Thin Haired ladies, Where you at?

Another fine-haired natural. Fortunately I have a big head with a lot of hair. In the light I look like I have bald spots :ohwell: I'm scared to thicken it at this length so I'm going to wait until I get past shoulder length. I mainly protective style and leave my hair alone. I haven't noticed any breakage yet.
Another fine haired lady checking in. I am relaxed and have been able to grow it just past bsl length (not quite MBL).

Direct heat is NOT my friend.:nono:
Another fine haired lady checking in. It took me a while to figure it out but my hair loves protein and is starting to show signs of thickening up from weekly protein treatments.
THIN HAIR:wave:HERE I AM USEING henna and air drying a lot its helping. my hair dont like heavy stuff so i have to watch what i use on it:yep:

cosign on the air dry! i haven't used heat on my hair in a month, and i can definitely see a difference in the overall thickness. my strands are still as thin as ever :rolleyes: but my hair seems thicker as a whole. The Blow-dryer with the comb attachment really did a number on my hair... but i don't miss it!:grin:
oh my hair is so fine and thin especially the front it's like paper and also I have a few extreme thin spots at the temples where I am trying to repair. I can't even wear my hair parted on the sides.
Another fine-haired natural. Fortunately I have a big head with a lot of hair. In the light I look like I have bald spots :ohwell: I'm scared to thicken it at this length so I'm going to wait until I get past shoulder length. I mainly protective style and leave my hair alone. I haven't noticed any breakage yet.

HEEEEEEEYYYYYYYYY Rayma. Long time no chat with. your hair is doing great since the BC. Dang...what are you doing to get it to grow so fast?

Another fine haired lady checking in. I am relaxed and have been able to grow it just past bsl length (not quite MBL).

Direct heat is NOT my friend.:nono:

I know heat is BAD, but it makes the hair look so good. I'm currently avoiding heat until September but daaaaaannnnnnggggg, I miss the silky feeling that a good ole flat ironing gives. What are you ladies doing who avoid heat? Beside roller setting, how do you keep your hair smooth and tangle free without using heat?
I'm gonna have to take a few days to read through the other thread. Does anyone have problems with shedding? My hair has ALWAYS shed regularly, like an animal. lol
And I know it's shedding because when I see real long shed hairs, that is how I can be certain that my hair is growing longer. But it seems that my hair shedding may lead to not only fine hair, but eventually sparse hair and I'm scurrrred of that happening. What can I do?
I'm confused. The thread says thin, but most of the ladies here have fine strands in medium-dense thickness hair. My strands are medium, but my hair density is thin. So I don't know if I belong here or not :look:

EDIT: I was wrong - I THOUGHT my strands were medium, but according to the strand test they are fine!!!
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It is tough being fine . . . .

Oooh you meant my hair. :grin:

Yeah that is fine too, extremely. I am finally learning through LHCF what to do. I think I can reach APL by end of year. I think fine-haired ladies need to be extra careful with the MP Balance as well as manipulation. Additionally, I find that I can not use a lot of product on my hair because it does more bad than good. :nono:
I'm confused. The thread says thin, but most of the ladies here have fine strands in medium-dense thickness hair. My strands are medium, but my hair density is thin. So I don't know if I belong here or not :look:

I think I was asking more about fine hair, but you are welcome to stay and play with us. :yep:
Fine-haired natural checking in.

My longest layer is at the very beginning of my back. My hair seems like it's growing because, as another poster mentioned, my shed hairs are longer. My hair seems fuller, too. Maybe it's because protein is now a regular component of my regimen. I have to have light but consistent doses of it in conjunction w/ moisture.

The problem, however, is that my hair tangles easily & is very prone to knots despite how much I moisturize and keep my hair stretched. I keep my ends in order too. I keep them moisturized & I dust pretty regularly. The tangles & knots are frustrating, though, because it sometimes feels like everything that I grow will eventually break.
Another fine haired lady checking in. It took me a while to figure it out but my hair loves protein and is starting to show signs of thickening up from weekly protein treatments.

Careful girl, that was my downfall. My hair loved protein so much it became addicted and I OD'd. Setback City! I know better now but I was happy to find out that my hair needs protein.
I have fine hair too..I am relaxed 4a. I grew my hair from SL to MBL basically bunning the whole time and minimal heat...protecting your ends is important to retain length as you meet each hair goal.
HEEEEEEEYYYYYYYYY Rayma. Long time no chat with. your hair is doing great since the BC. Dang...what are you doing to get it to grow so fast?

