Where my fine stranded girls at?

Belle Du Jour

Well-Known Member
Ladies, I need your help.

I am having major issues with length retention, and I think the reason is that my strands are very fine. I take VERY good care of my hair, moisturize, no heat, weekly deep condition, conditioner washes, etc., and when I examine strands that have shed, the strands are fine, and splittling! :mad:

I don't know what else to do! If I use too much protein, my hair sheds.
Maybe my hair isn't meant to be long?? :( :confused:

That's one of the reasons I'm natural. Any chemical just thins my hair out further. I'm tempted to just cut it off, and wear a curly (texturized) twa. Help me. . .please.
classimami713 said:
Ladies, I need your help.

I am having major issues with length retention, and I think the reason is that my strands are very fine. I take VERY good care of my hair, moisturize, no heat, weekly deep condition, conditioner washes, etc., and when I examine strands that have shed, the strands are fine, and splittling! :mad:

I don't know what else to do! If I use too much protein, my hair sheds.
Maybe my hair isn't meant to be long?? :( :confused:

That's one of the reasons I'm natural. Any chemical just thins my hair out further. I'm tempted to just cut it off, and wear a curly (texturized) twa. Help me. . .please.

Fine strand lady checking in!!!!!

Because you hair is natural, I don't think that is should need alot of protein. I think moisture is key for natural hair. Are you taking any vitamins? When was the last time you had a physical or any blood work done? There could be other underlying factors that you may not be aware of.
Because my hair is soooo fine, I noticed that it's harder for me to retain healthy hair without trimming a little more often. I have to trim every 4 months to make sure my hair doesn't break or split.

No contact hairstyles also have also helped me.
Fine strands, here! :wave:

I agree with Nice. Moisture is key. Sounds like you're doing that, though. What kind of moisturizers are you using? I've noticed that if I use anything to heavy on my hair, it breaks off. Are you using a lot of different kinds of moisturizer? Any protective styles?
i think that mine is fine....im actually not quite sure....i think it may be finer in the front than in the back...is that possible??

i have a lot of trouble retaining length in the front and on the top:( i just try to keep it moisturized and leave it alone as much as possible....
My hair is fine as well. I have noticed over the years that my hair would grow to a certain point and then break off. I've only been a part of this forum for a couple of weeks, but I'm hoping that I can find a remedy to this as well. For about a month I rollerset my hair and that seemed to do the trick. I just takes so much time for me to rollerset it though. :) However, next week I'm going to start back to rollersetting again.
Not sure if those questions were directed at me, Pooh, but I'll answer them anyways. I've given myself a protein treatment only once. I didn't notice a decrease in breakage after I did it either, so that's probably why I don't do it consistently.

I moisturize twice a day: before I go to bed and in the morning before I start the day. I use Profectiv and S-Curl. I get the most breakage in the crown of my head.
classimami713 said:
Ladies, I need your help.

I am having major issues with length retention, and I think the reason is that my strands are very fine. I take VERY good care of my hair, moisturize, no heat, weekly deep condition, conditioner washes, etc., and when I examine strands that have shed, the strands are fine, and splittling! :mad:

I don't know what else to do! If I use too much protein, my hair sheds.
Maybe my hair isn't meant to be long?? :( :confused:

That's one of the reasons I'm natural. Any chemical just thins my hair out further. I'm tempted to just cut it off, and wear a curly (texturized) twa. Help me. . .please.

Man, I wanted to make a post that was almost IDENTICAL to yours. I was so frustrated with my hair the other day when I "pressed" it. My hair is FINE & THIN! I HATE IT. For the last year, I have been doing EVERYTHING RIGHT. Moisturizing, protein treatments, deep conditioning, vitamins...I have a nice little routine going and have my fine and thin hair benefited? NO. My hair in it's natural state gives the illusion of being thicker but once its straight it's thin and if there is any length that I've gained it doesn't show much at all :nono:. So now I've thrown in the towel when it comes to growth. I've never had long hair and who was I kidding that one day I would...anyway...even my mother agreed that fine and thin hair will not look right long anyway...{she said it would be stringy looking}. Chemicals cause frizziness and split ends and orangey hair color but now I know about "healthy" practices so I think I will venture back to relaxed hair next year {2006}. I don't think I will have the fragile hair I had back in the day when it was relaxed...unlike you I think the chemicals in my hair made it appear more thicker than the pressed hair I'm now fuming over :(. This thread had me venting over my own hair...I hope you don't mind.
I agree with what the ladies said, but I have one question:


For fine hair, protective styles are a must if you want to retain length. If you're going to wear your hair out most of the time, your hair will be more likely to split and break.
Absolutely! I must use protective styles, yet I try to switch them up sometimes so that I don't get breakage because my bun is in the same spot on my head all the time :)
My strand are find also and I wear protective styles most of the time.
I have not had any problems with my hair breaking or shedding.
I have been using Nexxus L-Cysteine treatment followed by a moisturizing conditoner plus surge and this has help thicken my strands and they are stronger.
Stretching relaxer helps also and I take B5 and use Castor oil a lot.
I think my hair is fine too. I am not quite sure:confused: .

I realized that my hair started to experience breakage when I started to gain length. I would just leave my hair out and not put my hair into any protective styles after washing it until the next wash day. So far the past week I plait my hair up using a moisturizer and a hair gel after it has been airdried and then I keep it plaited until my next wash day. So far I have seen less breakage. Thank God.
I have fine relaxed strands. Moisture is the key for me to avoid breakage. I cannot use hardcore protein condtioners too often. Maybe once every other month. I use lite protein conditioners weekly. Once, I figured that out (two years later) I started to see progress. I have to carefully read the ingredients on all products I use. I cannot use leave-in products that contain certain types of proteins and I cannot use oils that are too heavy-like castor oil. I make sure my daily hair products contain either no protein,wheat protein or soy protein. The other protein types are too harsh.

Dominican conditioners tend to give my hair lots of body. If you have access to any, I strongly recommend them. HTH
I have fine hair. I use Nexxus Keraphix Protein Creme Reconstructor and Africa's Best Hair Mayo for my weekly protein treatments (I alternate one each week). I do daily CO washes (and will continue them even after I get my touch-up, since my hair is doing great) with Aussie 3 Min Reconstructor called DEEEEP (it has Tea Tree Oil) and Nexxus Humectress (alternate them each day).

I like to keep my hair lubricated/oiled with Vatika Oil, EVOO, and/or shea butter. I haven't had any problems retaining length since I stopped using heat well over a year ago, cut out the over-zealous trimming (every 6-8 weeks), and stopped going to the salon!
What ingredients are protein ingredients? Would the ingredients say "protein"? I don't mean to sound ignorant, but I don't think I would know what ingredients are considered protein if I seen them listed on a product.
my hair is definately fine! i used to hate my hair. now i love it, and take very good care of it. with the help of protective styles, i've finally got past shoulder length. my hair used to make it there, then break off, or i'd have to cut it off b/c of the bad ends. after i get my hair to the desirable length i will be done with protective styles. i wont need them anymore.. i cant WAIT for that day!
Thanks for all the replies ladies! :up:

I'll try to answer all the questions:

*I use a light protein weekly (i.e. silk protein)
*I moisturize daily and deep condition (with heat) weekly.
*I detangle when I shampoo. (I shampoo weekly and use CON or EQP creme conditioning).
*In regards to health, I had a recent physical, and everything is A-OK.
*I take a chewable multivitamin, biotin w/silica, B5 and flaxseed.
*I baby my hair so I don't understand!!

*I'm currently braided so I don't have to think about this ish.
divinefavor said:
What ingredients are protein ingredients? Would the ingredients say "protein"? I don't mean to sound ignorant, but I don't think I would know what ingredients are considered protein if I seen them listed on a product.

The way I break it down is proteins can be light (i.e. silk, milk, wheat proteins) or heavy (i.e. hydrolyzed keratin protein). You can use the light ones regularly because they don't necessarily penetrate and fill in the strands like say Aphogee or Emergencee. The heavier ones should be used according to the directions. HTH!
Jessy55 said:
I agree with what the ladies said, but I have one question:


For fine hair, protective styles are a must if you want to retain length. If you're going to wear your hair out most of the time, your hair will be more likely to split and break.

Okay, here's the deal with protective styles:

As far as wearing my hair in 2 strand twists, my hair is so fine that the twists don't look full at all. So I started wearing my hair out more. (That's probably the first problem.) Currently I'm braided, but I have a fragile hairline, so I can't keep this up for too long. I don't like wigs on me (unless it's the quick weaves) but thanks to Dangerously Shy, I'm thinking about getting a lace front. So basically, I guess I need ideas on what kind of protective styles I should be wearing that will also be cute ;)
I have fine, 4b hair. Coarse hair is easier to grow long, cuz it's stronger.

-No harsh protein conditioners! Any protein stronger than Aubrey Organics GPB or MNT turns my hair crispy and brittle. I had to lay off Surge for the same reason.

-Find a conditioner with max slip and detangle with patience (DDTA, Rusk smoother, Elucence moisture balance, etc). Avoid shampoos that strip hair. I detangle my hair damp outside the shower because too much snaps when I comb under running water.

-Don't stretch relaxers so far that you suffer from breakage and shedding.

-EAT a lot of protein and vitamin supplements to boost your growth rate. I'm using Hairtopia, protein powder, and eggs lately. Considering high protein bars.

-Manipulate the hair as little as possible. Minimize combing, brushing, flat ironing, & blow drying. I wear buns often. I don't strive for ultra straight hair when I wear it down.

