had their experiences with attractive women and they have not had good experiences with them? :look:

:yep: Once you have a few experiences with very good-looking people who are total wastes of space your whole outlook changes. Believe this is true for men and women.

I'm reminded of the song lyric, "She's not pretty, she just looks that way."
Re: What Do You Think When You See an Attractive Man With a Much Less Attractive Woma

I know a couple like this. Alot of people never saw what the man saw in his wife. He is very attractive and has money. But when you sit down and talk to her, you realize he is the one who doesn't deserve her.
I think maturity helps to keep things in perspective as well as being around the block. Yes people like to be with other attractive people, but at the end of the day an attractive person is just that...a supposedly attractive person depending who you ask.

When I see couples like this and I see them more often than not, I don't think much of them. I really don't. Perhaps he really likes her and can see beyond the pretentiousness that others seem to be so focused on:ohwell:.
Re: What Do You Think When You See an Attractive Man With a Much Less Attractive Woma

I been noticing this for yearsssss... really good looking, facially attractive, handsome and cute guys w/ girls that aren't as pretty or good looking as them. What I notice about these guys, the ones that I know at least... they aren't nearly as superficial as people might think they are. Also, some of these guys know they are good looking but not nearly as good looking as others may think of them. I find it's the most facially unattractive dude or really average looking dudes who are most picky about who they will talk to and they are quite vocal about it. I find good looking guys to be a bit more forgiving of looks.
Re: What Do You Think When You See an Attractive Man With a Much Less Attractive Woma

It only catches my attention if they're celebrities and the woman is not a "typical celebrity wife type" like some of the wives on Football Wives, DeShawn Snow on Basketball Wives, or Tameka Raymond. In that instance, I don't pay attention to the husband's appearance because I figure that his money & status gives him ez access to lots of women, regardless of his appearance (Jen's husband on Basketball Wives).

With that scenario, I figure that the man will eventually cheat or "upgrade" to more typical trophy girl status.
Re: What Do You Think When You See an Attractive Man With a Much Less Attractive Woma

Danish couple... Theres even a facebook page about her because people are baffled about this match.... I always wonder how it must feel to be the "ugly" woman :/


Link pls? :sekret:

I find it's the most facially unattractive dude or really average looking dudes who are most picky about who they will talk to and they are quite vocal about it.

Yep, when I hear scrubbs talking about wanting to pull/pulling 'dimepieces' I could smh. (eta; well more like :hardslap: )

With that scenario, I figure that the man will eventually cheat or "upgrade" to more typical trophy girl status.

:spank: (sometimes true, but) :spank:
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Re: What Do You Think When You See an Attractive Man With a Much Less Attractive Woma

I been noticing this for yearsssss... really good looking, facially attractive, handsome and cute guys w/ girls that aren't as pretty or good looking as them. What I notice about these guys, the ones that I know at least... they aren't nearly as superficial as people might think they are. Also, some of these guys know they are good looking but not nearly as good looking as others may think of them. I find it's the most facially unattractive dude or really average looking dudes who are most picky about who they will talk to and they are quite vocal about it. I find good looking guys to be a bit more forgiving of looks.

I've noticed the bolded as well. Extra fine guys who don't know they're extra fine are the best kind...

I can think of a few couples like this but the thing is, their wives/girlfriends are great matches for them in every way. For example, one married couple I know, they guy is hot but doesn't seem to realize it, his wife is plain but very sweet, she vibes with his corny sense of humor, they play the same sports together (ex. swimming, kickball, etc), they share religious and political beliefs, the same social circle, etc. They're much more of an ideal couple in ways that far supercede the eye candy affect.

Yes fine men can have their choice of many women but that doesn't mean every beautiful woman is an ideal match for him. There definitely are men who long for a soulmate more than a trophy.
Re: What Do You Think When You See an Attractive Man With a Much Less Attractive Woma

It doesnt surprise me anymore. One thing I think women dont understand is what WE think is attractive is different than what they think is attractive. I know men who love women with big behinds. They really dont care what their face looks like - they are so turned on by the backside for real. Or they may really be into women who have status or power. Or a woman who drives a nice car. Men can be very superficial and they look for what makes them feel good or gives them a rush. I know men who actually do not seriously date attractive women. A guy I used to date before I was married would tell me he loves pretty and attractive women but they were always the most insecure, unstable, and kind of off. He also said that the women who were the most unattractive were better in bed because they would work harder to please their man. :look:
Re: What Do You Think When You See an Attractive Man With a Much Less Attractive Woma

It doesnt surprise me anymore. One thing I think women dont understand is what WE think is attractive is different than what they think is attractive. I know men who love women with big behinds. They really dont care what their face looks like - they are so turned on by the backside for real. Or they may really be into women who have status or power. Or a woman who drives a nice car. Men can be very superficial and they look for what makes them feel good or gives them a rush. I know men who actually do not seriously date attractive women. A guy I used to date before I was married would tell me he loves pretty and attractive women but they were always the most insecure, unstable, and kind of off. He also said that the women who were the most unattractive were better in bed because they would work harder to please their man. :look:

Wow, he was very candid with you. Did you ever inquire about which end of the spectrum you fell on?

I don't really see unattractive women paired with handsome men...or maybe I just never pay attention. I say live and let live. There is someone for everyone