:wave: hey girl! thanks I feel bad for saying this but I'm amazed I still have hair. I do it so wrong LOL. But really I think it's just genetics and leaving it be. I let my hair do whatever it wants to do :lol: I straightened the back and it's already at the bottom of my neck. I should be shoulder length by the end of the year :yay:
Fine haired nappy checking in. With monthly henna treatments my hair was growing very fast but I cut out henna completely a year ago because of the drastic change to my texture. I do henna glosses once in while now & my hair thanks me but i'm oh so inconsistant...
I think I was asking more about fine hair, but you are welcome to stay and play with us. :yep:

Oh gosh, I'm an idiot. I was wrong - I THOUGHT my strands were medium, but according to the strand test they are fine!!! They are MUCH thinner than a 1/2 thread.

Furthermore, I HAVE BREAKAGE!!! An individual strand seems strong but I just realized that all those short little hairs after I comb must be BREAKAGE! OMG I have been in denial for so long!!! :wallbash:

someone help :look:
My fine strands have benefited from

-no heat - or once every two mos max. This stops the little short pieces breaking off
-texlaxing instead of bonestraight for fullness
-light protein with every cowash
-airdrying before rollersetting.(or scarf dry) I mist-set, because I don't like to manipulate wet strands
-never brush and almost never comb. I detangle with fingers under the shower mainly

After a year here, I finally believe I can achieve APL.
My hair is getting caught under seat belts and purse straps for the first time ever.
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Fine haired nappy checking in. With monthly henna treatments my hair was growing very fast but I cut out henna completely a year ago because of the drastic change to my texture. I do henna glosses once in while now & my hair thanks me but i'm oh so inconsistant...
I keep hearing about henna changing the texture. What type of change did you notice? Was your texture more loose or tighter?

Oh gosh, I'm an idiot. I was wrong - I THOUGHT my strands were medium, but according to the strand test they are fine!!! They are MUCH thinner than a 1/2 thread.

Furthermore, I HAVE BREAKAGE!!! An individual strand seems strong but I just realized that all those short little hairs after I comb must be BREAKAGE! OMG I have been in denial for so long!!! :wallbash:

someone help :look:


It's ok. now that you know, you can start treating your hair like the baby it is.
Fine haired nappy checking in. With monthly henna treatments my hair was growing very fast but I cut out henna completely a year ago because of the drastic change to my texture. I do henna glosses once in while now & my hair thanks me but i'm oh so inconsistant...

I stopped henna too because honestly, I think it did my hair more harm than good. I really dont like the texture of my hair now and it is a constant effort to keep my hair moisturized..combine that with being lazy and not doing enough conditioning, I am on the road to getting my hair back the way I like it.
I'm a thin haired lady :-)

I believe I have made it to APL stretched. I need to check my hair tomorrow because I'm challenging myself to keep my hands out of my hair for 7 days.

My hair is so thin. I try not to flat iron because it looks so flat. Renea my hair is thin due to braids too. It's healing but my mother has fine hair so maybe it's genetic.

Kooskoo my hair looks EXACTLY like your siggy pic when I straighten. I'm natural too. Maybe you're my hair twin???
hey kooskoos, and natstar -

my hair does the same :spinning:... the nape is long, the front and middle are not... i wonder what causes the differences?
my hair is different textures - my crown is 4a, but my entire edge (all the way around) is 4b.

i wish it would grow in even... the top and front are soooo different from the back. i have to deal with 2 textures and 2 different types of hair. i'm confused.
hey kooskoos, and natstar -

my hair does the same :spinning:... the nape is long, the front and middle are not... i wonder what causes the differences?
my hair is different textures - my crown is 4a, but my entire edge (all the way around) is 4b.

i wish it would grow in even... the top and front are soooo different from the back. i have to deal with 2 textures and 2 different types of hair. i'm confused.

try dealing with three. :nono:. my nape is almost silky and NEVER actually needs to be relaxed, i just do it so all my hair gets equal damage. lol :lachen:

My crown. . .bless it's heart. It's so dry and brittle and doesn't take relaxers well at all, I need extra double super strength
The remainder of my hair is half way in between.
try dealing with three. :nono:. my nape is almost silky and NEVER actually needs to be relaxed, i just do it so all my hair gets equal damage. lol :lachen:

My crown. . .bless it's heart. It's so dry and brittle and doesn't take relaxers well at all, I need extra double super strength
The remainder of my hair is half way in between.

yeaaa! we'll be confused together! :lachen:

i wish i could help you... but i can't even help myself. LOL
There are quite a few ladies here on the forum with thin/fine hair including myself. :yep:

There is a Fine/Thin Support Group thread around here somewhere. :look: