Is it possible to have THICK but FINE hair??


New Member
I'm still confused! :perplexed

I have always known that my hair is very I never considered my hair fine...

I always thought that FINE hair was not thick and was a really loose texture 1-2a.

But after being on the hair boards and reading, I'm wondering if I have fine hair.

My hair is thick and curly 3c-4a, BUT my strands are thin, soft...and it's just thousands of them that clump into different sized curls. I hope i'm making sense! :rolleyes:
i know exactly what you mean i have soo much hair but my strands themselves are very thin when i have shed hair i can barely see it
My mom told me this before about my hair and I never understood what she meant. Whenever I have my hair braided the stylists say's you really have alot of hair, but my mom say's it's a fine texture I just have alot of it???:look:
Yes. Fine describes the individual hair strands. Thick is usually a term for density. So you have fine hair with medium to high density.
Yes. Fine describes the individual hair strands. Thick is usually a term for density. So you have fine hair with medium to high density.

Yep, what she said. I too have very fine strands. But I have billions of them:grin:
My hair is fine and dense ( I have always said dense instead of thick).
You've already been answered but here's another "yes, it is possible". I have fine hair, yet quite a lot of it. I was once confused about it, too.
Thanks for all the responses! This is a great thing for me knowing this because now I "kinda-sorta" :lachen: know which direction to go terms of haircare.

So do you ladies do things to your hair, based on "Fine Hair", or "Thick/Coarse Hair"??

I'm thinking at this point, I should do things based on having fine hair, but I just want to make sure...
I know someone like that. She has long (almost BSL) hair, and it's very thick, but even a stylist said she has fine hair...I was like "what?". Her hair was soo thick and full; but it was actually fine...go figures. :lachen:
My hair is the same way as well The first comment I will get is usally about my hair looking thick, but once you feel it you can tell it is super fine.
Thanks for all the responses! This is a great thing for me knowing this because now I "kinda-sorta" :lachen: know which direction to go terms of haircare.

So do you ladies do things to your hair, based on "Fine Hair", or "Thick/Coarse Hair"??

I'm thinking at this point, I should do things based on having fine hair, but I just want to make sure...

Honestly whatever you are doing it's working, so I wouldn't change a thing!!
To answer your question, I definately don't go for products for course hair because they just weigh my hair down.
When my hair is dry and shrunken, it's super dense and thick. But when it's wet, it hangs heavy and is nearly straight.
I have fine strands too and a gazillion of them.
Honestly whatever you are doing it's working, so I wouldn't change a thing!!
To answer your question, I definately don't go for products for course hair because they just weigh my hair down.

Thanks!!! but girl TRUST!!! My hair is bipolar and has been STUCK at BSL for Years now!!!
My hair always has splits it seems like! :nono: I'm trying every trick in the book to get them to stay away!

What comb are you using? I heard that plastic combs causes splits; and bone combs prevents them. That's the reason why I bought a bone comb. It is more gentle on my scalp; and it's easier on my hair as well.

Maybe you can try that!
My hair is like this. My individual strands are very fine and when I hold it up to the light you can barely see it. But when you look at my hair it looks dense and thick.
What comb are you using? I heard that plastic combs causes splits; and bone combs prevents them. That's the reason why I bought a bone comb. It is more gentle on my scalp; and it's easier on my hair as well.

Maybe you can try that!

I don't use a comb at all! :ohwell: :lachen:

I use a denman brush while I comb through condish in my hair and that's it. And I only detangle every couple of days.

I may need to look into that bone comb though....
I don't use a comb at all! :ohwell: :lachen:

I use a denman brush while I comb through condish in my hair and that's it. And I only detangle every couple of days.

I may need to look into that bone comb though....

I hear ya. I have a Denman as well, but there's nothing like combing for me. But to each it's own. If you try it, I hope you like it.

You can order them on ebay from Hairsense. She sells them cheaper on ebay than her own site. :look:
yes I have extremely fine thin hair but I have lots of strands and my hair is curly so its looks very thick but when I straighten it I can use the smallest ponytail holdes to put it up.
Another one here. The braiding women were always like, "Sheesh your hair is too thick." But any individual strand is much thinner than a piece of thread.

I can't seem to get rid of breakage, either. But I'm starting to wonder if it's not about moisture or protein, but rather rough handling. Seems like almost anything is enough to cause a strand or two to snap.
Fine, thick hair checking in!

Are you using heat at all? Heat, friction and lack of protein is the only thing that gives me splits/breakage.

Friction = on a cotton pillow, with a hair ornament, etc.