-Avoid salon services if they handle your fine hair too roughly (esp'ly when it's wet).
Question: How can you tell if your hair doesn't like protein? I use protein treatments every 6 weeks and a "mild" protein deep conditioner at least weekly...is hard hair and brittleness a sign? Anything else besides that?
Your hair doesnt like protein if it dries up and starts to break. Thats what happened to me a few times after i tried aphogee. yes, i see a lot of splits ends on my hair. Actually, ive given up hope on getting to brastrap. I'll just maintain a healthy mane. Since taking biotin, my hair is a little thicker but my strands are still fine.
Fine haired natural checking in.

Right now moisture is key for me, I do like to use protein treatments like Aubreys GPB and Aubrey's Green Alge Hair mask. They work wonders as pre-shampoo treatments. Moisture however is my key to getting healthy strands, having fine hair is okay for me as long as it is moisturzed and not brittle. :)
Fine hair checking in..............

For myself, the baggie method/protective stylng has really help me retain length.
When I wear my hair down I see breakage. I never see any breakage when wearing a protective style. I also think moisture is key:yep: !! When I do see increased breakage I use Aphogee (which seems to help me). The Aphogee does make my hair crisp& hard but, that is what it is supposed to do. After you rinse the Aphogee out you are to use a very rich moisturizing conditioner(Dark & Lovely dry hair healer) . Fine hair needs moisture, moisture, moisture & more moisture!!!!

Hope this helps.:)
My hair is fine with coily on the crown gradually changing texture to wispy undergrowth. A mixture of textures all fine. I do not make a point of using protein persay. I believe that some nut products and the milk products i use do impart some of the amino acids of protein. Fine hair does not have a medulla core. So it is delicate. Moisture is my best friend. A nice rainy day I make sure i have a glycerin based recipe on my hair. Also I have to make sure my cuticles are closed. Slip in other words. Finally my ends would never survive if i did not have a emoillent for them. I am on the baggie challenge now and don't need much for the ends. My crown and exposed new growth roots and tips need daily care. Gental care. I don't comb only use my fingers to detangle. I have not trimmed or had split ends for going on three years. I went through some breakage and shedding but that was due to my own tapering off of my new regimine. I am back on track and new hair is growing in. I believe I have reached my full length so I am working on regaining my volume and getting some layers to full length. My longest layer is tailbone. The next layer is at my waist. Then I am nuturing the new growth to replace the premature shedding I experienced. Fine hair can be beautiful long. I think softer styles with gental larger braiding can give the effect of thick. Loose buns and twists. I can not do the multiple twists or braids either. Makes my head look naked. I sometimes of late have gentally rolled the two sides back them did about three levels of a french braid then a lose singel braid. The coils of about four inches I left to do their thing and put a soft velvet small scrunchy. It looked like a thick full braid and puffed around my face. Think gental and soft styles. Hang in there if you truelly want long hair. I do not believe cutting will make your hair thicker and maybe just you sad.
I also have very fine hair. You know how it only looks thick but when you touch it, you can feel your scalp right away?? Well that's me! My fine hair is one of the reasons why I have stopped relaxing and turned to texturizing. Although my hair is still fine at least it LOOKS thick when I wear it curly. Right now my biggest things is to keep it as moisturized as possible to see how much length I can retain.
Camille429 said:
Not sure if those questions were directed at me, Pooh, but I'll answer them anyways. I've given myself a protein treatment only once. I didn't notice a decrease in breakage after I did it either, so that's probably why I don't do it consistently.

I moisturize twice a day: before I go to bed and in the morning before I start the day. I use Profectiv and S-Curl. I get the most breakage in the crown of my head.

Another fine stranded sista checking in...
Sounds like crown breakage is something that common for fine hair. I have the most breakage there also, along w/ my hair buddie Nice.
The only thing I can think of at this point, is maybe it has something to do w/ more stress on that area during manipulation or the hair in that area grows in funny, I dunno :perplexed
I've been keeping my ends trimmed more frequently and I noticing that I'm retaining more length. Yeah, I know that sounds crazy but its true.
I guess my hair is strongest in its natural state, hinch my retaining of more length since I've been transitioning.
Jewell said:
I have fine hair. I use Nexxus Keraphix Protein Creme Reconstructor and Africa's Best Hair Mayo for my weekly protein treatments (I alternate one each week). I do daily CO washes (and will continue them even after I get my touch-up, since my hair is doing great) with Aussie 3 Min Reconstructor called DEEEEP (it has Tea Tree Oil) and Nexxus Humectress (alternate them each day).

I like to keep my hair lubricated/oiled with Vatika Oil, EVOO, and/or shea butter. I haven't had any problems retaining length since I stopped using heat well over a year ago, cut out the over-zealous trimming (every 6-8 weeks), and stopped going to the salon!

you have gorgeous hair. What do you put in your hair after you've washed it. Leave-ins, oils etc. Id love it if you would include the order as well. TIA.